MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Comparing The American Empire to that of...

Comparing The American Empire to that of Roman Empire

Which Empire do you think will be remembered more after thousands of years? Do you think the Americans have surpassed the romans as the greatest empire of all time? Are they better than the ancient egyptians? or the Persians? Or the british empire? Or the Greek Empire? Do you think the American Empire will last at least a thousand years (founded 1776? 241 yrs old) The Roman Empire (in its various form; i am including republic and byzantine and other forms of it) lasted 2000 years !



To paraphrase Warhol... in the future, even empires will be famous for fifteen minutes


Nah. We don't really have enough cultural/artistic things to make us distinctive. Besides, I'm not quite sure whether I would consider the United States an Empire to begin with. However, I think the continental USA will last for a long time. (Alaska, Hawaii, and the territories I'm more doubtful of)


Ironic to claim we dont have enough "cultural/artistic things" on a site dedicated to discussing some of those things. And who are you giving Hawaii away to? 😀


That's the thing; movies aren't only American. People from all different countries can enjoy them. I suppose Hollywood could be a unique thing, and maybe New York City. But still, the Romans had the gladiator battles, the Egyptians had the pyramids, etc. We have... Mount Rushmore? Paparazzi?

And I just meant that Hawaii and Alaska are more likely to break off than say New York or California. Granted, there was the whole Civil War where the South wanted to separate from the rest of the US, but they lost.


Romans have gladiator battles. Americans have that too. They are called "shootings".


There is are huge differences between those. Please don't joke about shootings.

1. Entertainment purposes, cultural significance
2. Often not to the death (granted there still were deaths)

1. Tragedy; possibly a desperate attempt to get attention, but not likely
2. Many innocent deaths, usually of children/teens


It won't matter, as there'll be few to bother contemplating any of this. Day to day survival will occupy humans thought processes in the future.

Forever there have been nuts who would gladly destroy humanity for whatever reason their pea-sized brains could justify. Back then, they were called nuts. Many of them managed to cause lots of mayhem but extinction of the human race was beyond them.

Today we are living in a world where a few nuts (Baby Kim) will have the power to wreak serious mayhem, and we have a complete society (Muslims) whose ranks are swelling with nuts who would gladly destroy the world if it meant destroying Israel and every Jew on the planet.

With our disastrous treaty signed recently with Iran, the fundamental Islamists will have the capability of attacking Israel with nukes.


Why is it always about Israel and jews? They are supposed to be insignificant Semitic people. This discussion has nothing to do with jewish civilization.


"... supposed to be insignificant Semitic people. "

A telling comment which reinforces strntz's point.


Look, dude. This thread is about great civilizations. Mentioning the jewish people would be like mentioning the pygmies of Africa, or arabs -- they don't factor in the great civilizations


I mentioned Israel in the context of what future civilizations will think of ours, and my answer is there likely won't be civilizations to contemplate any of this. I believe at some point we'll live in a post-nuclear horror that will clump surviving humans into small, perhaps nomadic tribes. As for the rest of your remarks, it shows your philosophy quite clearly.

Okay Dane, you're an anti-Semite. But the fact is whether you like Jews, tolerate Jews, or hate Jews, only a fool would deny that Israel is the only moral democratic civilization in the Middle East. And while no Jewish civilization could be considered "great" by any technological metric, I don't think that's what they ever wanted. Seems to me the Jews have only wanted to be left alone. Despite Israel's capability to wipe out every Muslim in the Middle East for many decades, they don't. They just want to be left alone. If the Muslims had the capability of destroying Israel, they would have. Unfortunately, our treaty with Iran will give them legal means to attempt it.

The Muslims blind and senseless hatred of Christians and (in particular) Jews is going to be the flashpoint of the next holocaust, it this time it *won't* be just the Jews being exterminated. Perhaps it will be the world's punishment for standing by and doing nothing while Jews were tortured and murdered since recorded human history began.


So if i don't consider the jewish civilization to be amongst the greatest civilizations of all time, i am an anti-semite. Okay then.

I guess i am an anti-pygmy racist too. I am also anti-arab then.



At least the Romans got along with each other. In the U.S., no one seems to get along with anyone.


America won't make it three hundred with the bad shape it's been in. If it is remembered more like a reminder of how a great nation fell and a caution tale.


If anyone will take the lesson and learn from it!! America's doom was pretty much predicted by Ben Franklin. Paraphrasing a bit he cautioned that a Republic is almost impossible to keep. Human nature being what it is, he knew eventually people would start voting for money and once the takers out number the givers, the house of cards collapses.


Was Ben Franklin jewish?


Gentile... thanks for playing. We have a crate of Rice-A-Roni (the San Francisco Treat) as a consolation gift for you.


No i think he was jewish. Anyone who hates america and predicts its doom is either a jew or a muslim.



How old is The British Empire?


1496-1997= 500 yrs roughly
