MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Hollywood is a cemetary of ideas, but I ...

Hollywood is a cemetary of ideas, but I have one.

How about a Donner Party comedy? Can cannibalism be funny? I sure think so! Would you prefer a leg or a breast?


Pitch it to Seth McFarlane; I'm sure he could do something with it. But it would have to be a movie because a series couldn't sustain the humor over the macabre for any length of time.


Cannibal! The musical...
The South Park guys did it many years ago
It was a pretty fun musical romp
Those guys (Matt and Trey?) know comedy!


As H. L Mencken wrote nearly a century ago, "Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the taste of the American public." But no studio, mogul or publisher will even open, let alone read an unsolicited submission or meeting. They are FAR too vulnerable to frivolous lawsuits from guys claiming "they stole my idea." To pursue this seriously, you need to have an agent represent you, and you have to write a film treatment.

But, first: what makes you think that Hollywood wants original ideas?


Touche, Kane!



Last year I saw Book Of Mormon.
Was laughing the whole way through.
Loved it !!


A movie version of Mormon is supposed to be coming along any time now, been waiting for it.


That would be awesome!


I hope it happens
The tiny NYC theater seats do me no the bar prices!
$15 for a rum and coke?!?
Screw you Winter Garden Theater!


Fifteen bucks better get me a rum and a LINE of coke...


Hear ya!
Im not a coke dude but all friends enjoy it and say its the best of drugs
A rum and a blunt of the skunk would have been sweet for me
Unfortunately, NYC is super lame and the cops are mega-armed and the civies are either bum-ass welfare losers or white middle class crybabies from the 'burbs
Its a f'ing bore in The Big Apple no matter what anyone says
I hate the city
Real shithole...


I'm not actually a fan of coke, but I'll take it if it's there. A hit of bud is far better.

I'll always remember New York the way a friend described it, saying that the entire city smelled like urine.


Yup not a coker myself but dear freinds are big fans no judgies here!
Weed on the other hand is absolutely fantastic...being high on weed and floating with my thoughts and a good album on my turn of times!
Have not indulged in many months sadly
And yes...NYC is expensive, there is NO parking, the cops are paranoid commandos about everything and pretty much everyone is a shithead
I work in NYC...take my word...its a filthy, overpriced crime-ridden toilet burg
No lie


Jelly here
I heard it was great
My sister loved it


I also got to see Evil Dead the Musical.

Paid $150 bucks to sit in the front.
They threw blood and stuff into the first few rows.
Went home with clothes and head covered in blood.
That was a great time.


That sounds awesome!
I hope you brought a poncho


Not that smart. They were actually selling them but went for a T-shirt instead.
That way I would have something cool to keep.

I knew it was coming so I wore some older clothes which was weird going
to the theater like that. Still have the blood stained T.

I love that kind of stuff.
Still a big dumb kid I guess.


I get it
I would have went T as well

And yes..sadly were both big old dummies that way

No regrets


A very funny show. I saw the play a few years back.



Someone beat you to it, although it's a short film. It's also a stage musical.


I think it's an absolutely dumb premise, especially for someone who can't even proofread and edit.


I heard that human flesh tastes like chicken.


Yeah, I'm sure you "heard" it. ;)

Man up croft.
Does it really taste like chicken?
I won't tell.


You can tell to the all world,i won't stop you.I don't recomend to eat it raw, but with some preparations its amazing.


Got it.

Braised calf, finger sandwiches, split toe soup.

Thinly sliced thigh sauteed with potatoes and root vegetables from the garden.
Also known as Bucharest Stew.

Thanks for the tips.


