MovieChat Forums > Politics > God I Miss the Obama days.

God I Miss the Obama days.

Almost nothing political other then a really nice guy who was president.


A complete fraud, an affirmative action President, a closeted fag who married a tranny, and a man who caused more racial animus than a thousand klansmen.


Don't forget all those nice drone strikes that killed approximately 2,000 innocents, children included, iirc. Oh, and in one of the NDAAs, he signed in to law the "Smith-Mundt Modernization Act," which made it legal to propagandize Americans.

And how could I forget my insurance premium doubling.

Thanks, Obama!

Other than being a good speaker, what positive/beneficial policies did he sign in to law?


Good reader, perhaps, not a gifted extemporaneous speaker.


Don't forget the Great Recession not recovering really fast, all the Gen Y adults (who were in their 20s at the time) getting screwed over by the economy, going to war with Libya without telling anyone, the Arab Spring, Hillary doing dirty deals under the table as Secretary of State, letting ISIS do whatever they wanted and lying about them "being on the run," Benghazi, letting Russia get away with all sorts of shenanigans in the Ukraine at the time, the US's debt skyrocketing, tv starting to go down the tubes, the revisionist history, kissing the asses of terrorists and betraying our country by giving them whatever they wanted, comitting treason by releasing terrorists from Gitmo back into the Middle-East, the disgusting slobbering and worship of Obama by the press, and him demonizing anyone who didn't outright kiss his ass.


How could we have forgotten the Fast and Furious guns to Mexico scandal, and the odd coincidence that Malia and Sasha *both* resemble another couple much more closely than their parents of record?

And going way back to his Chicago days, how did he get the nickname "Bathhouse Barry?"

Oh jeez, don't get me started on Wikileaks and his $60K hot dog party?


Oh yes, let's not forget Michelle Obama's shitty lunch program too! Kids in public schools everywhere were served "healthy" shit, whether the schools wanted to do it or not, and the threat of witheld funding forced them into complying. A lot of kids ended up throwing these worthless, poorly thought out "healthy" meals into the trash and got their "alternate lunches" from the vending machines, or they'd beg their parents to pack lunches for them. And yet Michelle's two spoiled princesses got to go to a posh school that served lunches that didn't fit her own rules of what was "healthy." Gotta love the privileges of the American elite, right? And her lunch program didn't help kids one bit, whether it be to lose weight or make them healthier at all. All it did was piss people off, including the students forced to eat that crap.


Zero evidence for the claim that he married a transwoman. Basically an absurd conspiracy theory.


She has a penis lmao. And they killed Joan Rivers for telling the truth.


No evidence for these claims whatsoever.

Baseless bullshit. And if they're willing to kill Joan Rivers, why aren't they willing to kill other people who make the claim?


No evidence, except for the photos that show Big Mike packing a suspicious bulge downstairs and displaying the musculature of a man.


Ah I guess the Williams tennis sisters are men then.

And I guess Obama's kids just came to be by magic. If this was such a secret, you would think that maybe, *maybe* they would be more subtle about it, right?


Ah I guess the Williams tennis sisters are men then.

We know they are women... that was proven when they both got whooped on by the #250th ranked male tennis player.

I believe it was a 2 v 1 lol.

And I guess Obama's kids just came to be by magic.

I'll take Surrogacy, for $500 Alex.


"No evidence"

Except for the penis 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


The penis you haven't seen and are just assuming is there. And if that really is a penis, why aren't they more subtle?

And if they're willing to kill Joan Rivers, why aren't they willing to kill other people who make the claim?


"The penis you haven't seen"

Thank heavens for small miracles.


And as usual - no answer. The penis you haven't seen and are just assuming is there. And if that really is a penis, why aren't they more subtle?

And if they're willing to kill Joan Rivers, why aren't they willing to kill other people who make the claim?


Prove the penis is not there. And they are being subtle, but it's a fucking mammoth.


Do you just assume that every woman is a transwoman until they show you their vagina? Do you normally assume things are true until they're disproven to you?

And my second question: And if they're willing to kill Joan Rivers, why aren't they willing to kill other people who make the claim?


Joan Rivers was 81 she died from one of her many surgeries.

"Do you just assume that every woman is a transwoman until they show you their vagina?"

If they look like a linebacker I do.


>Joan Rivers was 81 she died from one of her many surgeries.

Glad you think this. Others on here claim the Obamas had her killed. Any comment on that?

>If they look like a linebacker I do.

So do you assume a lot of female athletes are men then?


"Others on here claim the Obamas had her killed. Any comment on that?"
I'm sure they have their reasons but I certainly cannot comment on everybody's opinions, if I did that I'd eventually have to explain your goofy positions to others and that would be difficult.
"So do you assume a lot of female athletes are men then?"
Can you give some examples skavs and we can do it that way?


>I'm sure they have their reasons but I certainly cannot comment on everybody's opinions, if I did that I'd eventually have to explain your goofy positions to others and that would be difficult.

What are some of my goofy positions?

>Can you give some examples skavs and we can do it that way?

The Williams sisters.


You are being a bit rough on them aren't you? Is it because they are black and athletic that you think they look like savage brutes? I think they look like fit females and wouldn't suspect they have a penis just because of their skin color and athleticism, but then again I'm not a racist like you.

"What are some of my goofy positions?"
Now I have to explain your positions to you?


>You are being a bit rough on them aren't you? Is it because they are black and athletic that you think they look like savage brutes? I think they look like fit females and wouldn't suspect they have a penis just because of their skin color and athleticism, but then again I'm not a racist like you.

Michelle Obama is black and you assume she's a man, apparently. I assume neither her nor the Williams sisters are men but you apparently assume Michelle Obama is.

>Now I have to explain your positions to you?

So I see you're just now going to behave like a manchild and stall actually answering my questions.


He paved the way for all the current bullshit and he's still running things behind the scenes.


Kind of like George W. Bush, who was also a really nice guy!


They are both Grade A pieces of shit.


As a Canadian I thought nothing of Obama. I didn't think he was bad, just fine. He was a great speaker and it's even more clear how great of a speaker he was when you see Trump and Biden utter such nonsense.


I miss the Fred Sanford days.


His name is really Osama.,
After 9/11 the country was attacked and has been slowly compromised and infiltrated from the top down.

Think as Obama and the Democrats as the dark side in star wars. Darth Vader was very rich and powerful. Democrats control the media, silicon valley, Hollywood, college academia, Democrats have packed the courts, Democrats control the FBI and IRS.
That is now the dark side.

Trump only has the American people on his side and a few others willing to ignore the threats from the left.

Trump is like Luke Skywalker and the light side. Very few trying to take on the Democrat machine


"Democrats have packed the courts"

What are you smoking?

Biden's appointed 200,three%20judges%20for%20the%20United

Trump appointed 234.

The Supreme Court has had a majority of Republican appointments since Eisenhower.


What are you talking about? The economy was in the shitter... O'Bama was literally elected to end the Wars, and started more of them.

Ask yourself this... do nice guys drone strike weddings and murder children in his first 100 days in office?


Not to mention the 2007 and 2012 elections were rigged so that he'd win against weak candidates who were chosen to be easy foes from the start, and yet pretend they actually stood for the Republicans and had a chance at president. Gotta love it when the CIA plants foreign enemies as our presidents and passes them off as "Americans."


I remember Ron Paul, still one of the only politicians I felt proud voting for getting screwed out of the debates and primaries by the [RNC] and the media who practically pretended he didn't exist, despite his huge grassroots following.

Then Bernie got a new vacation home and dipped out, which drove many Berniebros aboard the Trump Train!


Why are the Democrats somehow responsible for the Republican primary process?


Whoops! They screwed Bernie, not Ron! Good catch. My bad.


I also remember how the House and the Senate were constantly gridlocked, refusing to pass any laws or do anything other than argue all day long, and Obama used that as an excuse to issue EO's like some kind of king putting out proclamations. I think he issued more executive orders than any other recent president. He also went on vacation more than any other president, and Europeans overseas bought into the propaganda about him being "a great president" more so than even the left-wingers here in the States. A pity we couldn't have let him be president of some country over in Europe so he could drive that place into the dirt instead. Greece or Italy would have been perfect for him.


Zero evidence for the claim that the 2007 (I assume you mean 2008) elections were rigged either in the sense of Obama competing against weak candidates, or in any sense of electoral fraud.

>Gotta love it when the CIA plants foreign enemies as our presidents and passes them off as "Americans."

Zero evidence for the claim that Obama is a "foreign enemy".


John McCain and Mitt Romney were weeeaaakkkksauce. They were specifically chosen to make O'Bama palatable to the public.


I'll await evidence that they were specifically chosen purely to help Obama.


Do you really have to spoon fed everything? It's a sign of a wilted intellect.


It's an absurd claim in itself. Are you genuinely claiming that there exists irrefutable evidence that John McCain and Mitt Romney were selected purely to help Obama?

Keep in mind that Republicans voted for them to be the Presidential nominee for their party.


And as soon as someone not of the uniparty establishment, i.e. Trump, ran for the Republican nomination, he rolled over a dozen challengers. It's almost like the voters hadn't had a genuine choice up to that point.


Ron Paul was a challenger in both 2008 and 2012. He didn't win. He was that periods 'outsider'.

The point is that competent 'outsiders' failed to put themselves forwards. There's no evidence that they were selected because they wouldn't beat Obama.


To you, the only evidence thay would suffice would be a handwritten letter from the party's power brokers that directly admitted to throwing the election. The rest of us rely on powers of observation.

We remember McCain scolding his own voters about being uncivil toward Obama (even though Obama took no pains to hide the fact that he deplored those same people). We remember Romney tanking the second debate after he made Obama look silly in the first debate. We watched both of those men side with Democrats in the Senate when extremely important issues were being decided, thus confirming their fink status.

Have you no powers of deduction whatsoever?


>To you, the only evidence thay would suffice would be a handwritten letter from the party's power brokers that directly admitted to throwing the election. The rest of us rely on powers of observation.

Or some actual investigation into the backrooms of the Republican party where people are recorded or documents are stolen with them admitting they trying to get Obama elected. Why would they do that? What is even the logic of them doing that?

>We remember McCain scolding his own voters about being uncivil toward Obama (even though Obama took no pains to hide the fact that he deplored those same people).

What did Obama say specifically at the time?

McCain scolded "his own people" for suggesting Obama was a Muslim. It was a lie. Should he have supported that lie publicly?

>We remember Romney tanking the second debate after he made Obama look silly in the first debate.

How do you know Obama didn't just perform better, and Romney worse naturally?

>We watched both of those men side with Democrats in the Senate when extremely important issues were being decided, thus confirming their fink status.

Both of them were on the more moderate side of Republicans. But again: the primary voters chose them. They could have chose other people. They didn't.


"Not to mention the 2007 and 2012 elections were rigged"

Most Federal elections in the U.S. are in even-numbered years.

Are you in Kentuckistan?


He is a super cool guy and would have been a terrific president of some insignificant country, or a country where the president is not that important. Islamic State and Russia-Ukraine conflict happened under his watch. He was a softie and global power politics are not for softies. I'm not American and don't know if he managed to sort out any internal issues. Medical coverage, maybe?
