MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Things You Do NOT Wanna See In A Movie?

Things You Do NOT Wanna See In A Movie?

Could be something specific, or something general.. I seem to like non-genre movies, or drama at best. I don't care for an aristocratic kind of movie or people with suits.. If a boat plays a role, chances are I won't like it, because too much filler time is the movement, building of, the same typical things.. I know some won't even attempt a movie with animal cruelty... Nudity or vulgar language.

Also for me, after rating over 5,000 movies on IMDB, I've come to know (many years ago) that I prefer a movie before 1980.. It's a matter of time and probability. When I put on a movie, I have the intention of watching it all (unless the first 30 mins stink) and I anticipate it being a great movie.


People being injected with a syringe.


Same -- when I saw "Trainspotting" I had to avert my eyes!


"People being injected with a syringe."

OMG! Yes! I even have to look away when a I'm getting a shot or having blood drawn. It has nothing to do with anything like the sting of the needle or the sight of blood. For me, it's watching a needle going in. I just have a strong aversion to that.







Hey, I believe I already replied to your thread on IMDb2! What I don't really like in my movies are sports or babies. Animals can be cute, but I don't like animal movies. I can live with animal cruelty if it has a point, but I hate when animals die. Nudity and explicit sex are also too often not necessary.


Home invasion. The serious kind, not like Home Alone or The Purge.

When a Stranger Calls freaked me out as a kid. Also, Mom and I were home one night, I was around 10 yo, when someone broke into our house and I had to scare them off so films like Funny Games or Strangers pushes too many buttons.


Wilhelm Scream...I HATE hearing that in a movie, totally ruins it for me.
