MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden on making Trans Day fall on Easter...

Biden on making Trans Day fall on Easter: "That wasn't me, I didn't do that"

Welp, we have our answer folks... Joe Biden is NOT the person running the country.

Vote Trump.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


lol, another slip … Of course he’s not running it.

There was a recent video clip after a press conference where one of the journalists asked him about doing something and his answer was along the lines of “I don’t have the authority to do that.”


Trans day has been the same day of the year since 2009. Blaming it on Biden is more Biden Derangement Syndrome.


Where in my post am I blaming any human for anything? lol.

Biden Derangement Syndrome

Fetch ain't happening, Gretchy.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


You implied the person running the country is responsible for making Trans Day fall on Easter.


The way Halloween and Christmess are set dates so should Easter be and then we will never have this again.



I guess it's a Sunday thing.


The rectum was celebrating it up til Sunday when the entire country was outraged at this filth of a party. Then the rectum went into damage control. And the rest is a post I already made addressing it lol.

Now the Democrat rectum at MSNBC is in full damage control mode, gaslighting the lemmings that Biden didn’t declare Easter Sunday mentally ill tranny day for Big Mike. Unfortunately there’s an official presidential declaration as Mark Dice shares with us.

Here’s the USA Today discussing how to celebrate 2 days ago. Whoops, this article will be removed soon.

Here’s Newsweek discussing it.

Here’s the associated press discussing it.

And once again, the rectum MSNBC gaslighting their braindead lemmings that it errrrr didn’t happen.

But it wasn’t Democrats. This is just a conspiracy by those darn agents of orange man.


The democrats didn't make the day up. It's always been the day that it is.


Remember when we got an Anon WH Staff worker who claimed that he and others were the ones that were really running things since Trump was too busy off and playing and cheating at his golf games?
("Obama plays too much golf. I will never once play golf as president." said the chronic liar.)
So Trump wasn't running the country either.

And when he tried he fucked things up like with Covid and lying of an election being stolen and causing Capitol Chaos on 1/6.

I don't care for Biden either.
I just think we should be honest about both of these fuck ups.


"International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event occurring every March 31 since 2009."

More hatemongering, lies and mudslinging from Trumpites as usual.


You should never EVER have something like this on Easter weekend and anyone who disagrees with it can go to hell.. This is one Evil Democrat Party with evil intentions and Biden claiming he's Catholic is only when it benefits him Politically because the man doesn't attend church on a regular basis and neither does Nancy Pelosi for that matter.. Fuck everyone and this entire party in the ass!! Biden is done in 7 months.. Ge the Countdown Clock started folks..

TRUMP 2024


What a tender little snowflake you are. You are so stupid that your mother/sister is embarrassed of you. Most Americans hate Trump and he will never be president again. Sorry for you, Goober. Your obvious lack of grammar skills proves your stupidity. Why do you want to fuck everyone in the ass? I didn't know that you are gay.


So you’re immature everywhere you go? Good to know.


Easter day changes every year. INTERNATIONAL Transgender Day of Visibility is only on March 31. God chose the day, heathen!

Trump doesn't attend church on a regular basis. He said he was Jesus which is blasphemy. You're going to burn in Hell for following a false prophet and idolatry, sinner!

Majority in U.S. and world can't stomach him including his own wife.

Trump 91
felony accounts.
Lock him up!


Fuck off along with your bogus 91 felony counts which are landing like a THUD with at least 2 of the cases being tossed over carelessness on the part of the prosecution for getting such a boner to put this man away, they forgot to do their fucking homework and now, all of them look stupid including Jack Smith.. Look kid, this man is going to be your 47th President in November so get used to it


You're going to Hell for worshipping a false god, sinner!


>You should never EVER have something like this on Easter weekend and anyone who disagrees with it can go to hell..

People can do, and make events whenever the fuck they want.

You don't get to decide what people may or may not do.


-2025 it'll fall on 4/20. GOP gonna rage that people will think Jesus was all hippy and full of love while smokin' some hash.
-2029 it'll fall on April Fools. GOP gonna rage that people will think Jesus isn't real or that he didn't rise from the dead. Apostles got pranked.
