Member when it was uncool to be a pothead, my how times have changed.


It's a cheap scent.


And kinda skunky too.




Very skunky!

And it's NOT good for your health. Please see my response to Padeen,
and the article attached to it.



This is my first 420 since I quit. I celebrated for the last 12 years at least, so it's on my mind, but no big loss really. Smoke 'em if you got 'em, today I just don't.


Mr. Mackey is correct when he says "Drugs are bad, mmmkay?" I know it's probably un cool to say that, but it's the truth.
Please see my response to Padeen, and the article attached to my response.

Meanwhile, I have no problem with your smoking it, but I just wanted to point out the bad health effects.



The DEA was forced into removing false information on marijuana from their website. There are so many studies out there that are finally proving this.. I eat a plant based vegan diet, exercise everyday and am in excellent health. I would not put something into my body that would hurt me seriously in the long run.


And in case anyone wants to know why weed was really made illegal, its all based on racism towards Mexican Immigrants



We could both go on digging up sources, but obviously neither of us is going to believe the other person or his sources. I certainly don't believe yours, because I'm convinced smoking anything is bad for your health. You could dig up a hundred sources, and not shake this basic belief of mine.

So this debate has become useless, and a waste of time, so I'm putting an end to it. Let's just agree to disagree.

And drugs are bad, mmmkay?



And yet they remain the same. I haven't smoked in ages because I'm looking for work and lots of employers still do pre-employment drug screening.


Since its legal in Colorado, I wonder if they even test for it anymore.


Yes many employers in CO do test, they are allowed to set a standard for employment stricter than the law, and it's another thing to distinguish amongst applicants.


I had no idea they could test for stuff that is legal
Im not sure how i feel about that tbh...


Its kind of a difficult thing because of how long it stays in your system after you stop. I certainly can understand a person not wanting to hire someone who cant control their pot cravings long enough to do an interview but the test don't tell you how long it has actually been. I would be concerned about it if I was hiring because its varies greatly on how a person does on it. Some people are fine, others are not..like drinking its an issue if you cant control the "habit" while working.


Depends on how they test. A urine test will only catch somebody who has smoked in the last month. It's pretty scummy to do a hair test, because somebody who has quit for years could still test positive.


Even a urinalysis can be positive for thc for up to 3 months. Meanwhile alcohol, far more dangerous, is gone within 24 hours.


Agreed. But it should be said that an alcohol related legal offense can be grounds for termination for quite a number of jobs.


Yeah...it is a tricky situation and we all have our 'bad' habits
Your response was reasonable and i thank you for it
Well stated man


And despite what the "cool kids" say, it's bad for you. Please see my response to Padeen and the attached article from the National Institute of Drug Abuse.



...Which is an absurdly partisan source (hardly a "host of sources"). Everyone also feel free to check out that studies I responded with, that have actual scientific evidence in them. And please avoid that Narconon link he attached, as it is run by Scientologists! I think we can all agree Scientology is a cult?

Again, I would like to reiterate that no one has ever died from cannabis consumption, you can't overdose on it and it does not lead to COPD and other diseases like tobacco does.


I rolled up a .7 gram joint of some Pakistani Landrace for tonight. Not as potent as some modern hybrids, but it has an excellent, euphoric stone.

About employers automatically not hiring people who smoke pot, that needs to change. Imagine if they did the same thing with people who drink alcohol? How about we give everyone a chance and judge them on their work performance, not what they do on their off time?


Drugs are bad, mmmkay?



Pot is harmless. No one has ever died from it and you cannot overdose from it. There are plenty of studies out there that show it is not harmful to the lungs in the way tobacco smoke is. It also does not cause COPD.

Opiod deaths are going down in states where it is legalized. That alone should be enough for the feds to stop this ridiculous prohibition.



I hate to burst your bubble, but that is simply not true. As a matter of fact, it's far from the truth. It causes all kinds of health problems, including irritation of the lungs. Think about it logically. ANY smoke is going to irritate your lungs, because they are not meant to handle smoke. But there are way more problems than that:


I don't know where you got your information, but it's faulty. Did you get this from a MJ vendor who wants to profit off of MJ? If so, that's a conflict of interest.

Mr. Mackey is correct when he says "Drugs are bad, mmmkay?" I know I'm being very UN cool, but I'm giving you the truth.



I think you need better sources than a Government run website. They're about as useful as the failed DARE Program. Can I ask you about what health problems your talking about? Why are their no documented cases of Lung Cancer or COPD from Cannabis use? I'm not debating that it can't cause minor lung irritation, but there are no long term consequences like with tobacco. Here are a few of my sources:

Study: Smoking Marijuana Not Linked with Lung Damage

Marijuana cuts lung cancer tumor growth in half, study shows. Source- American Association for Cancer Research

And for a federal source if your so inclined:

Effects of marijuana smoking on the lung.


You young whippersnappers just don't want to hear anything bad about your favorite drug, do you?

Okay, if you don't trust the government, how about a Doctor? According to Michael Greger, MD, and I quote:

"Every year cannabis is estimated to result in 2 million years of healthy life lost to disability."




And if you don't believe the good doctor:




LMAO Narconon!? They are Scientologists! I thought you were smarter than this, MovieMan! How can you honestly still think cannabis is a dangerous drug when there is so much scientific information and facts out there?


I quote from your third source:

"Regular smoking of marijuana by itself causes visible and microscopic injury to the large airways that is consistently associated with the increased likelihood of symptoms of chronic bronchitis that subside after cessation of use."

That sounds like a negative effect on your health to me. Maybe you shouldn't have posted this source.



Reading comprehension, my friend. Reading comprehension. Read the study again, slowly.


I'll admit that there is a fair amount of inaccuracy out there concerning MJ but for the longest time MJ carried a higher degree of tar per ounce versus tobacco. I have not seen any recent studies to the contrary.


There is tar in marijuana, I won't deny that. Scientists are still studying the effects of Marijuana on the lung, however, its generally recognized that the many different Cannabinoids, such as the THC compound may protect users against lung cancer by counteracting the effects of other cancer-causing compounds. The THC in marijuana has well-defined anti-tumorial effects that have been shown to inhibit the growth of a variety of cancers in animal models and tissue culture systems, thus counter-acting the potentially tumorigenic effects of the carcinogens in marijuana smoke. We don;t know for sure, but a very reasonable possibility is that the THC may actually interfere with the development of chronic pulmonary disease."

Cannabinoids and their uses:

At the very least, I think the Fed's reclassify cannabis. It makes no sense to make it so difficult for people to bale to study the plant and it's capabilities.


It's still uncool.


But times are changing. Its still cool and socially acceptable to drink, smoke and vape.


Smoking and vaping are WAY less cool than they used to be. Most places I go people are irritated if someone is doing either, because second hand smoke can harm others.

And MJ is NOT good for your health. Please see my response to Padeen, and the article attached to it.



Amen. Please see my response to Padeen.



Now nine in ten teens at drug clinics are being treated for marijuana use



I don't see what's the big deal about it... Why it's trendy these days to declare one's love for it... I had a couple of illegal puffs this weekend... So what?

A nice drink is far more pleasurable than pot (or whatever the fashionable word for it is these days)... I'd prefer a good cigar to it (Cohiba is delicious), although I am not a smoker. I only ever have a cigar at special occasions (wedding celebrations, etc..) once every year or two..

Sure, it will be nicer when the ban is lifted, but I don't understand why people celebrate smoking pot as some badge of honor... I suppose it is an easy, socially acceptable way of being anti-establishment... A rebellion of conformity, of sorts...

But as to the original post, if by "pothead" we mean someone who is consumed by the habit and is therefore missing out on life then it is still looked down upon and rightfully so... It's the same with legal things like drinks or video games... If the habit of consumption dominates a person's life, then they are generally considered a loser and uncool...


I suspect that a lot of it is anti-establishment or counter-culture related. I agree with the last paragraph and have seen addiction even if only mental addiction take over a person's life.


That makes sense. And just to clarify, I do think addicted people deserve our empathy and support in getting over it.

By loser, I'm not trying to denigrate them, but rather describe a condition, when someone has a self distructive habit.
