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What's your go to snack when watching a movie/tv show

Mine are Popcorn or goobers


I pick one show or movie per week to have snacks to, usually something I haven't seen before or my current favorite show. I like Skittles, sweet popcorn, but lately I'm liking kettle chips and a cold Coke. Only once a week though.


Dark pretzels


Is that chocolate pretzel?


No, kind of like darkly baked .


🤔I'll have to try it


LMK how you like them


Nachos, occasionally popcorn.


I don't have a specific go-to snack. Usually just watch while eating whatever meal is up next, which is usually whatever's for dinner. Last night it was Thai food, which was delicious!


Who cooks? You're lucky!


You don't cook? I had to learn, but it's not hard, and is much cheaper, and healthier, than cheap take-out. It's not a matter of luck; you could be equally lucky, if you wanted to :)


No, it seemed like someone else cooks for you. You had stated that it was "whatever was for dinner". I thought you had like a private chef or something.

And unfortunately, I am learning it the hard way. The last four years, after I graduated, I tried to look financially tough doing freelance and eating fast food at least 3x a week. Opportunities were consistent and my flex part time always had a steady flow of money coming in. It did not take me until a job loss hit that really I needed to start saving. No I eat things I buy from the dollar store, while paying down the rest of my debts and these debts amount in the 10 thousands!

So sooner or later, I think everyone hits that realization and we all learn to be good cooks.


Ha! I wish I had a private chef, or someone to cook for me, but no, I'm my own personal chef. Occasionally I enjoy cooking, but not the day-to-day grind type of cooking. Still, financially and health-wise, it beats the hell out of choosing junk food.

I don't buy anything from the local dollar store, except on the rare occasion, and certainly not food. Does yours have food? Ours doesn't. Even so, buying smart at the grocery store will get you a lot further.

Good for you for paying down your debts.


I have not started yet. I am in the attempting stages of what to pay off first. I got into so much debt over last year with 0% credit cards and now I am just beginning the snowball. It may take the rest of this year to pay off.


Popcorn and nonpareils.



Chili peanuts and sparkling water.


Crackers, cheese and grapes, or nachos.


<< What's your go to snack when watching a movie/tv show >>

Big fat C@CK!

(just kidding)

Oh, la la la...I must amuse me little selves. (Plus, I'm watching HARLOTS on hulu.) (I think it's affected my mood.) (I've started to think in cockney dialect, anyway.)
