MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movies they couldnt make today...

Movies they couldnt make today...

Yours could be very popular, a cult classic or an all time legend...or anything that suits your tastes really...
Blazing Saddles for me ( the racial humor was hilarious and made asses out of the racists...Nobody greenlights that sort of thing today...its not PG13...)


Ghost Dad.


T'was a brilliant film...and most family friendly
What on Earth could be troubling about that classic???


I believe the chap who played the titular character has claims of drug induced sedation with a means to sexual assault those who couldn't see what he was up to.

All claims at this point but it has been shown that he did have sexual intercourse outside of his married life to his wife and had quaaludes about his person at times and so enough suspicion is placed upon him acting like a hypnotic spirit who abused their position of not being fully noticed for their actions - much like his character has an angle on within the movie.


Ian Bannen...ill never believe it...never!!!
Nice try 'Reality...'


Oh, I've loads more if you want to hear about them.

Each a little different too, but it might have to wait because it seems the sun is going down here...


Share...why so shy?
Were in a safe place;)


The Man Without a Face couldn't be remade with its current cast either.

A wonderful film of its time and the opening to many more from the same production company, but alas, it wouldn't be seen through the same pre-millennial eyes and would be seen as the monster his old community see him as for all.


But that one is pretty much a mundane drama...if you mean Mel thats another matter (open for debate...)
I mean movies that in the current climate would throw civilization into chaos...get your head out of your ass Reality;)
PS: I love Mel despite his asshole behavior and continue to love most of his stuff...hope he gets his head right cuz hes very gifted


I agree Mel is very gifted and am willing to suggest that anyone with an attitude towards him look at his art as something worth having.

Back onto something which couldn't or wouldn't be made today in the same spirit it was...Network (1976).

No way would fake news let someone pointing out fake news in a Trump/Brexit era be promoted as a worthwhile pursuit.


Not sure i agree but food for thought!


You're welcome!

Also The Bishop's Wife couldn't be remade as it was originally as it had no people of colour in it.

I know it was remade as The Preacher's Wife but it wasn't the same film in any way and I don't think that was down to any of the actors.


Fair enough


Soul Man (1986)
The Party (1968)


Two good ones...
Anything with race humor is a major speedbump
Unless all the white folks are portrayed as flawed assholes its pretty much a non-starter
Especially if whitey writes it...


Pretty Baby


Ugh...great (and kinda gross) example!
Still kinda shocked they made that one


I thought of this one, even though I haven't actually ever seen it. I don't think I will either. Strange they ever made that movie.


It tried to tell a possibly intresting story in a very salacious/sorta pervy manner...a shitty script badly missed nothing


thanks, i'm glad cause i'm not going to watch it..


Cannibal Holocaust (1980)


Perfect example how!
Love ALL the Italian Cannies...this was one of the top most disturbing ones!
Look at how long Eli Roth needed to wait for distribution (his was a pretty lousy but very recent cannibal tale )for Green Inferno
Speaking of gut-wrenching horror Im STILL shocked that Rob Zombie could do Devils Rejects...that was a while ago but still...


Song of the South

Call Me Bwana


Inspired choices!
Might i add Mandingo?


I see your Mandingo and raise you a Foxy Brown.


Ah of the Foxy-est
How did i forget dear Pam??


This just hit me: Gone With the Wind. Can you believe we could not make one of the greatest movies of all time today?

And I don't mean the Clickbait version "of all time;" I mean of all time.


Yeah...the maid right?
Didnt she get an Oscar nom for that?
But yeah, that wouldnt fly now...
Although Ride With the Devil was a great representation of the American South following their defeat ( racist language and attitudes from the principal cast made it seem very realistic)
Not that old but they lack the balls to make it now...


Pinky (1949) - Jeanne Crain played a light skinned black woman


Well now you got me there buddy...never heard of it lol !
Leave it to you to stump me in my own thread you pain in the ass !!


Jeanne Crain who is whiter than I am plays a black woman who moves to New York to work as a nurse. She falls in love with a white doctor who thinks she's white. Then she returns to the south where everyone treats her as black. The doctor follows her to the south and finds out she is black. What a mess.

its on youtube


As always you are most gracious for providing some information
Hmm...sounds sad...
Any kung fu or car chases?
If so, im all in!!


I think PINKY would get made fact, it might make a good remake candidate. It has history, conflict, family, etc.

To my thinking, the issue is more that in 1949 a very WHITE actress played the part. Today the issue would be "Why are you taking the role of a biracial lead away from a black or biracial performer and giving it to a white star, AGAIN?!"




Halle Berry would have been perfect for the role.


This was one of my mom's favorite movies...she was thrilled when I could download it and play it on a big home entertainment screen. With popcorn. She hadn't seen it in decades!


its on youtube


Heathers (such a classic, too!)


Good example
High School sex, suicide humor, 'gay' jokes, funny psycho teens...this couldnt be made now
Too bad


And trying to bomb a high school


It kind of sucks that they have to avoid certain scenarios these days due to public 'sensitivity' and world affairs...
Makes me wonder how they made Dr Strangelove when they did...


I was go8ng to put this movie as well. Gun in school. Shooting blanks at the bully kids. Never happen today.


True...if a kid even says the word 'bully' at school every parent gets called in and theres a meeting to make sure were all in a 'safe place' and 'assume best intentions' and so much more nonsense...




Thats a fine example...religious humor, drug jokes, gay stereotype character...very hard to do now
The world has become very serious (and boring)
Great movie


A lot of racial stereotypes too.

I saw this in the theater. I was pretty young. At that time I thought it was
the funniest thing I'd ever scene. Even though I didn't get all the jokes until I was older.


The scene with the two black guys on the plane with their unintelligible 'jive talk' is one of the best spoofs ever !


Literally lol'ing right now!
brilliant or stupid comedy i dont know...but perfect anyway!


It also had some great sight gags, such as the one with one of the pilots in the airport browsing through a magazine, while in the background , a sign over the rack was highlighting " Whacking Off Material. " 😆


Such a classic


Just plain, abandoned, irreverent fun.


To put it over the top June Cleaver was talking jive. Brilliant.


Saw it young too and 'swoosh' much of it right over my head...
Seen it uncountable times since and id put in my top comedies for sure


Then there are movies that could be made today, but that would require a different title.

Get Shorty: insulting to vertically-challenged people

Hook (not that it should have been made at all): insulting to amputees

Sleeping Beauty: insulting to beautiful women afflicted with narcolepsy

Snow White: why the hell not Snow Black??

Big: insensitive to guys with a small penis


Well said all around old chum!
I might add Aliens... I mean why cant they just come here for our jobs..?


Reminds me of Bill Paxton's line in that movie, where he motions toward his fellow Marine, Vasquez, and says, "She signed up for this because she thought they said ILLEGAL aliens!"


