MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Things That Need To Be Added!!! [Thread ...

Things That Need To Be Added!!! [Thread closed]

-Need a way for people to be notified via email about replies.

If there is anything else that could be added, feel free to reply. I am hoping the creator of this site sees this!


agree. we need notification on this site itself like the other sites have done


Jim has stated that they're working on notifications already.

They should also link our profiles to our e-mail account, for notifications and for example solutions to a forgotten password, duplicate accounts etc. But I'm pretty sure these things are already being worked on, this site is still a baby. A baby with great potential.


Yes, we definitely need notification. I'm sure Jim's working on it, he's already been working so hard for us.

Personally, I would also like to have the option to view the threads in flat mode as well. I almost never used nesting on IMDb.


First off, take your time, Jim. You are doing an amazing job, keep it up!
I know your secret... You clearly have an army of time-traveling clones working for you! C; (jk)
Second, be prepared for a long-ass reply. Not all of these need to be implemented, but they'd be nice.

1) Separate section for important things such as updates, bugs, suggestions, etc and/or "stickying" such threads

2) Pages, please, and maybe a "skip to lastest reply" button. It's a bit annoying to scroll down to the bottom of long threads.

3) Ability to see how many replies on posts via profile.

4) Like button for posts/replies. If so, ability to see who liked your posts.

5) Ignore/ block users.

6) Private messaging.

7) Ability to see who's online.

8) Avatars and more personalized profiles. If you don't want people to post their own pictures, you could supply a selection to begin with, maybe "unlock" better ones (see next suggestion)

9) Ranks based on activity. For example, 1 point per reply, 2 points per topic posted, 3 points for each direct reply to one of your posts, etc. Start out as Movie Fan, 50 points could be Cinema Attendant, 100 for Film Affictionado, etc

10) Maybe view count for threads.


ranks is a good idea... there should be many different levels to encourage posting. Also, people need to focus on posting about shows and people more than infrastructure... that's what will attract new users.


We should have listened to this one. The general discussion is everywhere and everything BUT show and people is being typed about!


we need a "got to the top " button


top of the muffin to ya


The handler needs two clean glasses


We have the opposite now, a "jump to the latest" button.



it would be great to link this site to movies that are airing on television or in theaters.

When looking up a movie, if it airs on cable in the next couple of days; it could show up like it did on IMDb with the date, channel, and time.


I'm really just trying to be patient. Jim has already done so, so much. But there's no problem voicing your thoughts and opinions. How else is he supposed to know what we're all really after here?

There are only two things I really want that are fairly pressing for me: better security and private messaging.

Of course all the stuff other people list would be great too, but I'm okay waiting those out more if we have to. The ones above would be nice to have now, I said, my patience is as much as work in progress as this site sometimes :P

You're still the man, Jim!


And we have private messaging now. Woot!


Template that would allow anyone to add any movies and shows not yet added!

This would probably help Jim out. If we each contribute one movie/show that is not here and Jim approves them (based on if they are legit), all the movies/shows will be back to where it was. As another commenter mentioned, Jim was only able to scrap only as much before IMDb removed the message feature. I am not sure if it would have affected the movies/shows IMDb held in their database, however, I am sure, we, the community, could lend a helping hand.


Feature that allows the original poster and responders to be notified of any or all replies to the thread. They can then opt out, if they want to and only receive replies specifically to their comment.

It kind of sucks when you have a question and reply and are never gotten back to or that someone else on that thread could have answered it, but they never see it unless you reply specifically to them.


For the 'eventually' list, one feature I miss is the favorites list.

On the IMDB boards, we could mark the message boards for actors, films, tv series, etc. as favorites and they would be added to a list. When we brought up the list, it would show us the number of posts within each board, and the date and time of the most recent post.

That way, in reviewing my favorites list, I could see which boards had new content since my last visit, and link directly into them.

It was very handy and saved a lot of time. :o)




We really do need a favorite list.




Same here😉
