
Soup is so good. We don't enjoy soup enough. As an appetizer, I LOVE a tomato soup with oyster crackers. As a supplement to an entree, I love a Pasta Fagiol or a Chicken Ministrone soup. Soup can be a supplement. Soup can, with bread and salad, and perhaps a nice hunk of cheese, like my favorite, Jarlesbeg, be a meal. What do you like for soups?

I do NOT prefer abbreviated, canned, iterations of soup, e.g., anything from
Campbell. Far too
much salt.
Home-made soups, with natural ingredients and a chef's defeft hand, nourish our soul and body, and keep out stomach clear. Soup: the forgotten food form.


I make a lentil soup that several folks remarked that the Soup Nazi (Seinfeld episode) himself would be proud of. It's more of a lentil stew really and it's not vegetarian by any means, but that soup, some Italian bread and butter and a nice red wine makes an unbelievable dinner.


Thank you for reminding me of the Soup Nazi, one of the best memories of that show. And that does sound like a wonderful dinner, especially in cold weather. Perhaps with a salad, for roughage and balance? I've a Macrobiotic Yoginni ex-girlfriend who taught me the importance of harmony and balance in nutrition. As a martial arts instructor, I taught her the importance of harmony and balance in the aggressively physical. We both profited.

Lentil soup! (Homer Simpson voice) Ummmm . . . !

OT If you are ever in a restaurant that offers homemade red pepper hummus as a condiment option, and you are in the mood for a cheeseburger, do it! Forget the ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce and/or mayonnaise. Do the hummus. As some of you know, I pick up my food at a hole-in-the-wall sammich shop owned by a former chef from The Four Seasons Hotel where everything is homemade. Among the Healthy Advice on their menu is to ask for the red pepper hummus instead of mayonnaise on your dish. Tonight I took that advice on my 2-pound cheeseburger sub with American cheese, and grilled tomatoes and beer-battered crispy onions, and I'm never going back to ketchup or mayonnaise again. The taste of the pepper kick is layered, the texture of the hummus is far deeper and richer than ketchup or mustard, the volume of the hummus rivals that of the cheese--complementing and combining with it, not competing with it. Using homemade hummus as the condiment on a cheeseburger is, I promise you, a revelation.

Plus, combined it with homemade shredded roast chicken soup with wild rice and carrot chunks the size of my thumb and a combination of homemade Idaho French fries and beer-battered onion rings, FUGIDABOUTIT!

If we must eat, then let us DINE!


We have salad for most meals.

In fact, we do a night called "Pie Pie". This is where a bunch of couples meet at someone's house, each bringing a pizza of their choice from their favorite takeout, sort of a pot luck pizza night. Fortunately, we live in Connecticut which is one of those pizza hotspots (good pizza begats more good pizza). My wife also makes a fabulous home made apple pie; hence the "Pie Pie", but I digress.

In addition, we always bring a huge salad to go along with the pizza and most of it goes.


Pie Pie is a wonderful idea. SO much better than the Little Cesar chain's "Pizza, Pizza" tag line. You are right about the good giving an incentive for making more good. You may know that I live in Greater Boston. Although people think of Boston as being Yankee (Yankish = English) and New England, we also have very significant cultural roots from Ireland and Italy. Take a stroll through Boston's Italian North End neighborhood, and you will see what I mean, as I imagine you know, strntz!

Salad (with a wonderful dressing, e.g., balsamic vinaigrette) is MUST with pizza, to make it an actual meal, along with either a cola soft drink, or an amusing Italian red wine, like Lambrusco or Valpollicella.

Apple pie is the cherry atop this cake!


Apple pie is the cherry atop this cake!

If you're into making your own pies, may I suggest Granny Smith apples? They have a very firm flesh that doesn't turn to applesauce in the pie (assuming firm apples with a bit of tooth is your preference - it's ours) and the tart flavor melds well with the sugar and cinnamon that makes up the filling.


I love soup, especially "Duck Soup"!



Seafood bisque.


I like my mom's homemade soups. Pork, Chicken,'s all good.


I love Amy's vegan tomato soup; it's amazing! Topped with croutons! So good!!!


Vichyssoise! Mmmmmmm. The best soup in the world!



Tomato Cod soup with cucumbers, celery plus


That sounds really good. Does it have chunks of Cod, or shredded Cod? I've not heard of it before.


about 1 inch cubed fresh Atlantic cod.

It is my own recipe, I came up with it by trial and error. Now it is an almost every week staple go to. If you want I'll try to post the entire recipe.

(the big variable - - - whether to add a roux or not, more often than not - with a roux.


French Onion soup at a restaurant. Too tough to make at home.

At home I love Tomato or the chunky turkey pot pie


I want to say that my enthusiasm for food stems not only from my hedonism and quest to survive and thrive, but, more important, from my conviction that food is one way to express love. Cooking for oneself is boring and drudgery. Cooking for those whom we love--not just the mechanics of chopping, peeling, cutting, rolling, etc., but also of planning, envisioning, and rejoicing in our loved ones' enjoyment and nourishment--is, in my view, both spiritual and priceless, and worth EVERY effort. I believe that "to break bread" with those you love is, to quote Tony Shaloub's character from Big Night, "to know God."


Plain Onion Soup, or Onion Soup Gratinee? I tend to prefer the former, with very crusty French bread. I find that many restaurants make the Gratinee version with too much cheese, and it becomes too thick for soup. Yes, the Vermouth in the Gratinee rendition is attractive, but I can take the plain-Jane version and add a nice Chetneuf de Pap or even Beaujolais Village and get a better result.

I like the Onion Soup
that I just described to be followed by snails in garlic butter, and a simple green salad dressed in olive oil and red vinagre.
