MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Encores- Yea or Nay

Encores- Yea or Nay

Been to hundreds of concerts. I used to love the encore.
Not so much now. Especially the double encore. Hate the double encore.

What's the point other than them wanting more applause.
Would anybody object to them just playing 2 or 3 more songs and end the concert.
Last night the group just got up and walked off without even going through the motions.
They didn't try to pretend that they were done. Just left the stage and came back
a few minutes later.

Should encores be banned ?


I don't go to concerts.


Don't like them?


Too much people...and if i want to listen or see a concert,there's always the internet.



I wonder how many bands had a scripted encore but never came out because the
crowd just left.



That's true.

Sometimes the opening band is actually just as good or better than the main band.


The anti-encore!


It is kind of like a tradition now I think. No one wants it to be over, so you know after they do those last two songs its over for real. When there is no encore I am disappointed and think "That's it?". Plus they often save the best for last and you get even more pumped up while filling their egos to come back to a begging, cheering crowd. I like to guess which song will be the encore too.

Oh and it someone doesn't like them, they can leave the crowd during the encore, stand at the back to watch and then beat the rush of people to get out of there at the same time. ;)


What if you knew ahead of time there was no encore.
Would that be ok?

They can still save the best for last just don't go through all the drama.


If I knew ahead of time, then yeah that would be okay. I've also been to concerts where you could tell there would be no encore, because they just continued on and did the best two songs or whatever. Then the people that don't leave are annoying, its like give it up, they aren't coming back out.

I get ya.
