Trump zealots

I'm out of here. This place is over-run with Right-Wing Nazis who scream and cry over everything that doesn't fit their agenda. They are like the Taliban. Rigid, demanding, no quarter given, ugly.
I can't bother with this any more.

To all those who put up the good fight for what is right, I support you, but I can't take all the lies and hate MMC and pjp keep puking up about some fantasy the Democrats have pulled over the rest of the American public, while the Hard-Right just shafted us up the a@@ with the recent tax plan.

Facetious alert!
You're welcome, the 1%. You're even more welcome the 1% of the 1%. The rest of us will live with indignity and economic tyranny. And we'll have the Republican-driven echo chamber to remind us how better it is versus a Progressive structure that supports teachers and laborers.

They must pay these pricks to spew their propaganda, since I don't know why they would spend their free time supporting racism, inequality, greed, ad nauseum, for no profit.
Except One of them said - this is where the action is - so it's fun to be a provocateur, to stir the pot, Troll, have no point other than to upset people. WELL DONE
Include me Out Of Here.


They're everywhere online, you won't get away from them.

We do have an ignore list here, though.


There is a huge problem with the ignore function in that if you have a person on ignore it removes any other posts that surround that person too.It would be better if it worked like it did on IMDb.


Huh, that's weird. I hadn't tried it yet but I might have to test it to see exactly what you mean.


You know I'm there for you buddy, fire it up!


If only you two had been able to ignore one another...

In an episode of Quantum Leap,Ziggy says that there is a 90% chance that IMDb would have kept the message boards if you two had never crossed paths.


Dean Stockwell>Roddy McDowell!

I know my leaping!


A lot of time I just ignore people who reply to trolls because they are also part of the problem. I am getting pretty merciless with ignore now ... because there are just so many idiots. They want us to think the vast majority of Americans are like that, I think they are fake, and scared too.


Brux, you are actually part of this problem.


i think the non-right-wing wackos have to start to get together and find out who is who and how they find out about certain boards and show up and start insulting. it is all over the internet and i think many of them are fake ... called sock puppets. Watch the last season of Homeland for an idea.


First of all snept, only the Nazis were Nazis. Calling anyone else a Nazi just makes you sound like a fool.

Second, you lost, we won, stop whining and crying like a little girl, and get over it, Buttercup.

Third, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, and have a really miserable life!



"scream and cry over everything that doesn't fit their agenda", hmm, where have I heard that before?

Oh yeah, now I remember, CNN, MSNBC, the hags at The View, etc.

Well I hope snept is off to find his "safe space" with a blanket and cookies, maybe a therapy dog. Sounds like he needs one. If I was that thin skinned, every time a lefty swore and insulted me here or back on the IMDB site, I would have been gone.

Funny how some lefties are so thin skinned they only notice when the "other side" is mean to them.
Not that their side is ever mean! From the moment Trump entered the race, his wife and family were attacked. On IMDB , at The View site, not a day passed without someone starting a thread trashing Melania, Ivanka, insinuating Trump slept with his daughter, feeling glee over Ivanka's supposed business setbacks, etc.

And SINCE election day, let's see

A screaming pink pussy hat parade of hatred with mentally disturbed Ashley Judd doing her "performance art".
Madonna threatening to blow up the White House.
A gang of Hollywood halfwits (Mike Farrell, Debra Messing, etc) making a video advising the electors to "vote for someone else."

A seriously stoned sounding Johnny Depp asking an equally stoned crowd, "When was the last time an actor killed a President?"

Kathy Griffith holding a bloody fake Trump "head" and saying she is a comedian!

The screaming, screeching crowds that gathered on Inauguration day. Though some of those scenes are hilarious. I like to watch them on youtube for the laughs.

Obama's inauguration day was no fun for me. His promise to "fundamentally change America" that he got from "Dreams of My (Marxist) Father" scared me.
Did I scream, cry, protest, make threats? No I kept the TV off all day and took my dog for a loooong walk. Much better for my mental health.


Outstanding reply, PJ! You are the WOMAN!

And snepts is a pussy and a pathetic snowflake. And those are his/her good qualities.



@ pjpurple
They have the nerve to call Trump supporters NAZIs! These are the ones who are shutting down conservative speakers; these are the ones who scream “Free Speech”! That is until someone says something they don’t like. Then the rioting, looting, burning, destroying businesses begin. They do so without compunction because they know they won’t be held accountable. These thugs are the new “brown shirts” more akin to NAZI beliefs. Or Fascism. It’s so easy to label conservatives NAZIs, to throw that tag at Trump and his supporters. Odd thing though, conservatives are the antithesis of Nazism due to Nazism being the National-Socialist Party. The last I checked conservatives weren’t Socialists!


So very true! There haven't been any consequences for them. Those bastions of "free speech" like Berkley riot if a conservative speaker like Ben Shapiro is invited on campus.
But the Nazi label goes back further than Trump. Remember the signs of Bush 43 depicted as Hitler?

Remember the novel published back in 2007, "The Assassination of George W. Bush"? Or the British docudrama about the same subject?

I don't see a whole lotta love and acceptance coming from the left.

As far as voicing an opinion here, well if folks like snepts are too traumatized by what I post, don't read what I write! A person does have that option. There are some people whose posts bother me, I just avoid them when I see their name. They have a right to their opinions and I have a right to not read them.
It's a little thing called "personal responsibility", a foreign concept to a lot of people!


The term 'Nazis" has been way overused, especially nowadays, I think. It's been used as a means of comparing too many groups of people to them. I admittedly am not a Trump supporter, but I don't buy into the anology of them as Nazis, and Trump as Hitler. Granted, Trump has whipped up the crowds, and so did Hitler, but then again, many governments who aren't Nazis did that, as well.

As harsh as the Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories (i. e. West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem), with their settlers policy, their demolishing of Palestinians' homes, and the rough, ugly treatment of innocent Palestinian Civilians, I also don't buy into the analogy of comparing the Israelis to the Nazis in that regard.

I'll also add that the comparison of Israel to Nazi Germany in that respect is tantamount to the "Israel, right or wrong" position; they're both extreme positions. Imo, the people who take such extreme positions are not doing themselves any good, nor are they doing Israel any good, either. This is not to say that the Israeli Government shouldn't be taken to task and their policies towards the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories condemned, because they should, but more people should definitely be careful not to take the kind of extreme positions that I've described above.


There are definitely some real Nazis (or wannabe Nazis -- I suspect the real Nazis would have killed these losers off before anyone else) who support Trump, but it's a tiny number. Just like there are real Communists who support the Democrats. Each party looks to the extreme fringes of their opposition and then tries to paint everyone with that brush.


You've made some good points, TexasJack, and you're more than likely correct when you say that the extremists, regardless of their political/social bend(s) are a minority. Unfortunately, however, extremists don't have to be in the majority to present a problem.

Often enough, when enough people feel disenfranchised, desperate, deliberately ignored and/or overlooked, or have lost hope, the more radical, extreme elements in their flanks are allowed to take center stage.


As opposed to left-wing Nazis? Prithee, elaborate.


Let me hold the door open for you ☺️


Seems like you're doing pretty much the same thing...
