IMDb = scum

They did not provide any sort of alternative.

The decent thing to do would have been for them to endorse (not economically) a site like

Right now IMDb *should* have a simple message explaining their decision to end the message boards up at least for 1 year, February 20th 2018.

On that same page they should clearly state that they have absolutely no relation with but that it is an alternative to their message boards and help message boards users find an alternative... but no!

They simply decided to 'murder' us.

That's why they are scum and filth... wish they lose millions.


We, the non-IMDb pro users do not get a say. Just like an extra on set is lucky to get minimum wage, a bag lunch, and the title to say he was in that movie. People, who do not contribute financially, get nothing. That is how the film/t.v. industry see us.


Speaking of which, I wonder what happened to the personal and/or financial info of some of the IMDB pro users that chose to leave being that they had to pay for the service. Hopefully, IMDB won't keep their credit card info around.


I would think, the ones that actually want to stay are ones that make a living doing movies and tv shows. I doubt too many middle class people would subscribe to it, as the cost would be a little too steep. I could not see myself paying for more exposure because I could add a profile pic and a resume. Most of the actors/actresses on here make like hundreds of thousands of $ and so $29.99 is like a penny.

For all the unfortunate middle class people that actually think IMDb will give them a big break will probably be forced to stay until their next renewal. Depending on how legitimate IMDb is, it will probably charge their credit cards and there will be a lot of mad aspiring to be crew/actors/actresses.


Yeah I don't think the IMDb pro people wanted to leave. They are the actors, agents and representatives that wanted us out! And IMDb chose them over us because we did not bring them any money. As Arvin said, we are the disposable extras. They will regret it soon.


What is most unforgivable is that those deviant, evil, sly foxes just gave us 10 days, so that we could not organize ourselves to make our voice heard. I hope they rot in hell


Well they did give us ten days to be able to take numbers and emails down. But still, I agree.


I agree! It is unforgivable. Then, to add insult to injury, they closed the boards sooner than they said they would.


Yes... bastards




Thanks to all who complimented my rant, which was one of my finer efforts.


yet tons of links on this site right back to them.

this site helps them by doing that.


yet tons of links on this site right back to them.

this site helps them by doing that.


I'll drink to that. They should consume excrement and die, and go straight to hell!


Are they really closing the message boards for only one year (like a trial run), or were you just simply saying they should put that message up regardless, so as to not get users worked up? Your suggestions are very good by the way.
