MovieChat Forums > Moviefan225

Moviefan225 (255)


Bye, bye Rotten Tomatoes... Wrong profile picture What happened to his face? Bushy bushy eyebrows? ATM: Ang Lee's Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) Movie discussion group. Let's discuss! Amazing. The hype is justified. My review. How would his skills compare to the best actors of today? What did you think of her American accent in Blue Jasmine? View all posts >


As for why Fandango wants to focus on Audience reviews, only people who buy tickets through Fandango can post audience reviews. So it wants to focus on the $$$ and wants to offload critics reviews. Well then when have libs ever BANNED anything? We boycott, just like consies. I thumbs-downed your post. You are nasty R_kane. Very, very nasty. No. It had NOTHING to do with quality. You consies boycotted Budlight because you disagreed with its politics. So to appropriately change your statement: "LMAO. CONSIES ban anything they disagree with". A bigot cannot disqualify himself as a bigot based on his whims. Us rational people get to do so, and I'm sorry, but you do 100% qualify as a discriminator. You bet. Offline, it is the CONSIES who have been doing that. Cue Bud Light. Let THEM do what they want to. It's their life. Mind your own fucking business, you bigot. WE are not forcing our views on you. It's the other way round. You bigots are the ones preventing gender-affirming care to be administered. Let trans people do what they want to. Why are YOU stopping them? Any answers? No, it seems. You lose. View all replies >