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Warning Signs that Trump supporters are in a cult

What Is a Cult? 10 Warning Signs

According to the Cult Education Institute, there are specific warning signs to look out for when considering whether a group might be a cult. Cults are characterized by:

Absolute authoritarianism without accountability
Zero tolerance for criticism or questions
Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget
Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions
A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave
Abuse of members
Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group
Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough”
A belief that the leader is right at all times
A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation

Cults are dangerous because they typically rely on deceptive and authoritarian practices to make members dependent on and obedient to the group. Cults often cut members off from other forms of social and financial support and pose both physical and psychological risks to members of the group.

The MAGA cult is refusing to believe anyone who speaks against their messiah. How can thousands of people who Trump has wronged or colluded with in the past be wrong and Trump is the only one that is right and telling the truth?


Signs you're in a cult:

1. You post about Donald Trump multiple times a day...every day.
2. See no.1


That's the best you got? Thanks for confirming that I post about Trump. Why does that upset you so much? This is a public message board so why are you so triggered? I got some more tissue for you, crybaby. How's Trump's trial working out for you? Trump is fucked and you know it!

The MAGA cult is refusing to believe anyone who speaks against their messiah. How can thousands of people who Trump has wronged or colluded with in the past be wrong and Trump is the only one that is right and telling the truth? Answer the question, tough guy. Quit deflecting, little crybaby.


I didn't read any of that...

Don't you have something about Trump to post? It's only been 3 today... I know you have a 4th one in you before midnight.


Ooh... Sick burn! You still are so stupid that you don't know how a public message board works.

The MAGA cult is refusing to believe anyone who speaks against their messiah. How can thousands of people who Trump has wronged or colluded with in the past be wrong and Trump be the only one that is right and telling the truth? Answer the question, tough guy. Quit deflecting, little crybaby. 😭

Hopefully you can be successfully deprogrammed when Trump loses in November.


There is so much hysterical attacks on Trump, that people who support him politically rightfully dismiss,

that it has created in your mind, a perception that we are refusing to believe anything negative about Trump.

You want proof? Try to ask a single question without partisan filler.

Like this post above. You couldn't make your point without puting in shit talk like, "maga cult", "their messiah", "little cry baby".

You talk like that and tehn are suprised that people are not open to reasonable dialogue?

Drop the flamebait, and make your point without it dripping in hate, and you might be shocked to have Trump supporters respond more.... to your liking.

They won't agree with you, but they might explain their reasons instead of just dismissing you as a partisan hack.

IF that is what you actually want.


Wow! You are deep in Trump's cult and you don't even realize it. You are very stupid. I know it's uncomfortable for you to see Trump disintegrating right before your eyes and I hope you can be successfully deprogrammed then live a better life after you realize Trump lied to you.


Your OP made a claim. I addressed it seriously and honestly.

Your response is to ignore my counter points and to attack me personally.

Kind of undermines your entire.... everything whining about how Trump "cultists" can't accept criticism or...well, you are not too clear.


I like to challenge stupid people because it's fun. Do you hear that sound? It's everyone laughing at you! 🤣


And for a second time, despite being expressly prompted, you make no attempt to defend your point about Trump supporters being in a cult.

You do call me "stupid" and you ridicule me....

This is very telling in the conext of your SECOND point ie that Trump supporters are unable to handle criticism or questions.

I'm responding to your... "criticism" seriously and honestly, and all you have in response is... personal attacks.

This strongly supports my counter point to your OP.

ie, it is not that Trump supporters are unable to accept "criticism" or "questions", but that you are making them or asking them very badly.

We are completely able to handle serious debate or discussion. Clearly, you are not.


If wearing hats that say”Jesus is my savior and Trump is my President” isn’t cultish then I don’t know what is.


The sacred writings of MSNBC/CNN are teaching their cult followers how to project.


Then you don't know. That should be the default position of any Christian American during the TRump years.


Wow A lying, cheating conman is the savior for American Christians?!


Wow. That was quite insane of you. You read the words "jesus is savior" but in your mind, you think "Trump".

This is a YOU problem, not a Trump supporter problem.


Trump is Jesus
Help me understand the thinking behind this


Your making up stuff in your head. I can't help you if you don't stop doing that.


You need to catch up!


Oh, so, wait, I thought you were talking about some specific hats, but in mid stream you started talking about something else? LOL

npr? Man, sure, I'll give it a chance.

Sorry, first strike, it is not the video, it is a bunch of lefties talking about what they feel about the video.

Strike two, them mention that they are "WHITE evangelicals," like being white is somehow a bad thing.

Two strikes, npr is out. SOrry.


You're only talent is running around the facts.
It's your specialty


Your propaganda was comparing him to the Persian king Cyrus, not Jesus.

Everything else was in regards to 'persecution' since Jesus was also persecuted.

All true followers of Christ are persecuted and anyone that represents his followers carries the highest burden of persecution.


He's incapable of a 'serious debate or discussion'. Too much brain damage.


Clearly. Most libs are like that, to one degree or another. Utterly unable to make a rational point.


Lol and you are saying tvfan is rationale at all? Have you seriously seen how that guy debates?


3. Repeats the same slogan multiple times a day...every day.



According to your post, it would be Biden bots who are in a cult.

>Absolute authoritarianism without accountability
Like jailing political opponents on unproven legal theories, or launching military actions without Congressional approval like Biden is doing?

>Zero tolerance for criticism or questions
Yep. Hence the hatred Biden bots have for RFK Jr and Trump

>Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget
This one is a bit too "on the nose". Our deficit is ridiculous and we don't know where a lot of the money is even going.

>Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions
Like how Putin is going to conquer all of Europe if we don't bankrupt ourselves defending the shithole of Europe.

>A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave
Like how the Bernie of Busters and RFK Jr voters are treated for not betraying all their pricniples to vote for prolific war criminals?

I could go on, but I'll stop here.


Biden supporters are clearly NOT in a cult because he's receiving plenty of criticism and dissent about Gaza and received the protest "uncommitted" vote.

They are also educating themselves about Palestinians are are against sending military aide to Israel which is in direct opposition to Biden's policy.

You're not capable of seeing the many crimes Trump committed because you're in a cult. You believe everything he says and want him placed above the law because you're in a cult.

Trump is using campaign money for himself and started to use RNC for the same.

You wear a cultish MAGA uniform: dopey caps and t-shirts. And worship a golden sculpture of Trump and you have called him a representative of God and compared him to Jesus. That's all cult behavior.

You, like other cult members, never criticize Trump. I, and other democrats, have criticized Biden.


Biden is the most prolific war criminal alive and deserves to be taken before the Hague.

Even though Trump is not the most moral person, he is a saint compared to the war criminal Biden.


You worship Trump as saint = cult


I actually do not and have criticized him dozens of times.

However, you goose step behind the modern day Hitler. There's not a man alive who has been so instrumental in invading so many countries as Biden.

History won't be kind to Biden and his acolytes.


Biden is credited for stopping Trump's dictatorship.


How exactly did he stop it? And what marked Trump's turn in office as a dictatorship? A dictatorship is one marked by a leader who exercises absolute power. At what point did Trump ever approach such a standing?


Is supporting a government that gives money to another government that is committing genocide also a sign?


Democrats are opposing Biden's Israel policy which is NOT cult behavior.


Except that, in the end, they will file into the ballot boxes and pull the dem level like good little serfs.


It matters not that one group commits war crime atrocities against another as long as they support The Party come election time.


No, they won't. I'm not voting for any presidential nominee. Plenty will join me.

But, MAGA angered women nationwide with their retarded abortion bans. Those women are going to make up for any missing Democratic votes. I warned you all when Roe was overturned - DONT P-O WOMEN!!!! Now you're going to hear them roar.


Yes they will. Leftard trolls like you will gin up some bullshit panic to scare them into voting against the evul republicans, cause "slavery" or "coup" or some such retarded bullshit.


Dummy Repugnants screwed themselves by banning medical care for pregnant women.


When the Republicans overturned Roe v Wade they angered millions of women. When women are angry they vote and they vote Democrat.



Republicans prefer to be blind contrarians to Democratic policies even when their constituents support them.


When the Republicans overturned Roe v Wade

That was SCOTUS. Nothing to do with Republicans.


When does a baby become a baby?


Not relevant since opinion is not science.

What is relevant is the necessity of pregnant women to receive medical care during every stage of their pregnancy. A fetus can be severely malformed or dying in the womb at any stage threatening the woman's life. For you to deny her medical care is vile.


It's completely relevant.

And that fact that you want to pretend it isn't, is my point. YOur position, the position of most women, is based on NOT thinking about the issue.

This issue might end up hurting the republicans.

BUt if it does, it will becasue our society follows YOUR lead, and makes policy without thinking about the babies being killed.

That republicans are not part of that, is to our credit.

This type of.... madness, is not good. It will, it IS, blowing up in our faces.

YOu clearly are incapable of...thinking. So I know that you won't get this.


Nonsense! Your opinion is based solely on Fundamental Christian ideology.

There is a separation of religion and state which is why religious groups, which don't have your extremist views, are suing in court.


Your position is based on not thinking about the central question of the issue.

That is the truth for our whole society.

You might be right that the republica party will pay for NOT going along with this.

But, at least we are not killing babies while covering our ears and screaming "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU".

You want to pretend that is me being " fundamental...whatever"?

Then tell me, when does a baby become a baby.


Legally only after it's born as per the U.S. government:


So, teh act of moving a few inches, magically makes the fetus a baby?

That is clearly wrong. You are thus making my point. YOUR POSITION, which is the CONVENTIONAL WISDOM, thanks to lefty control of media and eductation,

is clearly false. We have policy that allows the murder of babies becasue we just are refusing to think about it.

I feel quite good that republicans are pushing back on this atrocity.


That's what they say, Keelai. Is that your position also? Do you believe that prior to its exit from the birth canal, a baby is not human?

We know you want to hand wave this question away by pointing to some law or other, but tell us what you personally think.


When does a baby become a baby?


warning signs that roboincel has TDS

1. posts about Trump everyday
2. see 1


Great list! It describes the Trump cult to a tee.


Look at the way the MAGA crowd turns on, discredits, and devours any conservatives who dared to speak out against Trump! That is straight out of the Cult playbook.


Globalism is treason and Trump is the only person who want America to return to being a Strong Nationalist state meant for the greater good of OUR PEOPLE and ONLY OUR PEOPLE.
