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Hillary "Cankles" Clinton says MAGA is causing climate change.

Former Democratic twice failed presidential nominee Hillary Clinton suggested in a Tweet Tuesday that the Make America Great Again movement is to blame for rising global temperatures.

“Hot enough for you? Thank a MAGA Republican. Or better yet, vote them out of office,” Clinton said.

Almost a year since Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act which had $783 million to address climate change. How's that coming? Can we thank a Democrat for passing heavy spending bills with zero results? You'd think if it was that big of a problem, they wouldn't spend almost a year while the "crisis" gets worse.


Can any lemmings explain why every prediction about oceans rising for the last 50 years was wrong? And if these so-called “experts” were 100% wrong about this for 50 years, why do you still believe them?


Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


no lemming can explain anything about anything.



The oceans are rising. Why do you think they aren't?


Remember when the “climate experts” predicted the record winter experienced by the entire western United States in 2023?

Me neither. Not a single one.


I do recall a Times magazine article (right about 1979/1980) predicting a coming Ice Age. There were charts and graphs showing an ice flow that was coming down from the Arctic. New York would be under a huge sheet of ice before the turn of the century.

It made me nervous at the time. I've since learned not to freak out over what the "experts" say and definitely not to worry over what gasbag politicians like Hillary say!


Me too.


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Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


how dare you!


Hillary Clinton: Living rent free in Trumptwat heads since 2016...


Haha, thats not even a thing. MAGA


Oh that's hilarious. How's your TDS???


Oof, cringe


Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.




Politicians never miss an opportunity to politicize. Democrats fomenting hate at every turn.


Why is she still on Twitter/X - I thought all those people were going to leave it?


I loved it when someone responded with: "It's gonna be hotter where you're going!" rofl!

How fascinating, that we Republicans are somehow able to control the weather. Perhaps we can send some major wildfires and tornadic storms to Washington to wipe out the people on Capitol Hill. Or perhaps we can send a proper Category 5 hurricane to Martha's Vineyard on short notice and make the rich assholes there suffer. Or perhaps we could even have a hurricane wipe out Obama and his family while they're enjoying their pampered lifestyle over in Hawaii.

Oh wait, yeah. We can't do that. Hillary is full of shit.


Its always the Republicans fault and the only ones that can fix it is Dems. As seen here in this classic tale of bravado.

“So when Joe Biden says, ‘Build back better,’ that better includes building back in a way that is resilient, that is green, that protects the planet,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol. “So I don’t know if it’s one bill or it permeates a number of bills, but it is absolutely a priority.”

This was 3 years ago. Still waiting for BBB and for climate change to be stopped globally.


It's interesting that one of the larger sources of pollution are major corporations that run factories in the third world, corporations that have deep tentacles in the Democrap and RINO part of the Republican party. They claim Republicans are to blame for pollution, while taking money from the very people who do the most polluting! And their very own actions pollute the air by riding around in big, black, gas-guzzling cars and flying around in their private jets and their big, energy-sucking houses!

So who's the real "climate villain" here?


Sooner or later, they will convince their religious cult followers that in order to save the planet from climate change, that they will have to eat feces and drink urine.


I ALMOST wish I could lock them in a room with Eric Cartman and let him have his psychological way with those guys....but that's being cruel to animals.
