MovieChat Forums > Politics > In 2020 I reluctantly voted for Biden bu...

In 2020 I reluctantly voted for Biden but if Nikki Haley were the republican nominee in 2024 I would vote for her

She said some stupid stuff but she will recover just like other candidates have. They make mistakes because they are virtually recorded everyday about many things they say. Then things get twisted and threads break down to threats and that's getting boring. Maybe try and just be happy for now!


Both Biden and Nikki Haley can go F... themselves.


I'm guessing the reluctance was in the Democratic primary and not the general election...


It's like no good person wants the job to be president, only establishment generic politicians that more or less ignorant of many things or power hungry folk.


There is a type of political system where they pick someone at random .
I forget what its called


Don't a bunch of rich people meet and decide who the candidates are because their money is needed to run campaigns?


At least she supports continued aid for Ukraine.


Uhmm.. nobody cares to hear from the 50-60 million who actually voted for Freakshow Biden... Nobody to the power of nobody.

Your tardpinion couldn't be any more irrelevant if it actively tried.



It's interesting to me bc it's surprising that robocat893 would support Haley when Biden was still an option. But there's nothing wrong with his choice we're allowed to disagree.


Great! hahah look at you, you're like a toddler do you think I give a sh1t?

What the hell is wrong with you did you read my post? DORK


I celebrate my dorkdum bitch!


Haley Clinton?

No thanks.


you should vote RFK Jr 2024 he is Moderate Independent like myself both Democrats and Republicans are radical Vote #RFKJr2024


She's a neocon from twenty years ago and will gut Social Security if given the chance. Trump will lean into the latter as he did with Ron DeSantis. When he's not being racist about her Indian heritage.


What is it about the leftists that are so weak and spineless that they fear been labeled racists so much that are complicit enough to allow our country to be destroyed by an invasion of illegals?

Libs are literally the most pathetic humans on the planet.
