MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do you boycott McDonald’s?

Do you boycott McDonald’s?

You should!


Why? Quarter Pounders with Cheese are delicious! Big Macs are tasty too.


I don't eat McDonald's because there are way better options out there. Not really a boycott per say.

I think the last time I went to a McDonald's was maybe 2008?


Those burgers actually look pretty good. Same with what looks to be fried potato wedges. I used to get the potato wedges just solo from time to time from KFC but then they stopped selling them separately.


I used to eat KFC back in the day until Popeye's emerged and took over


I've always like their breakfast menu but I haven't eaten there in years.


I dont support anything Israel!


[–] TrentnQuarantino (7268) 12 hours ago
I figured it would be something like that.

I congratulate McD's in that case. I'll make a point to get an Egg McMuffin meal for breakfast until Hamas is exterminated.

I fully support the IDF and here is a brief explanation of why ...

If you think Palestians want peace of their own state?

Here is a brief history of Hamas, Gaza, the Palestinian state:
- Well, Palestinians got a state called Gaza.
- The first thing they did was destroy everything productive
that Israel left them. Farms, orchards, factories, infrastructure..
- Then they elected Hamas - 18 years so, so all those kids of
brainwasted by Hamas were the murderous 10-7 terrorists and
their children will be even worse.
- Then they murdered their Palestinian opposition, Islamic Jihad
& Fatah by hanging, shooting, torture, throwing them off the
tops of buildings.
- Then they went on to fire rockets every day at Israel, paid
for with aid money from the UN and other countries, financial
- Then they began digging tunnels and hiding weapons in houses,
mosques, hospitals etc.
- Then they broke through and attempted genocide, murdered
1200 people and took 230 hostage.
- Then they put their own people in harms way for publicity
trying to convince the world it is Israel and not them that get
their own people killed.
- Then they promised they would do it again and again and
again - forever until they destroyed Israel and killed all the Jews.

How much frickin clearer can it be?

People brave enough to fight that kind of evil deserve a lot more than a Big Mac.

No one might not like Netanyahu - but Netanyuahu knows what has to be done better than anyone else in the world.
Get off his back - he is working for the whole world to stand up to Islamic terrorism and bring real peace and prosperity to the Middle East. I'd be honored to buy Netanyahu as many Big Macs as he wanted.


Honestly?? I'm sort of surprised McDonald's has never been phased out in favor of better alternatives?? Hell, Shake Shack along with Red Robin and even the local diner have better burgers than McDonalds, but what do I know??


We don't have McDonalds, just A&W and Subway.
Restaurants charge $10+ for a burger with side. Even the indy mexican take-out charges $10 for a burrito!


I avoid it when I can. Nothing to do with the war. Just overpriced shit food.

Signed, million man
