MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Encores- Yea or Nay

Encores- Yea or Nay

Been to hundreds of concerts. I used to love the encore.
Not so much now. Especially the double encore. Hate the double encore.

What's the point other than them wanting more applause.
Would anybody object to them just playing 2 or 3 more songs and end the concert.
Last night the group just got up and walked off without even going through the motions.
They didn't try to pretend that they were done. Just left the stage and came back
a few minutes later.

Should encores be banned ?



Do you think Bonham, Hendrix, Morrison and Keith Moon took bathroom breaks?

No they stewed in it. The show must go on. Nothing more important than the music.



Did you ever think that these musicians were drawn to the facilities because they just played through it.
What ever happened happened on stage. They kept going there because they never got to go while
they were playing.

What do think would have happened at Alamont if Keith Richard said to stop the show
because he needed a doodoo break ?



That's perfect. The Hell's Angels would be so proud.

Mick was notorious for hogging the bathroom and also for groundhogging strangely enough.



That's much tamer than what I would have expected.
If he was prairiedogging too then more power to him.
I'm not calling him on it.

I really don't want to know how you got this picture so quickly.



I love that there's two rolls and the one furthest away is used more.
I feel that the floor is heated too.
Two rolls= Class.
Class all the way.



To be expected.

I'm thinking ingredients for Richards famous Nuclear waste.
cartons of cigarettes, some of Willie’s Reserve, extra rolls, maybe some S5,
matches, whiskey and a book of nursery rhymes which includes
Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.
Am I close ?







Don't you know promises were never meant to keep?
Just like the night, they dissolve off in sleep




Pleased to meet you
I've guessed your name,
It's not puzzling me
It's the nature of your game



Yeah, I get it.
I can't get no satisfaction.

Tell me about it.


I wanna go home already...



I'm already thinking of an escape route and about all that traffic.


'Oh God the traffic in the parking lot, the drive home, shit i didnt leave a few lights on, did i feed my pets...'
Yeah im just happier at home:)


I love the concerts. Just not all that fake stuff.

The double encore is the worst.
They come back once. Then they leave. Is it over ?

The lights don't come on so it's not over. What if somebody forgot to turn on the lights.
Then we're all standing around like idiots.
What if somebody accidentally turned the lights on. Then we leave and miss 1 or 2 more songs.
It's all just uncomfortable and unnecessary.


It's been a long time since I've been to a concert, but I would be disappointed without a double encore.


Its been a long time since i rock n rolled...sorry...


Almost 50 concerts this year.
All with encores.
It's not needed. They're overrated.
Too much drama involved with the encore.


Wow! 50 concerts? That's incredible. I love music but I never listen anymore. I've been to one concert this year. Pathetic. When I'm there I'm always thinking "Why don't I do this more often?" I'm totally with you on dropping the encore. Completely unnecessary.


Thank you for that dmack.

I just don't see the point to an encore anymore either.

"Without music, life would be a mistake.”
Do something about this. ;)


Real encores are fine. It's the fake ones that should be forever banned.


How can you tell?

Aren't all encores planned?
I've maybe seen one encore that wasn't planned.
But who knows, maybe it was part of the plan.


Could all be a plot against concert-goers. A plot devised by bands, their managers and PR folk, and of course aliens are somehow involved.


This is exactly what I'm saying.

Of course Aliens are always involved.
Aliens are always involved.


You know what they say, if aliens are involved, the Illuminati isn't far behind.


The Illuminati were there way before aliens.
HAARP proves this.


AARP proves it's the other way around. Sorry.



I hate all those mailings.
Not that I get them but some older people do.
So I've heard.


I've heard the same thing, so it must be true.



Hey Dazed. You know, hanging in. Thanks for asking.



Thanks, Dazed.

I have to move, no matter what. My lease is up November 15th. But I'm staying local for at least a few more months until I can figure out where I want to live permanently. I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear I still have a bad taste in my mouth about N. Carolina. Haven't entirely ruled it out, but when I think of it, my response is "Ugh." The place itself I liked, but enough to move there? Still ugh.



Yeah, bad memories. It's nice to be back a little bit, even if I can't post much. Remember before I left you said I should stay home and post here? Little did you know how right you were!

A few weeks, yes. Not a lot of time to find a new place to rent, but it can be done.



Thank you again, Dazed. Here's to balance being restored soon *clinks glasses*


I'm not sure. I think it depends on who is preforming. I don't expect an encore..... BUT I certainly don't expect a rude end to the night's fun either.
Every concert I have ever been to has been a great experience. The singer or the band has participated in the fun. They have all interacted with the audience.
Who did you see last night?


I don't think no encore is rude.
If people know it's the end of the concert then they will be fine with it.

It's the whole production. Times have changed.
I just think we don't need the encore anymore.

I've seen a few dud concerts. Mostly because the performers were too drunk or high to accomplish
anything. Most of mine have been awesome. The concert last night was a great concert.
Almost 3 hrs. The first half was acoustic. The second half they went full blown.

If you're going to do the encore thing then do it the right way. Take your bows, throw your guitar
pics and drumsticks then come back. Don't just get up and leave then come back and do us a favor.

I saw Deer Tick.


I never expect an encore either.
HA! If there was one, I never noticed! Maybe I was too high or too enthralled to notice it if we did get an encore!


"Maybe I was too high or too enthralled to notice it if we did get an encore"

Now you're talking my language.


They are all planned beforehand, if you are in the front you can see the setlist taped on the floor and it lists the encores. It helps to not think of them as encores. Think of them as "the drummer needs to take a piss and the singer wants to change their shirt".
You can't blame someone for needing a pee break or a bong hit.


How can you plan a pee break?
You couldn't hold it for one more song?

It's all fantasy.
Hold it and keep the same shirt. Nobody cares.
Bong hit is totally understandable. Just do it on stage. You're not fooling anybody.
Just play your songs and forget about the encore.
Nobody is buying it anymore.


If double encores are fake, then we need a third one so that we are sure it's the REAL encore!


You're killing me ak. 3 encores?

No more encores.
There is no such thing as a real encore.
Not anymore.


you can't vomit on stage, it'll just gross fans out


This is part of the problem.

Vomit is part of rock and roll.
Puke and people would jump on stage and roll around in it.
Now everybody is grossed out and offended.
This isn't rock.

Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll and vomit.
This is what it was always meant to be.

No encores.


I think it's a good idea to roll around in puke, that way when you get arrested for drugs, the cops will let you go, wheeew!!!!!


" I think it's a good idea to roll around in puke"

You and I will get along famously.


lol, hey, ya never know


I think encore should probably be based on crowd reaction, if the crowd is particularly excited sure why not pop out for just one more tune. But if its just a planned thing no I don't think they should do an encore. I don't usually have to worry since the wife and I hate have to squeeze out with a lot of people we generally leave before any such encore...generally around the time the band is trying out new material :)


I think that's how it originally started. All based on crowd reaction.

When did it become scripted into the show? When was it just expected?


I think its a thing that just creeps its way in there after years of doing it. The shows become routine rather than unique experiences. When this happens depends on the artist.
