MovieChat Forums > Politics > 33 Mosques burnt to the ground in Canada...

33 Mosques burnt to the ground in Canada since May 2021.

Did I say Mosques? Sorry, I meant Churches. If it were Mosques, we'd all have heard about it and heard about it every day. Mass media global coverage, marches, protests, vigils etc. Just imagine a Mosque being burnt down by some Islamophobic racist bigot every few weeks. And all because of what I can only call a hoax pushed by media, politicians, activists etc.

At least 33 Canadian churches have burned to the ground since May 2021. Only 2 were accidents


Haha. yeah.

Don't forget all the ones in France. Including Notre dame.


Those were also "deliberate" accidents.


Evidence that the Notre dame accident was deliberate please.


Why, what will you do after he's "proved" it?

Demand that Islam be banned from all western countries?


So no evidence, as usual. Got it.


I changed my question. But you won't answer that one either.


>Why, what will you do after he's "proved" it?

Concede the point.

>Demand that Islam be banned from all western countries?



Exactly. So in fact there was no point to your request.

Since nothing would ever cause you to un-super-glue your tongue from Glorious Fuhrer Allah's rectum.


>Exactly. So in fact there was no point to your request.

What? Evidence is evidence, if provided.

>Since nothing would ever cause you to un-super-glue your tongue from Glorious Fuhrer Allah's rectum.

What the fuck are you talking about? If the Notre-Dame cathedral did burn down due to arson, it doesn't necessarily mean it was a Muslim who did it. Secondly, if it was - that wouldn't justify attacking freedom of expression.

Do you hate free speech?


"Evidence is evidence, if provided."

But you just said it wouldn't change your "mind". So hence... no point.

I dont think even an exorcist and a "De-cult"-ing agent could explain to you what a point is... even if they worked on you for 3 months and tortured you with branding irons...


>But you just said it wouldn't change your "mind". So hence... no point.

There's no direct connection here to Islam and whether or not the cathedral, or any church was burnt down. If the Notre-Dame cathedral did burn down due to arson, it doesn't necessarily mean it was a Muslim who did it. Secondly, if it was - that wouldn't justify attacking freedom of expression.


Yes, that's just you repeating yourself as usual.

Since you're going to stick to your lame-ass world view no matter what, which if world-views were movies, yours would be "The Room" (2003) - there was absolutely NO POINT in asking him.

Because as you just said, such proof "wouldn't justify...", whatever blah blah anyway. So for about the 99th time - your asking for "evidence" had no point.

The only reason you asked, was because your only hobby is going around the internet telling people they're paranoid and making things up - you prefer that to hanging around at a mosque or going out with Muslim friends.

You prefer our company to Muslims, clearly.


>Yes, that's just you repeating yourself as usual.

You didn't answer my question.

>Because as you just said, such proof "wouldn't justify..." anyway

Why would it?

>The only reason you asked, was because your only hobby is going around the internet telling people they're paranoid and making things up - you prefer that to hanging around at a mosque or going out with Muslim friends.

Why on earth do you assume I'm a muslim?


What I'm inferring here is that you hate freedom of speech and want to persecute people.

This makes you fundamentally anti-American.


No you're wrong, and no doubt you're anti-American yourself.

Why don't you hate the people who set fire to these churches as much as you hate me?
Why isn't there a "BurningDownChurchesConsequences" on reddit?


>No you're wrong, and no doubt you're anti-American yourself.

How am I anti-American? And you didn't answer my question. You seem to reject the first-amendment. Can you confirm?

>Why don't you hate the people who set fire to these churches as much as you hate me?

I no more "hate them" than I do anyone who commits a crime. They should be caught and charged. But in any case, regarding Canada, the arson is not suspected to be by muslims anyway - so not sure of the relevance of Islam here.


I'm not from America.

You stinking moron. You say believe in freedom of speech but if I went around my Eurotrash neighborhood saying what I think of ISISlam, I'd be arrested (even when no Muslims live on my street and I've hardly seen any in my entire home town either).

You'd cheer my arrest you loathsome hick, so drop the "freedom of speech" ya poisonous little dink.


>I'm not from America.

Where are you from?

>You stinking moron. You say believe in freedom of speech but if I went around my Eurotrash neighborhood saying what I think of ISISlam, I'd be arrested (even when no Muslims live on my street and I've hardly seen any in my entire home town either).

>You'd cheer my arrest you loathsome hick, so drop the "freedom of speech" ya poisonous little dink.

It would depend on what you want to say. I don't like the extent of some European speech laws, and have said this many times. In any case, you complaining about being arrested is rich given you literally want to round up and arrest all Muslims. Genuinely genocidal tier.


It would depend on what you want to say.

Yes... but uh... your whole schtick so far has suggested that no-one is allowed to restrict the freedom of expression of Mudslimes... right? Dork!


>Yes... but uh... your whole schtick so far has suggested that no-one is allowed to restrict the freedom of expression of Mudslimes... right? Dork!

Muslims also should be arrested if they incite violence, or make threats. It doesn't just uniquely apply to people who incite violence against Islam.

I note you didn't deny my accusation of you openly calling for genocide.


That would be because you either didn't really say that, or I lost it in all the other boring blather.

ISISlam calls for the execution of gays. Why aren't you accusing them of inciting genocide?

is it cause you're too busy being an illiterate hick cunt?


>That would be because you either didn't really say that, or I lost it in all the other boring blather.

Did you genuinely think I only thought that people who incite violence against Muslims should be arrested?

>ISISlam calls for the execution of gays. Why aren't you accusing them of inciting genocide?

Many Muslims and Islamic sects do promote this, and are dangerous absolutely. ISIS is a a terrorist group and dangerous and membership of should be reacted towards.

I still note you didn't deny my accusation of you openly calling for genocide.


Muslims also should be arrested if they incite violence, or make threats. It doesn't just uniquely apply to people who incite violence against Islam.

But they never are no matter how much they do.And it took about 50,000 late night argument responses from me, for you to suggest that any Muslim should be held to any standard ever, you loathsome, illiterate hick cunt. You don't go around in your stupid illiterate everyday hick life saying "muslims should obey the law". You only say it at night - 3am my time, I dont know what time it is your time - 50,000 responses into an internet argument. You loathsome hick cunt.

When it comes to Muslims calling for violence - the police in our country bends over backwards for them and lets them say whatever.

One time, a documentary was made on a mainstream TV channel where they had undercover footage of imams calling for deaths of "infidels" etc.

The police just tried to arrest the people who made it, and falsely accused them of "misleadingly editing" the documentary when it wasn't. That was now over 15 years ago, no "mainstream" person has ever tried to hold them to account again.

Do you know why? cause they're illiterate, ISIS-loving hick cunts like you. You hick cunt.


How am I anti-American?

You're a Brit and all you do is shit over Americans you disagree with.


Why does me being a Brit mean I'm an anti-American?

I "shit over" anyone I disagree with. Has noting to do with their nationality.


By the way it's "imply". The person listening infers, you imply.

What a surprise, pseudointellectual ISIS-lovers are also illiterates.

Never saw that coming.


>What a surprise, pseudointellectual ISIS-lovers are also illiterates.

How am I an "ISIS-lover"? What have I said to make you think that?


Everything. I see you didn't deny being an illiterate hick cunt either.


How "everything"? That's again the answer of an absolute child. "No u"

I don't think a supposed "ISIS-lover" would be vocally pro-Israel.


No I really meant it. Every one of your words and the way you come across reeks of someone who pretends to like ISISlam but never goes to a mosque or has any Muslim friends that they've had any substantial experiences with other than posing with them. If at all.

Being called a "child" by a pro-ISISlam person is the most laughable attempt at an insult.

You're a grown man who believes the king of Saudi Arabia will come to your basement and give you a magic carpet in exchange for all your sucking up over the years.

You loathsome hick cunt. Stop boring the shit out of me and stick to jacking your 2 inch dick off to female WWE wrestlers.


>No I really meant it.

>Being called a "child" by a pro-ISISlam person is the most laughable attempt at an insult.

How am I pro-Islam?

>You're a grown man who believes the king of Saudi Arabia will come to your basement and give you a magic carpet in exchange for all your sucking up over the years.

How have I sucked up to Saudi Arabia?


By spending about58023959023850928905238582930523 responses in the middle of the night trying to discourage me from telling the truth about how violent ISISlam is.

You're doing it right now.

Magic carpets don't exist, you illiterate hick cunt.


>By spending about58023959023850928905238582930523 responses in the middle of the night trying to discourage me from telling the truth about how violent ISISlam is.

I haven't told you to do any such thing.

I simply objected to the idea that it should be banned in totality.


And only an insanely retarded person would do that.


Why? Free expression matters. I don't want to ban any religion. What would you do to the Muslims that exist then in the UK?


No, as i already stated, people who object to ISISlam have no freedom of expression.

You only believe in it for people who make videos of women being stoned to death, for you to jack off to.

They themselves don't believe in freedom of expression, you poisonous, heinous cunt.


>No, as i already stated, people who object to ISISlam have no freedom of expression.

You are free to criticise Islam. But you are not free to incite violence, or make threats. And Muslims are likewise also not free to do so.

>They themselves don't believe in freedom of expression, you poisonous, heinous cunt.

Neither do you, yet I don't want the police to arrest you.


My first thoughts on Notre Dame were Islamists.
Apparently though it was a stupid accident.

It's perhaps still possible that they shut it up as to avoid
a Muslim confrontation, but that would be a pretty hard
conspiracy to cover up.

I'm kind of sad it was not something that would spark the
inevitable battle that seems to be unavoidable in the future
in this clash of civilizations.

It's kind of hard to imagine how Muslims in all these
miserable Islamic Republic countries are so loyal to a
religion of death and hate, but they know from hundreds
of years of success how to program and automate people
to throw their lives away for an inhuman system of hate
and ignorance.


>I'm kind of sad it was not something that would spark the
inevitable battle that seems to be unavoidable in the future
in this clash of civilizations.

What "battle" is it that you want to see, exactly?


I was going to answer that, but you know, if you cannot understand what I am saying from context you're not worth the time, and again are just trolling for one of you endless bickering contests.


I mean it sounds like you want some kind of anti-Islamic crusade or something. That's literally the only thing I can infer.


You'd think the magical 'god' would've stepped in to protect said churches but nope, that means god allowed it. Anyone that interferes is going against god's will. If god didn't want it to happen it wouldn't have happened. All this happens because god is good and you should accept it. Stop trying to sin for god when this is all part of gods plan.


That's kind is stupid R. Religion is not about God, it is about social
unification. That works no matter how absurd it seems ... look at
Islam for hundreds or years. The brutality and totalitarian mindset
created a fanatic culture of aggression and intolerance.


Only two were accidents, eh? 33 in 3 years sounds like a lot.

Remember that the overlords and their news monkeys hate Christians, they won't say a peep about churches being destroyed, not even if there are innocent people inside.


33 in about 31 months. Two they say were not arson, so it is one a month. This is just cases of arson. I wonder how many attacks on Churches where it is vandalism. Could be hundreds. Media very silent in comparison to how we know they would react if it were Mosques or black Churches in America. Everyone is silent in comparison.


There aren't any "black" churches in Canada. One of their well-kept dirty secrets is, they don't allow black people to immigrate unless they're already married to a white Canadian.


Can I see some evidence for this claim please


so Eskimos dun it?


The one guy there says it's people off the reservation. let's not forget these people are responding to how the media and politicians pushed what I view as a hoax.


Ol Canada sounds pretty tolerant eh


Might not be as bad as some places Canada has their share of intolerant haters who aren't all white supremacists despite what some might tell you.


I've seen at least 10 headlines about it,2 in American media alone. I've also seen it in British, German, and Norwegian media. Of course, it would be covered more as there are not plenty of mosques in the Western world.

The church-to-mosque ratio in Canada is probably 700-1, so if someone is burning one of them it's very likely to be a church.


There's also more Christians than Muslims and more white people than first nations. Either way you're not getting the outrage you'd get if Mosques were being burned and vandalized in less than 3 years since the lie pushed by media and high-ranking politicians. You also have Trudeau saying although wrong it's understandable. That's fine, as long as after an Islamic terror attack any anti-Muslim backlash is also understandable.

This is the CBC coverage just recently. Most of the video is allowing people to justify the arson, allowed to still lie about bodies found, allow someone to openly hate based on religious beliefs etc. No pushback from the interviewer. I didn't hear any reference to Anti-Christian sentiment, Christophobia or Christianophobia, hate crime or indeed terrorism. They did reference bad things that were done in the past to first nations though. biased coverage.
