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Trump wins Iowa by 51% and 98 out of 99 counties

Proof that America has had enough of Biden. I'm hardly Trump's biggest fan nor do I think he is perfect, but I think he has more the skills to do actually do something compared to sleepy Joe, who's efforts really haven't helped.
I feel compelled to believe that this is mainly due to people regretting turning against Trump and foolishly turning to Biden. We all know how that ended.


That was a REPUBLICAN Caucus. Biden had nothing to do with it.


Why don't you calm down your worship for Biden for once? Not everything's black and white. I was just pointing out how it has been revealed more people in general are supporting Trump more than ever because he can actually do something for the people, even if he is not perfect by any means.


I'm pointing out that the REPUBLICAN Caucus had nothing to do with Democrats.


He only won a measly 51% of the republican electorate in very conservative Iowa. There was also an extremely low turnout. I think it's proof that America has had enough of tRump.


I'm sure he would have still won if Iowa was liberal or Democratic. He was 30% ahead of second place.


If he'd had any real competition, he would have easily lost.


I feel sorry for establishment wanks trying to rationalize what's happening.


That's only because you're looking at the facts.
You need to ignore the facts to understand the Trump campaign.


Makes sense. It's usually the most hard core members of the base that participate in these things. We know how fanatical they are about Trump.


That makes sense. I know some people in other communities are not necessarily fanatical, but definitely hardcore with the side they are on. They would just vote Trump even if they don't fully support his personality just to give him the benefit of the doubt.


Trump is awesome, cant wait to vote this fall.


That makes about 15% of you.


We shall see, Trumpvember is going to be epic!


You will finally have your delusions smashed and your life and personna will leave you the empty, ignorant, quivering fearful loser you were before you decided to give your life to Trump.


What does this prove to you?

2008 Iowa Republican turnout 120,000 GOP voters.
2012 Iowa Republican turnout 122,000 GOP voters.
2016 Iowa Republican turnout 187,000 GOP voters.
2024 Iowa Republican turnout 110,000 GOP voters - Worst Republican turnout.

Why are media channels on both sides hyping this up like
Trump is back?


Hmm, interesting stats. A win is still a win though. Real question will come on voting day.


Very probable that since Trump did not win the popular vote in 2016, and lost even worse in 2020, that despite the greater intensity of his insurgent campaign he will not win and will lose even worse this year. You're right though, can't rule it out though.


Right! The voters have rejected this asshole twice already, and I doubt the subsequent 2nd impeachment and 91 federal indictments are going to attract more voters than they repel.


What's gonna happen is that trump hardcore loonies will show up at elections. But those who voted for DeSantis, Haley will not show up and stay home. While all democrats will show up once again to not let Trump win.


people regretting turning against Trump and foolishly turning to Biden.

People needed to see and experience it for themselves.
Reason #2 as to why Trump decided not to release the receipts after the 2020 election.


Hmmm, comedian troller psycho versus competent administrator human being. Tough choice.


I'm more surprised that he got only 50%. Proves republicans did not go down as whole and are divided with 55% being trump loonies and cowards and 45% being normal.


And what does your theory say about Democrats who are against Joe Biden??
