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Another Forum Shut Down

Stormfront, the oldest neo-Nazi forum on the web, has been shut down by its name provider, Network Solutions, and the domain officially put on hold. The news followed the shutdown of DailyStormer, another supremacist site.

Stormfront began in 1990s as a dial-up BBS and then morphed into a website and forum in about 1995. It has been registered at Network Solutions since 1995.

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Executive Director Kristen Clarke said that her organization took “action against Stormfront.”

Obviously I don't agree with the content of that forum, but what does this say about free speech?


Do we really need to rely on Neo-Nazi's to provide conservative content? And as I stated recently on another thread here you could create a many point "check list" to see how you stack up to someone's ideals on being conservative and the Neo-Nazi's could pull an F in terms of whether they meet the thresh hold or not. It's time for mainstream conservatives to get going to put their own content out and not sit around hoping someone else will do it. I think some have just fallen asleep because they have not been watching the media become increasingly ultra-left.


It was not shut down by the government so it says nothing about free speech.
This is what many people do not understand about the first amendment.
here si the actual text from the US Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]"

Does that say anything about private companies being obligated to allow free speech on their platforms?
Free speech in the constitution is about the GOVERNMENT not limiting speech.
It does not mean you are guaranteed free speech on private property, at a workplace, on this very message board, etc.
Websites are private property, they are hosted and registered on private companies.
Private property rights is one of the pillars this country was built on, and private companies have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason as long as it does not violate any discrimination laws.
Nazis are not a protected group, therefore you can refuse service to them.


Very well said, PK. Hope it enlightened some folks.


Thanks nap

websites are just like a shopping mall or an office building, it's all private property and they can ban anyone they want from their property (as long as it doesn't violate discrimination laws, which are very specific about which groups are protected groups.).
I doubt any true conservatives would want to limit the rights of private property owners.
alt righters might, but they are not true conservatives.


They really need to remove the "any reason" part. It needs to be more "evidenced backed good cause reasoning."


Why don't you get right on that, arvin? Let us know how you make out.



In a similar vein to what another poster said, free speech means that the government can't stop you from saying someone, it doesn't mean that other people have to provide you with a microphone. I'm opposed to hate speech laws but not opposed to service providers deciding what kind of content they want to support. Particularly when they're only weeding out hateful freaks like these guys. I might be a little worried if they started taking off mainstream conservative sites, but Breitbart and sites for Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, or National Review aren't in any threat of being taken off the internet.

If you're conservative (as I suspect the OP is and as I am to an extent) this is how the free market works. If a business decides it's no longer in their interest to have a certain client they'll terminate the relationship. I have no problem with that.


I think places need to NOT BE at-will without evidenced backed reason. The only subject who can terminate the relationship with a business/employee is the little man, the employee. The only time a business can terminate a relationship, at will, is when they are dealing with another business.


"The only subject who can terminate the relationship with a business/employee is the little man, the employee."

Completely wrong. There are several states that have "at will" employment, meaning the employer can let an employee go for any reason at all at any time. The employee can try to fight back or appeal, but it may not accomplish anything.



I will lose no sleep over this




That's what people were saying when IMDb shut down their boards...


If IMDb never shut down we'll never have MovieChat. So we got that going' for us which is nice.


It's called " the silver lining to a dark cloud. "


Only after boards like this went up. Those who were genuinely happy when it happened were a minute minority


Better start utilizing suggestions.

Also, free speech is between citizens and their government. Between two private entities, there is none!


Free speech doesn't mean free from social or economic consequences.
