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What did you watch this week (27/08-02/09)

Aye Caramba!!

Now that I introduced myself,

The Magnificent seven (2016 DVD) : I prefer the original but Fuqua succeeded in making a quality western picture with fine and defined characters , a solid cinematography and great gun fights. The chemistry and magic of the original is not fully present but the cast was good. Honorable mention to Pratt and D’Onofrio who were the best at their roles IMO. 7/10

THX 1138 (1971 DVD): This is a neat little movie, it’s only 1h28 long and the story is very simple (there’s practically no story, just a guy trying to escape a dystopian world) but it was a fun and, at times, trippy experience. It’s George Lucas’s first feature and it’s well done. It was fun to see Robert Duvall so young. 7/10

Real Time (2008 DVD): ’’ A gripping thriller about a hit man who gives a down-and-out compulsive gambler just one last hour to live.’’ Here is another nice short film, only 1h15mins. It offers solid acting by Jay Baruchel et Randy Quaid. The dialogue may lack a certain punch but it’s easy to enjoy. 6/10

State Of Play (2009 DVD): This was a recommendation from my mother, believe it or not. What whit the actors and the reviews, I gladly bought the DVD for 3$ and cranked it in my DVD player. Boy was I bored! Okay, I’m exaggerating but it did take me three evenings to make it t’ill the end. It actually has a lot of potential, especially with the journalism side of the story, but the element of mystery or tension was at like 15% so all the talk and investigating was not that intriguing to me. One thing I did notice though, this crew had one of the best hairdressers out there. Every character had beautiful hair! Everyone in the cast was good, Russel Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Jeff Daniels, but none of them could make this story exciting enough for me. Slightly below average: 5.5/10

Mr Nice Guy(1997 DVD): This is one of my favorite Jackie Chan movies. I loved it when it came out and I still love it now. The action scenes are clever, impressive and fun. The Story? A lost VHS tape that needs to be found by the bad guys is in the hands of a good guy who rolls with his black female assistant, his Chinese wife and a redheaded Australian reporter. How’s that for a story? Non-stop action entertainment from start to finish. 8/10

Scream (1996 DVD): This was my first rewatch and this time the final twist was not as great as I remembered it to be. It’s still good though. Another thing is, I found the jump scares less annoying then I remembered them to be. So that was a positive change. The way the killer just runs and trip over his victims is funny, all the horror movies connection are fun and it makes for a classic in the genre. 7/10

Ratatouille (2007 DVD): This is a first rewatch too. I dropped my rating a bit because I found the first hour a bit slower this time but the second half keeps a better pace. Overall, a strong and beautiful animated that deserves a place in everyone’s movie collection. 7.5/10

Wassup Rockers (2005 DVD): From writer/director Larry Clark, this came out 10 yrs after Kids and it feels much more amateurish then it should. It follows a group of 7 young Latino skaters during a day in their lives but the dialogues are not strong enough to fill the absence of a story. It went by quickly and the kids were okay but it lacked intensity and ingenuity. If you don’t care about skateboarding, stay away from this one, there is at least 20 mins of skating scenes. 6/10


You watched a lot this week!

I've seen the original Magnificent Seven, didn't know there was a remake. I do like Vincent D’Onofrio.

Been meaning to see THX 1138 for decades. Have heard nothing but good things about it.

Haven't seen any of the others, as usual.

I'll have to go back and review what I've watched. Part of In Cold Blood (1967), but it hardly counts because the quality was so terrible, I couldn't finish it and can't even much count the part I did see. From what I saw, it's a very impressive film, that deserves to be seen in high quality, and with full attention given to it.


Holla Cat!


Hola, SK!

BTW, from what I saw, I'd rate In Cold Blood 9.5/10.


I forgot to add Gaurdians of the Galaxy Vol 2 to my list


Hey-oooo Stone. (Sunny reference) but you knew that.

Mon Oncle-1958-French-Jacques Tati. This is a wonderful film. This is the second time Tati portrays Monsieur Hulot on film.
If your unfamiliar with Hulot he is a cross between Buster Keaton and Mr. Bean. Just a tamer version. A lot of slapstick
and funny moments. Hulot helps out with his nephew. His sister and her husband are modern and have a house full
of gadgets. Some scenes in this were brilliant. -8

After-2012- This movie is intriguing. Two people on a bus get into a crash and wake up in a town with nobody else around.
Part horror, part suspense thriller, part drama, part fantasy. As the film progresses more of the story and how these
two people are connected is revealed. It's not great but I enjoyed it. 6.5-7

Fort Apache-1948-John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Shirley Temple - The first of Ford's cavalry trilogy. Epic western with a
stellar cast. Not my favorite of the trilogy but maybe the best.- 7.5

The Glass Menagarie-1966-Shirley Booth, Hal Holbrook. This was recently rediscovered. It originally aired on CBS
as their first offering of The CBS Playhouse. This is one my favorite Tennessee Williams plays. This one holds its own.
Every time I see Booth I like more and more. She is know for Hazel but should not be forgotten as a terrific dramatic
actress.- 7.5

The Learning Tree-1969- A coming of age story set in the 20's in Kansas. About a black teenager and his being forced
to grow up because of regrettable circumstances. It's a good story but that's an awful lot for one kid to endure in
such a short time.-7

Stone I felt the same about THX and Scream.

Started season 2 of Preacher.
Rewatching Drunk History

Keep up the good work !


which is your favorite of the trilogy ??


My favorite is She Wore a Yellow Ribbon.
To me a perfect combination of story, action and comedy.
I could watch Victor McLaglen in these roles all day long.


I first watched The Learning Tree when it was released and playing at the theater where I worked as a teenager myself at that time. I remember it really impacted me. Earlier this year, I was pleased to stumble onto it again late one night when I couldn't sleep. Naturally, the experience wasn't the same but it got me curious enough to look into its background somewhat. It's actually a groundbreaking film.


This was the first time I had seen it.
I can imagine with what was happening in America at the time this film must have been something to see.
I was actually surprised at a lot of the language considering what year it was.


I did learn enough about it back then to discover its creator Gordon Parks who I became intrigued with because he was so multi-talented. At the time, two of my best friends were black. We had grown up together from grade school.

And then, it so embodied Kansas, beginning with the opening sequence of the prairie and the approaching tornado.


Hard to believe the man who wrote and directed Learning Tree was the same person who directed Shaft.

He seems to have led a remarkable life. A lot of accomplishments.


It's not that hard for me at all. He was the trailblazer for other black filmmakers such as Spike Lee.


I think Gordon Parks was some sort genius. He could do it all: writer, photographer, film director, cinematographer. He did it all well. It's hard for me to watch The Learning Tree. It's so sad in parts. It feels real.



I actually said that to someone this week! It just came out.

Haven't seen those but thanks for the reviews.


Mon Oncle is so funny. The part where he always has to walk on the special little circles when he goes to his sister's modern house just makes me smile thinking about it.


It was really good.
I loved the scene where he poked a hole in the ground and the water from the fountain kept squirting out.
Then the whole party picked up their chairs and the table and walked on those stones all around the yard.
All still carrying on the conversation. Then they ended back at the exact same place they started.


Super fussy! I like how the kids are in on the joke.
It's so silly, isn't it? "Modern conveniences"? At our public library they updated all the copy machines with this super complicated printing system which takes 3x as long and requires everyone to enter tons of info. The old copy machine was too easy! It makes me crazy.


we needed a training session to operate the one where I work - the old one was just fine


If it's like the one I use you have push about 10 buttons just get to the part you want to use.
Then you have to type in names just to find who you want to send something to.
The you have put in your name and password. It has a touch screen but also has a mini keyboard.
This makes no sense to me at all.


yes exactly


"Modern conveniences"
Most of the time there is nothing convenient about it. Like you said a bunch of extra work.
How is that convenient ?

It's like those refrigerators that take a picture of the inside of your fridge and you see it from your phone.
You'll only be able to see what is in front. What about the other stuff?
They say you will save money because you won't stand there with the door open.
By the time I save enough money to cover the cost of this I will need a new fridge.
I would have to open that door 50,000 times to make up for it.
Ridiculous !



Dwam boy, thats some solid movie watchin'.


The Killing - Seasons 1 through 4 (2011 to 2014): finished bingeing:

S1 - 8.5
S2 - 8
S3 - 8.5
S4 - 7

I actually thought the Holder character was more interesting than the lead character Linden. Overall a solid crime drama. Too sappy at the end seemed out of place for the series.

It Comes At Night (2017) - Loved this post apocalyptic film about a family of three holed in an isolated house to avoid getting sick. Another family of three joins them and you can feel the tension. The ending is open to interpretation. Well done. 8/10.

Rememory (2017) - A doctor is able to create a device which can record and play people's memories. The doctor is killed and an investigation is begun. Peter Dinklage stars. There is no mention of his size in this movie. Can Dinklage actually drive a car esp a four wheel drive ??? Am I cruel for asking these questions ??? I think this was Anton Yelchin's last movie. 6.5/10.

The Invisible Guest (2016) - a Spanish murder mystery. A young couple tries to cover up a car accident - a lot of twists and turns and you must pay attention to the subtitles or stop and go back in some areas. 8/10.

Shut In (2016) - Naomi Watts stars as a psychologist who works from her isolated New England home while looking after her severely injured step son. Not as bad as the 4.6 rating - I would give it 7/10.

The Snowtown Murders (2011) - based on an infamous Australian serial killer case where a young man comes under the influence of his mother's boyfriend and commits a series of brutal murders. The movie is slow and disjointed. There is no character development and people seem to come and go without explanation. 6.5/10.


Thanks for the reviews man. Haven't seen any of'em.


My watches this week, in chronological order:

The Thirteenth Floor (1999) 8/10
Cries and Whispers (1972) 10/10
Resident Evil (2002) 7/10
Tell No One (2006) 8/10
The Inglorious Bastards (1978) 7/10
The Protector (2005) 8/10
Chasing Amy (1997) 8/10
Pocketful of Miracles (1961) 6/10
The Owl and the Pussycat (1970) 8/0
And God Created Woman (1988) 8/10
Personal Shopper (2016) 8/10
In the City of Sylvia (2007) 4/10
Poison (1951) 8/10
I Love You Phillip Morris (2009) 8/10
Prom Night (1980) 7/10
Extract (2009) 7/10
The Last House on the Left (2009) 8/10
The Kite (2003) 7/10
Eating Raoul (1982) 8/10


you have an eclectic taste in movies


The Protector (2005) 9/10
Chasing Amy (1997) 7/10
I Love You Phillip Morris (2009) Could not finish
Extract (2009) 6.5/10
The Last House on the Left (2009) dont remember


I've seen both versions of The Last House on the Left. I can remember the original being controversial, creating a stir.


Wow, Allaby, you watched a lot of great movies in one week. I haven't seen Eating Raoul in forever, it's so funny. I really liked Tell No One. I forgot about it. It has an excellent cast.


Just added Tell no one to my watchlist


I think you'll like it. It's a clever mystery.


Thirteenth Floor has been on my list to watch forever. Thanks for rating.


The original Mag7 was so good it's almost sacrilegious to watch a remake but I might give it a try.


I give 8.5 to the original and if I compare both movies, the remake was not even close. But as a stand alone western it's actually very watchable.


The Ten Commandments restored blu ray. Wow they did an amazing job with the restoration. Looks better than a lot of modern blu rays. Details are incredible, the colors are beautiful.
