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I think the only way for the right to care about gun control is if it starts happening to them

When are the extreme lefties going to go on gun rages? Most of the mass shootings in schools and elsewhere are done by the right adjacent as stats already indicate. The only time the Conservatives felt some fear was that Las Vegas shooting where it was a country music festival. Now that Bump Stocks are legal again... Oh well, that's just my take on it, else it'll just be the same shtick over and over again and more mass shootings. Then again, US is the entertainment hub of violence so whatever the choices it'll still be carnage and entertaining to watch.


Erm....the vast majority of mass shootings are gang violence.

It's not even close.


And since the Right doesn't care about Black lives, they will not allow anything that may decrease gun crimes.


Black people don't care about Black lives...


Blah, blah, blah
Get a new schtick, you are boring


Sorry reality hurts your fee-fees.


There is very little you believe that is not a lie.


The current President doesn't care about Black Lives and so much, he'll tell them straight to their face they're not black unless they vote for him or Democrat!! Now what?? 🤔


You are boring, too. Say something new for a change


Well, I suppose it is boring when you have no rebuttal to it?? 🤔


The topic is guns and crime, not your delusions about Biden's relationship with the Black community.


[–] Information-Police (4377) a day ago
And since the Right doesn't care about Black lives, they will not allow anything that may decrease gun crimes."

Dumbass, this is what YOU replied which is why this whole dumb thread has snowballed out of control, just like the rest of the TDS Threads devoted to our soon to be 47th President in Donald Trump.. You're butthurt and you can't stand it and it bothers you


Actually it's the left who doesn't enforce the laws on the books in the inner cities to keep the gangbangers locked up when they are caught with illegal guns long before the shootings even occur.

The left just suggests adding more laws to their political opponents every time the lefts policies produce horrible outcomes.


Wouldn't classify those as mass shootings. Sure, the reasoning behind them may be dumb as all hell, but there are reasons behind those actions and those bullets generally have a specific target.

When people worry about mass shootings, they worry about the lunatic who walks into a grocery store and fires at randoms just for shits and giggles.


You prove nothing but your own ignorance of the subject.

You think that tranny in Nashville was a conservative?


That's an example of being eaten alive by Mental illness.


They would prefer we just forgot about that one. If pushed, we can blame the Nashville shooting on mental illness but every other is because of conservatives.


No I blame a culture of nihilism.


Well, that too.


So the Transgender shooter in Florida who shot up that school identified as being on the right??? Please stop posting


I think the only way for the right to care about gun control is if it starts happening to them"

Um, we have had it happen to us with that snowflake transgender shooting that school up in Nashville TN. What more do you want?? 🙄


James Hodgkinson, the Bernie Bro who tried to shoot up the Congressional softball practice for Republicans.


I've had a gun pointed at me, twice. Did it alter my beliefs? No. I don't have a weak constitution like you worms.

The "mass shootings" (most are gang violence, statistics are always manipulated) are a symptom of a greater problem. Gun laws won't cure that. The decline of the nuclear family. The decline of personal responsibility. The decline of corporal punishment of children. The decline of actual child rearing by responsible parents. The perpetuation of the victim mentality among minorities.

All of which can be laid at democrats' feet. Of course they blame guns. That means they get to deflect responsibility for the underlying causes, exude more control over the population and demonize their political opposition. You retards are dumb enough to fall for it. Yet, you 'think' you're the smart ones.


> The decline of the nuclear family. The decline of personal responsibility. The decline of corporal punishment of children. The decline of actual child rearing by responsible parents. The perpetuation of the victim mentality among minorities.

All of these things are present, or you would certainly argue, are present in European countries. Yet we don't see mass increases in gun crime here.


This is America. You don't have democrats and you've allowed your governments to disarm you. Very little has changed in Europe in 1000yrs. Do you think the Nazi's would've had such an easy time rolling over nearly every country in Europe had the citizenry been armed? Would Stalin have been able to murder millions of his own people had they been armed? You people always focus on the wrong things.


Right, the point is that gun accessibility obviously does play a role. And yes we do have democrats. Most of Europe is comprised of representative democracies.

>Very little has changed in Europe in 1000yrs.

This is just not true. At all.

>Do you think the Nazi's would've had such an easy time rolling over nearly every country in Europe had the citizenry been armed?

It would have been still quite easy, given how they came into power. The large support and collaboration of much of the population by 1933.

Ironically, if the German population had been armed in the 1920s in Germany - it could've been a lot more perilous.

>Would Stalin have been able to murder millions of his own people had they been armed? You people always focus on the wrong things.

I think in the end, yes, but the point is that by definition dictatorships forcefully disarm their population (amongst many other things) in the first place.


That is exactly why I always say you're too dumb to argue with.


So as usual, no actual answer to any of my replies. You even conceded my original suggestion that the widespread access to guns in the USA is part of the problem in terms of US shootings.


No answer, because you're too dumb to argue with.

Guns aren't the problem. Get rid of the guns, the problem still exists and you've now created a whole slew of new ones.


Except it doesn't because the UK, which has all the social ills you referred to doesn't have mass shootings like the USA. So clearly gun control does have an impact.


This ain't the UK, dipshit.


Sure. But the point is gun control does seem to have an impact. You may not accept the trade-offs for that, but it has an impact. UK also has a "decline of the nuclear family" and "decline of corporal punishment" and comparable racial issues, but we don't have the issues the USA has here.


Comparable racial problems? Is there anywhere, outside some exceedingly small corners of London, that resemble Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, or the south side of Chicago? America doesn't have a gun problem, it has a black violence problem.


I was referring to the specific points about family decline (or decline of the nuclear family). We certainly do have race tensions, albeit not with black people so much but along religious and cultural lines with Islam. So it's more accurate to call them cultural/religious problems.


You have no perspective and your opinion here is irrelevant.


If you look at history, gun control is always the precursor to a tyrannical government using force against its own people.


100% Facts.


Most of the mass shootings in schools and elsewhere are done by the right adjacent as stats already indicate.

That is factually untrue. The talking point that you are trying to repeat is that school shooting are mostly done by white kids. But that isn’t the only type of mass shooting. A Mass shooting simply means 4 or more people were shot. So every time there is a drive by that sprays everyone standing on the side walk, that is a mass shooting. They just never call it one on the news.

To your point though, we aren’t going to agree that you can fight crime by punishing law abiding citizen. Meanwhile you want to defund police, lessen criminal penalties, and have no cash bail so they can get out and do the same thing. Until they got shot by police, then you want to hold people accountable.


The mass shootings are mostly committed by psychopath persons and the rest are committed by psychotic persons. When psychopaths kill people it is mostly other psychopath persons. In most all school shooting a psychopath targets the other psychopaths of that school(most popular kids are psychopaths). Because psychopaths target other psychopaths no one does anything about it.

If a psychopath mass shooter targeted people who can feel real emotions nothing would happen to gun laws because people who can feel real emotions have no power in the USA. Psychopaths control all political parties in the USA so nothing is going to happen to gun laws.


Most of the mass shootings in schools and elsewhere are done by the right adjacent as stats already indicate.

Did you get that propaganda from the rectum of the same establishment that wants to ban firearms for law abiding citizens?
