MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why are woke shows and movies still gett...

Why are woke shows and movies still getting made?

It's been going on for years, and the market has spoken. Audiences don't want that stuff.


Can you give an example of a "woke" movie and say what aspect of it that offends you?


OP: Don't reply to this dipshit. It's a waste of time.


Nice attempt at Skavauing. lol


This isn't remotely an unreasonable question. I have interacted with different users here regarding "woke" and all of them hold different positions on what they consider woke to be.


We have another Hatchling.


Holy shit, that was the most accurate archetype of Skav. The Hatchling. LMAO 🤣


I know, right? Absolutely hits the nail on the head. Please share the video so more people can identify Leftists who play The Hatchling.

Skavau fits the Hatchling 100%, and you’ll notice that he would always gloss over it when I identified him as such. Watching that video was like looking in the mirror for him, and he didn’t like what he saw.


>Skavau fits the Hatchling 100%, and you’ll notice that he would always gloss over it when I identified him as such. Watching that video was like looking in the mirror for him, and he didn’t like what he saw.

You assume that I even watched it.

And you have "glossed over" almost every point I've made to you.


You assume that I even watched it.

You asked what a ‘Hatchling’ was and I shared the video. If you didn’t watch it that would make sense - you're always farting out questions and ignoring the answers when they inconvenience your woke agenda.

And you have "glossed over" almost every point I've made to you.

You don’t make points, you fart out endless moronic questions - you play The Hatchling.


>You asked what a ‘Hatchling’ was and I shared the video. If you didn’t watch it that would make sense - you're always farting out questions and ignoring the answers when they inconvenience your woke agenda.

Yeah, I see it's some partisan video. I read the synopsis. It does not describe me.

>You don’t make points, you fart out endless moronic questions - you play The Hatchling.

You describe any question thrown at you as "endless moronic" because, so far as I can see, you reject being question. Left-wingers according to you should be seen and not heard.


Yeah, I see it's some partisan video. I read the synopsis. It does not describe me.

Right, so when you asked what The Hatchling was you were being completely insincere, as with all your bullshit questions.

Barraging your victims with phoney questions is playing The Hatchling, so it in fact describes you to a T.

Remember, you’re just another dumb, deceitful Leftist with an easily identifiable bag of shit rhetorical tricks.

You describe any question thrown at you as "endless moronic" because, so far as I can see, you reject being question. Left-wingers according to you should be seen and not heard.

And now we have another strawman in which you pull a phoney opinion out of your ass and falsely attribute it to me. You’re incapable of being honest because you’re an incurable lying sack of shit.

Now make a load of bullshit excuses for your shitty behaviour. Go…


>Right, so when you asked what The Hatchling was you were being completely insincere, as with all your bullshit questions.

I wanted to know where you were getting the term from.

>Remember, you’re just another dumb, deceitful Leftist with an easily identifiable bag of shit rhetorical tricks.

I know of no such thing. I am not bound by your classifications.

>And now we have another strawman in which you pull a phoney opinion out of your ass and falsely attribute it to me. You’re incapable of being honest because you’re an incurable lying sack of shit.

No, I do not believe this is a strawman. I genuinely believe this is your attitude. I've seen you repeatedly, not just to me, not just in the last week or so since you made it your lifes goal to harass me, get hostile over basic questioning. I've seen you do it to others. You characterise any questions of clarification as a form of "hatchling" and insincerity.


Perfect. Like clockwork.


There's hardly a movie or TV show made in the last couple decades on this site that doesn't have some asshole making a thread bitching and moaning about "wokeness"!

I think you're fooling yourself if you think the majority of people turn on a show and lose their shit because a character is gay or woman is doing something outside of a kitchen.


That's precisely why they should stop releasing woke shit.

It's not about profit or entertainment or art, it's about the political message/propaganda that they continue pushing on everyone, especially to brainwash the idiots.


>That's precisely why they should stop releasing woke shit.

How is his comment showing that precisely?

Define "woke shit". What are the characteristics of being "woke"? Got any specific examples?

>It's not about profit or entertainment or art, it's about the political message/propaganda that they continue pushing on everyone, especially to brainwash the idiots.

Except many "woke" shows have been very successful, depending on your definition of woke.


It's not about profit or entertainment or art, it's about the political message/propaganda that they continue pushing on everyone, especially to brainwash the idiots.

The only person here who's brainwashed is you. If you don't like something because you think it's woke then don't watch it. Problem solved, Goober.

While I have your attention are you ready to release your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen? We all have been waiting.


Is someone forcing you to demand for evidence? Is it your supervisor?


Nope! I was pointing out how stupid you are because you believe without evidence that the 2020 election was rigged. It must be uncomfortable for you to be so stupid.


The 2020 election was rigged, and there’s plenty of evidence. You don’t know this??


Okay then... Show us your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else has. Why are you Trump barking seals so fucking stupid? 🤣


First, apologise for being an obnoxious twat with your insulting last sentence there.


I know you're stupid just because you support Trump and believe that the 2020 election was stolen. All I ask is that you morons who keep claiming that Trump won in 2020 to show proof. It must be uncomfortable for you to be so stupid. Show evidence that the 2020 election was stolen or you can go fuck yourself.

"Apologise for being an obnoxious twat." You aren't even an American so why do you worship Trump?


If you sincerely want to see the evidence then make the apology, if you’re a typical nasty, moronic Leftard bitch who’s afraid of evidence then keep squealing and hurling mindless abuse.

Your call…


"Apologise for being an obnoxious twat." You aren't even an American so why do you worship Trump?

You know damn well if you had any evidence that the 2020 election was stolen you would be screaming about it from the rooftops. So keep showing us how stupid you are. Since you are not American so why do you suck Trump's mushroom?


If you sincerely want to see the evidence then make the apology, if you’re a typical nasty, moronic Leftard bitch who’s afraid of evidence then keep squealing and hurling mindless abuse.

Your call…


Provide evidence or go fuck yourself some more. I'm through with you. I can only take so much stupid.


If you sincerely want to see the evidence then make the apology, if you’re a typical nasty, moronic Leftard bitch who’s afraid of evidence then keep squealing and hurling mindless abuse.

Your call…


Whatever you provide, he will simply move the goalpost like all the other leftoids.


Of course, I’m just surprised he’s so terrified of the evidence given how much he supposedly wants to see it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Robocel is obsessed with the 2020 election evidence. He is like a hound with a bone. He will spam you with the same reply 24 times in three hours like a deranged idiot.



So I'm just supposed to believe any claim that you make is true without evidence? Now you've doubled down on stupid.


Come back and ask for it in 96 days.


All you have to do is show the evidence that you claim to have and I'll stop challenging you. Since you refuse then I know you have nothing. You are a pathetic a piece of shit. Stupid people too!


Come back and ask for it in 96 days.


What's going to happen in 96 days, Goober? What new conspiracy theory are you going on about now?


It’s interesting that when I’ve offered to show him the evidence he flies into an impotent rage and starts hurling abuse. It’s like he’s… afraid of the evidence.


Please? I beg you! Please show me your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. Please? If you actually provide solid proof that Trump won in 2020 I will apologize (that's how it spelled in the US) to you right here


No, wait for it like everyone else.


If you sincerely want to see the evidence then make the apology, if you’re a typical nasty, moronic Leftard bitch who’s afraid of evidence then keep squealing and hurling mindless abuse.

Your call…


What fucked up shithole is where you live? I know you're not an American so why are you so ashamed that you keep your residence a secret?


If you sincerely want to see the evidence then make the apology, if you’re a typical nasty, moronic Leftard bitch who’s afraid of evidence then keep squealing and hurling mindless abuse.

Your call…


These companies are so flush with cash, they don't care.

ThE MEsSagE™ must be perpetuated at all costs!


But there have been many successful supposedly "woke" releases


When it happens, it's because they stuff the wokeness into a Purple Pill.


But it does happen. On the nose bad 'woke' writing fails for the same reason that shitty christian preaching films fail.

They're just bad.

But there are plenty of shows that people on here cry about being 'woke' that are hugely successful


But it does happen. On the nose bad 'woke' writing fails for the same reason that shitty Christian preaching films fail.

Almost like... people don't like religion in their entertainment. Yes, woke is a religion at this point.


This doesn't make any sense. For one, you'd have to define both "religion" and "woke".


No you don't... its a religion.


This doesn't make any sense. For one, you'd have to define both "religion" and "woke".


You’ll notice that the Skavau-bot starts malfunctioning and mindlessly repeats itself when it encounters information it can’t handle.


I copy and paste myself when people just say the same thing.

You, by the way, copy and paste your own messages to people. You are a petty, childish little hypocrite.

I fully expect you will edit you message to make some cheap and petty attack.


There, that knocked it out of its loop 👆🤣


The Boys went from slightly woke, to uberwoke in 2 seasons... unwatchable by the end of the 3rd, and I couldn't care less about season 4 now.


Yeah, Barbie was such a bomb.


Barbie wasn't really woke. The majority of it was pretty based.


One explanation I've heard is that they were already in production before the woke trend started losing it's "luster" with the dumb crowd, and the studios have to release the project or lose what little money they would have gotten by not releasing it. That, and they're so stupid that they think continuing to put this shit out will get a different result each time.

Another explanation I've heard is that the studios are now mired with woke activists running everything and acting like an cult that micromanages everything down to how people working there think and talk to each other. They're not making these movies to "include" everyone. They're just fanfics designed to please themselves, rather than their customers. They're even assuming that "The Broker" who got them in the front door and in a cushy job will continue to provide money under the table so that any losses in theaters won't hurt so bad. I have a feeling investor money isn't really helping in the long run, and the activists are delusional. It's "The Emperor's New Clothes" all the way. Even worse, either the studio heads are woke themselves, or they're too big of cowards to fire everyone and clean house, bring back in the REAL talent and creativity instead of the woke dumb fucks who have none.


Sooner or later woke-AI is going to replace some of those writers. They already have AI written scripts.


Well, as we have seen so far, the AI stink worse than the bad writers, which is hard to do, btw ;)


the market has spoken. Audiences don't want that stuff.

The market has indeed spoken , and its only a small minority of angry white xenophobic males with a persecution complex that make a disproportionally loud noise about it , that dont like it.

Most people are fine about it and Hollywood's profits reflect that.
So get used to it.


Most people are fine about it and Hollywood's profits reflect that.

It’s not about profit (that's just a side effect of it), it’s about the message.
Only a minority of the weak and brainwashed idiots are fine with that.


Why is the Last of Us breaking HBO records:

Why is Euphoria highly successful:

Why did Sex Education do really well:

Why did Heartstopper do really well:


A show displaying on the screen vs. people actually watching and liking something are 2 different things.

None of those articles account for that, they are just raw numbers. It doesn't mean anything.


>A show displaying on the screen vs. people actually watching and liking something are 2 different things.

People did also like them. They all had great userscores on IMDB, Simkl,, Serializd, etc.

Why would people watch shows and finish shows that they don't like?

>None of those articles account for that, they are just raw numbers. It doesn't mean anything.

The OP of this thread is specifically claiming that they always fail. If people are watching them, and they are, they clearly are not failing as far as the production companies and streamers are concerned.


People watching something does not mean that they liked it.


Why would people complete a show they don't like? Why would they watch these highly 'woke' shows over other TV shows?

And this doesn't explain the great userscores on sites like IMDB, Simkl, Trakt, Serializd etc.


"Why would people complete a show they don't like?"

Different reasons.

"And this doesn't explain the great userscores"

Most of those scores are deliberately inflated.


>Different reasons.

Name them please.

>Most of those scores are deliberately inflated.

Provide evidence for this claim.


I dont remember taking on a message maybe my minds too weak .

Whats "the message" ?
