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Easter šŸ£ a time for trans and anal sex proclaims Biden

Biden is banning religious symbols from Easter celebrations at the White House, while flying the trans flag and declaring Easter Sunday to be "Trans Visibility Day."

This is the left's new religion. They want people worshiping the trans flag instead of God.


Trans visibility day was celebrated during the four years of Donald Trump's presidency. Besides 2024, the only other time when both Easter Day and Transgender Day of Visibility were observed on March 31 was in 2013 under Barack Obama administration

So relax and enjoy anal sex with your sheep and dogs


you forgot sistercuzzin


Yr right sorry


or is it "cuzzister?"


Did a trans woman pull her dress down and whip out her silicon breasts at the White House during Donald Trumpā€™s presidency like this:


Who cares? Are you really so stupid that you think this particular transgender's actions represents all transgenders?


I care because Iā€™m an American who wants the White House treated in a dignified manner as a symbol of American prestige.

I was sarcastic in my post to show contempt for Yatzoā€™s use of passive voice and the word ā€œduringā€ to suggest the Trump White House also celebrated the Trans Day of Visibility. If it happened - which I genuinely doubt - it did not produce the undignified and discrediting spectacle seen in this video from Bidenā€™s massive Pride event on White House grounds.

And yes, I do believe Montoyaā€™s behavior was characteristic of a general lack of decorum and modesty within the boundary-pushing trans community. She was not the only trans visitor who took her top off with White House as backdrop. After she was ejected, she doubled down on her supposed right to whip her breasts out and bounce them in her hands for a solid minute on camera moments after shaking the presidentā€™s hand. No one at the event intervened. It took more than a week for her unrepenting non-apology. If you find some condemnation among in the Trans community media or social influencers, Iā€™m interested to see it. I recall nothing but crickets from that direction.


I'm not going to read all that nonsense you posted. What a waste of time for you.

I asked you a simple question. Are you really so stupid that you think this particular transgender's actions represents all transgenders?


If you donā€™t want to read my answer, donā€™t read it. But donā€™t pretend itā€™s some kind of burden when youā€™ve got 5-6 paragraphs yourself in this thread.


"There's a Man going around taking names .. . . . . . . . " (and you know the rest)


Aaaaannnd they burned down a Church...

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


They? So one transgender commits arson and you are so stupid that you believe that all transgenders are arsonists? There are approximately 1300 churches burned down each year in the US with about 25% caused by arson. Almost all of those arsonists are straight white males so go fuck yourself!


Your entire post is insanity-laden projection.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Of course they did.

They hate God, they hate the church and they hate children.

They want to destroy and burn down everything because of their self-loathing.


I've already beat you to this, but YES, he's an idiot and he will pay for his sins in November by being defeated by Trump and soundly


Mark Dice shared this todayā€¦

Finally they/them get a holiday of their own. Itā€™s just a coincidence it falls on Easter, donā€™t be a conspiracy theorist. So go ahead and add it to your calendar, with these other gay and lesbian holidays.


February 7: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Week after Valentineā€™s Day: Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
February 28: HIV Is Not A Crime Awareness Day

March: Bisexual Health Awareness Month
Week varies in March: National LGBT Health Awareness Week
March 10: National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 20: National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility

April 6: International Asexuality Day
April 10: National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Third Friday of April: Day of Silence
April 18: National Transgender HIV Testing Day
April 18: Nonbinary Parents Day
April 26: Lesbian Visibility Day

First Sunday In May: International Family Equality Day
May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
May 19: National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
May 22: Harvey Milk Day
May 24: Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day

June: LGBTQ Pride Month
June 1: LGBTQ Families Day
June 12: Pulse Remembrance
June 15: Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court Bostock decision expanding protections to LGBTQ employees
June 26: Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court legalizing marriage equality
June 27: National HIV Testing Day
June 28: Stonewall Day
June 30: Queer Youth of Faith Day

Week of July 14: Nonbinary Awareness Week, culminates in International Nonbinary Peopleā€™s Day on July 14
July 16: International Drag Day

August 14: Gay Uncles Day
August 20: Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

September 18: National HIV/AIDS & Aging Awareness Day
Week of September 23: Bisexual+ Awareness Week, culminates in Celebrate Bisexuality Day on September 23
September 27: National Gay Menā€™s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day


All that affirmation will still not fix mental illness.


But waitā€¦thereā€™s moreā€¦


October: LGBTQ History Month
October 8: International Lesbian Day
October 11: National Coming Out Day
October 15: National Latinx HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
October 19: National LGBT Center Awareness Day
Third Wednesday in October: International Pronouns Day
Third Thursday in October: Spirit Day
Last week in October: Asexual Awareness Week
October 26: Intersex Awareness Day

First Sunday of November: Transgender Parent Day
November 13 ā€“ 19: Transgender Awareness Week
November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance

December 1: World AIDS Day
December 8: Pansexual/Panromantic Pride Day
December 14: HIV Cure Research Day


The poor degenerates, all that invisibility. If only we would worship them just a tiny bit more I'm sure they'd resume acting human.


Unofficially, every day is Trannie's "I've got a penis Visibility Day".


What could better describe the apex of Bidenesque aspirations than the word "PERVERSION"?

Biden, in his desperate effort to unite the country, a promise he made, decided to have Transgender Visibility Day on Easter and, for good measure not allow any Easter eggs with a religious message in the White House Easter Egg Roll. Way to unite, Fool..

Christmas will be Pedophile Visibility Day


Biden says he 'didn't do that' when asked about Easter being 'Trans Visibility Day,' despite proclamation"

Biden's trying to walk this back but in the end, YES, he was the one who declared this nonsense.. šŸ™„


The Transgender Day of Visibility started on March 31, 2009. That means Trump presided over 4 Transgender Days of Visibility. It didn't seem to be a problem then. Easter just happened to be on the same day this year. Your stupidity and fake outrage is noted.


How many times did he issue an official proclamation about it on the WH website?
