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Climate Change - Realistic Solutions

According to, no climate predictions have ever come true. But let's pretend it is real, and not just because the Earth is still coming out of an ice age.

Post solutions. Like real ones. All I see in climate posts are just hate against others. Put up or shut up...

Tell us what climate change means to you, and how the problem is solved.

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Waste and Pollution attribute to less than one percent of any climate issues, which means that if all pollution/waste was halted, it would affect global climate change by less than one percent.

Climate change has been occurring for billions of years and after five extinction events, it has managed to recover every time.
In summary, the earth can clean itself.

New research has found that a strong electric field at the surface between airborne water droplets and the surrounding air can create hydroxide (OH) through a previously unknown mechanism. This discovery is expected to reshape the scientific understanding of how the atmosphere clears itself of pollutants and greenhouse gases. Previously, researchers believed that sunlight was the main driver of OH formation. The findings could significantly change air pollution models, as OH plays an important role in oxidizing hydrocarbons and removing harmful chemicals from the atmosphere. The next step will be conducting experiments in the real atmosphere in different parts of the world.

The climate change cult: 10 warning signs -


Well, some of us would like to avoid accelerating another extinction event. Just call me crazy, I guess.


You'll be dead for 1000s of years before that happens. Do you have some solutions to offer the group?

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The only extinction event to worry about would be a nuclear war caused by those who lie about climate change.


what about asteroids?


get in front or get outta the way!!


Right so I'm Batfleck's sock puppet now am I? ( Never mind the fact that we appear to live in different countries (note how we use different standardisations of English spelling) and different time zones. Never mind that we otherwise post on different forums. Because we both keep on pointing out that you need to start referencing reliable (i.e. peer reviewed) sources that must make me a sock puppet. If I'm a sock puppet then Batfleck has gone to a great deal of time and trouble to create me!

But back to finding peer reviewed sources, here let me show you how it's done...

1) I found this one article titled, 'Greater than 99% consensus on human caused climate change in the peer-reviewed scientific literature', here:

2) Now I didn't just take the title's word for it. I had to check the journal's credentials. Let's see, it's called Environmental Research Letters. Right, so I had to check the relevant link on their website:

3) And here's what I found: "High standards: our professional in-house editors manage the peer review process, and alongside our Editorial Board ensure standards are maintained at a high level and customer service is prioritized."

Bob's your uncle!

Regarding your above post, I don't know where your read how the earth can simply clean itself. I suspect that it wasn't in a peer reviewed publication. But I'll tell you what. If you provide the link, I'll take you through the process again.


I didn’t say you were his; I simply referred to you as “the other sock puppet”.

I have already addressed your points to the Canuck.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


So you don't want to tell me where you read the earth can simply clean itself?


The way you can tell the mythical globalist Democrat fantasies like climate change, wage gap, and white privilege don’t exist is easy.

How are they measured? Have you ever heard the proponents claim a small victory? Have they ever reported any good news whatsoever? What’s the finish line? How do we measure progress?

50 years of climate fear mongering, 50 years of failed predictions, never once have they cited any progress. There’s nothing to even measure. For 50 years they’ve had a 50/50 chance to get it right, and they’ve gotten it completely wrong. Not even close.

Climate “experts” recounting 50 years of progress.


That's the dumbest argument I've ever heard.


The wage gap and white privilege relate to political debates. On the other hand, anthropogenic climate change is an evidence-based theory based upon scientific consensus (see my last post). We are living in the age of climate change: last year's heat-related deaths during summer in Europe were the worst on record (but the data from this year's record-breaking summer in Europe is still being collected):


This thread is for solutions, not you have a solution to offer up?

Please post it.

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I hope you respond similarly to all the people posting that climate change is a hoax.
My solutions are below.


I've never heard of this website called extinction clock before but it doesn't disclose who is behind it. For example, is it operated by NASA, or is it operated by Alex Jones? Needless to say, it doesn't have much substance to it in that (as of 24 July 2023) it only takes 27 quotes from politicians and journalists, but no climate scientists, and seems to take their quotes out of context. It doesn't cite any climate data to make an argument that global temperatures aren't increasing. At least the so called "climate gate" farce tried to misrepesent the actual people qualified to comment: climate scientists.

I have much more confidence in, for example , a source such as NASA which found that 97 percent of climate scientists agree on the theory of anthropogenic climate change (

I guess we can rely on news sources and other non-science publications as long as they actually cite climate scientists such as this one which cites academics in the field to argue that failing to take action on climate change now could result in a loss in 18 percent of output by 2100: If the academics who have been cited find that their work has been misrepresented, they can speak up. The article points out that there are disadvantages taking action now (by reducing carbon emissions), but the consequences will be worse in the future (by not reducing carbon emissions).


Have any of those predictions come true? No.

Does who is running it matter for the purpose of post? No.

Do you have a solution to offer up? That is the point of this post, not to poke holes in a link.

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Predictions that increased carbon emissions would increase global temperatures have turned out to be very true. the increases are much greater than any natural rate of change that was going on and unprecedented in Earth's history. The acidification of the oceans is evidence that carbon dioxide is causing extreme changes in the environment due to it's magnitude.

It stands to reason that decreasing the output of CO2 is needed to stop these man-made effects. I don't want to hear anybody saying that it isn't working while fighting against the changes needed to make it work.

some things that are needed:
- transition away from fossil fuels. It's day should be over ASAP
- move to renewables and zero carbon energy, which needs government investment and support for private investment. I personally think that nuclear power needs to be brought into the picture again although we have to be a lot smarter in dealing with siting and waste. It's a huge political problem, though which needs to be addressed.
- invest in carbon capture technologies, in addition to the above, not instead of the above.
- move toward new technologies in agriculture and building (concrete!) that do not contribute to warming. We've been crawling slowly toward commercializing cellulostic fermentation as a way to reduce biomass waste and generate combustable energy materials in a carbon neutral way. This need a big kick of investiment.
- there are solutions for methane production from livestock which need to be put into practice.


transition away from fossil fuels. It's day should be over ASAP. Move to renewables and zero carbon energy, which needs government investment and support for private investment. I personally think that nuclear power needs to be brought into the picture again although we have to be a lot smarter in dealing with siting and waste. It's a huge political problem, though which needs to be addressed.

Agreed on nuclear, but a sustainable Nuclear + Green must be in place first, before you shut off the valve. 100% elimination of fossil fuels I do not agree with unfortunately. Petrol powered appliances are necessary to human life...not every place on earth can be connected to the electrical grid.

invest in carbon capture technologies, in addition to the above, not instead of the above.

This would be good for the small amount of remaining refineries. I agree here as well.

move toward new technologies in agriculture and building (concrete!) that do not contribute to warming. We've been crawling slowly toward commercializing cellulosic fermentation as a way to reduce biomass waste and generate combustible energy materials in a carbon neutral way. This need a big kick of investment.

Biomass will be a great tech to replace small gasoline generators someday. I'm in here, as well.

there are solutions for methane production from livestock which need to be put into practice.

Now this is where it starts getting silly, and needs to be dropped from the agenda real fast because it makes people cringe and stop listening... Literally almost every living animal on earth farts. Like farts a lot. Pointing at 4 specific breeds of animal farts(that happen to be our food livestock) is just stupid, and hurts the message.


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You make some really good points, and I agree with a lot of them...but here's the thing...

These can all be done without global communism, wealth transfers, or mass immigration. In fact, most people would be on board with this, without the hate, vitrol, and global enslavement nonsense. Another thing that would be very helpful is that if its applied from the Top-Down. Meaning, the global elites that are pushing for all this crap takes the lead, and show us all how it's done.

The WEF, and the billionaires need to be the change they want to see. First thing they need to do is give up their private jets, and start flying coach...especially ol' Klaus Schwab himself.

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Yes you don't need global communism to do these things but for some reason many on the right think we do and so oppose them.

Regarding methane- its actually cow burps that produce methane in large amounts contributing about 15% of total greenhouse games. But somebody had found a type of agae that stops this. I think a couple of tbs a day of this dried seaweed added to their diet is enough to alter the fermentation in their guts that create the methane.

Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. Fortunately it is cleared out of the atmosphere much faster than CO2.


As I mentioned previously, the website (extinction clock) doesn't really list any scientific predictions to speak of, but rather lists 27 statements made by journalists and politicians (not climate scientists). On the other hand, NASA's findings are that the scientific community's modelling and projections are accurate:

My opinion is that who the source is, does matter. (This website doesn't disclose that information.) Without knowing the source and their credentials, we should assume that they are not scientifically qualified to comment anymore than someone who has never read a peer reviewed paper in their life.

I also mentioned previously, there are short term losses in reducing carbon emissions but there are even greater long-term losses in not reducing carbon emissions.


All the predictions are literally sourced, lol.

You can ignore it all you want, but it doesn't change the reality that no climate prediction has ever come true.

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If it doesn’t fit their indoctrinated and brainwashed narrative than they will certainly ignore it.


Here's the most recent one that expired...

0 Years, 34 Days, 18 Hours, 54 Minutes, 32 Seconds Ago

June 21, 2018
Climate change will wipe out all of humanity says Greta Thunberg.
From Twitter, quote: "A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years."
Related: The now deleted article that Thunberg referenced, quoting James Anderson (Harvard).
June 21, 2023

I want to see someone tell me that Greta is an idiot that doesn't kno what she is talking about. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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Greta Thunberg deleted the tweet which is not corroborated by what Prof. James Anderson actually said. GT isn't a climate scientist here but JA is and his findings have not been discreditied:

As I mentioned previously, this website focuses on quotes from non-experts (politicians, journalists and in GT's case, activists) but says nothing about peer reviewed research.


GT is another corporate sponsored shill just like all the scientists endorsing the climate change lie.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


The "World Climate Declaration" was a hoax. 1,200 climate scientists didn't really sign a declaration saying there is no climate emergency:

Ivar Giaver is not a climate scientist but a retired professor of physics. If he were a climate scientist, I guess he would be counted in the 3 percent (plus one) of climate scientists who don't believe in climate change.


lol, Euronews is a left-leaning source just like the climate change hoax agenda; therefore, all leftists sources will falsely declare WCD as a hoax in order to discredit the truth. They will also smear them by tying them to big oil and fossil fuel interests.

If you were not a brainwashed leftist and a climate cult zealot, you would have realized that.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


I'm not bothered by your ad hominem attack. If anything, it reinforces that 1,200 climate scientists didn't really sign a declaration saying there is no climate emergency.

As I said before, Ivar Giaver isn't a climate scientist. Furthermore, Clintel isn't a climate science research organisation publishing peer reviewed research for that matter either. Anthropogenic climate change isn't a hoax but a theory upon which 97 percent of climate scientists agree. My question to Ivar Giaver and Clintel is: when is your paper due?


There were two papers written by the original author of the falsified and misrepresented consensus of the 97% climate scientists. The last three links at the bottom explains how Cook misrepresents the results of his own research.

The assertion by John Cook that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction. In John Cook’s first paper, he did not find that 97% endorsed the view that the Earth is warming up and human emissions of greenhouse gases are the main cause. He found that 1.6% did.

“The fact that Cook chose in a second paper to misrepresent the result of the first is good evidence that the presentation of his results was deliberately designed to mislead. Hence the sentence in question is a deliberate lie, a fact that any interested reader can check by simply comparing the two papers of which Cook is a co-author.”
Anyone with basic comprehension skills can see where in “Table 2”, Cook falsified the consensus by deceptively combining Levels-1, 2, and 3 (From a total of 7 Levels).

Based on the descriptions and examples, the only level that actually endorses global warming caused by humans is Level-1 which is 1.6% (Explicit endorsement with quantification).

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


Again Alex Epstein is a fossil fuel industry advocate with a Bachelor of Arts, not a climate scientist. He has no qualifications in climate science and neither has he published any peer reviewed research in the field.

The only source he quoted in his video was David Henderson who again wasn't a climate scientist but an economist:

NASA, a peak scientific research agency, published their findings long ago: I also found it strange that Alex Epstein implies that 97 percent of climate scientists agree on climate change but some of them may not agree when it's caused by human activity. However, NASA clearly stated in their findings that 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is caused by human activity.


It wasn’t caused by human activity, it has been occurring for billions of years.

Those same globalists and elites that are lying about it are flying around all the time in fuel airplanes and fuel vehicles. They are getting rich and wealthy from green energy (Al Gore is one of them).

NASA and almost all the other global establishments are been funded to support that lie and deception. It is a hoax to push "Agenda 2030" along with other organizations (CBCD, WHO, UN, etc).

The Global Warming hoax is the foundation that will be used for almost every plan they have under their "Agenda 21".

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


"It wasn’t caused by human activity, it has been occurring for billions of years."

97 percent of climate scientists would disagree with that statement (

"Those same globalists and elites that are lying about it are flying around all the time in fuel airplanes and fuel vehicles. They are getting rich and wealthy from green energy (Al Gore is one of them)."

Fossil fuel companies have got rich through greenhouse gases and have sought to undermine public awareness of the associated dangers just as the tobacco industry did in relation to the dangers associated with smoking.

"NASA and almost all the other global establishments are been funded to support that lie and deception. It is a hoax to push "Agenda 2030" along with other organizations (CBCD, WHO, UN, etc)."

The SPLC found: " Virtually none of the outlandish claims about Agenda 21 are true." (

"The Global Warming hoax is the foundation that will be used for almost every plan they have under their "Agenda 21"."

Anthropogenic climate change isn't a hoax. It's a theory like evolution and quantum physics.


You continue citing far-left fake news/misinformation which only proves and confirms everything I have already stated:

You should download the "Agenda 21" 355-page manifesto, so you can learn the truth.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


You don't trust the SPLC. Fair enough. But where's the evidence that Agenda 21 is a conspiracy?

Sure, Al Gore is acting out of self interest but he is not a climate scientist either. However , the fossil fuel industry is no better. Neither of these two points detract from what 97 percent of climate scientists agree upon.


It is not just Gore, it is everyone that endorses and promotes the climate lie. They all use fuel planes/vehicles and everything else made/manufactured from oil while profiting from green energy that is actually causing more harm to the environment, wildlife, marine life and humans.

Those that represent the fossil fuel industry do not promote such lies so they are not obligated to pretend or hide behind such hypocrisies.

There is no 97%, it is actually 1.6%, it is falsified/misrepresented information by the original author of the consensus that has been refuted and debunked for the past decade by several sources.

Scroll up to my third reply to you that includes a dozen links, or click the link below:

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


But as I said before, Al Gore isn't a climate scientist. If there are any climate scientists with the requisite qualifications and peer reviewed research who have sought to cynically enrich themselves, let me know. The whole time on this thread, the only links I've seen disputing climate change as a theory come from non-experts. The idea of an academic conducting peer reviewed research in any field to enrich themselves is far-fetched and if they even thought about committing academic fraud for this purpose, they would be caught out in the peer review process. I also find it strange that that these non-experts such as Alex Epstein and Lord Monckton argue that there is no consensus among climate scientist and that far from 97% of climate scientists accept the theory of human-caused climate change (who knows, it might be 96.72001% or 98.27524% of climate scientists who accept climate change), yet to date, no university or other research organisation which conducts peer reviewed research, endorses this claim. The paucity of their argument is evident in how they haven't collected any data or conducted any peer reviewed research of their own to give an alternative estimate. (And I have checked the link,, which doesn't cite any sources to claim that 1.6% of climate scientists accept climate change.) If you want to convince me that climate change is a discredited theory, tell me who has conducted the ground breaking research in the field of climate science which has withstood the peer review process over the years and provided an alternative theory; two cases in other fields who have stood the test of time include Charles Darwin in the field of biology and Albert Einstein in physics. And no, Alex Jones has not conducted any peer reviewed research in the field of climate science:

As it stands, any domain which ends with .edu or .gov (or intergovernmental organisation such as which says something about climate change will accept that anthropogenic climate change is an established theory. Furthermore, there is simply no evidence that there is some kabalistic conspiracy among climate scientists to perpetuate falsehoods. The so-called "climate gate" farce is a case in point and as ground-breaking researchers, Darwin and Einstein remind us that in the field of scientific research, price collusion in a large market with many small competitors is simply not practical. If a climate scientist did come up with this great news that we have nothing to worry about, we would probably know it by now. Furthermore, regardless of what we may say about Al Gore, there is no government conspiracy to suppress climate research. To the contrary, while climate change denial doesn't have any academic credentials, it enjoys a very privileged status in the Murdoch press. Moreover, right wing governments have sought to defund research organisations as climate change-denying former PM of Australia, Tony Abbott, had done for the CSIRO in 2013. Hypocritically right wing governments, the Murdoch press and conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones have been eerily quiet since 2013 about the unscientific claim that the planet stopped warming in 1998. As we we type the WMO reminds us that global temperatures have been increasing over May, June and July 2023:


You seem to be stuck on “Gore isn’t a climate scientist”, and therefore, missing the entire point since you have none.

There are no climate scientists in the 1.6% consensus that are promoting or endorsing green climate while abstaining from using fuel vehicle/planes or using products made from oil.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


My point is that just because Al Gore isn't a climate scientist and his motives are cynical and self-serving, that doesn't discredit all the research that has been done. Furthermore, climate change is a theory and there is no debate to speak of. I discussed how there is no peer reviewed research to support an estimate that the consensus is 1.6% in the link, That link reminds us this is isn't the first time when an academic discipline has been attacked by unqualified claims from outsiders. Climate change denial, like that other infamous pseudoscience, creationism, can be dismissed with the same question: when is your paper due?


All 12 links above explains everything.

The meme sign was to make a general point about those that hypocritically promote and endorse a lie.

They are a cult with a following, and none of their predictions have come true.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


None of those 12 links come from climate science research organisations conducting peer reviewed research. As I said, any genuine climate science research organisation which conducts peer reviewed research will tell us the world is getting warmer:


You obviously didn’t read any of them.

lol, once again, you continue to cite left-wing sources that promote and endorse that lie.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


I did read them. In fact, I pointed out that the links only cited non-experts like Alex Epstein and Lord Monckton to make their unscientific arguments.


You only read one link which was the one about Alex.

You clearly didn’t read the other 11 since I added them “after” you were in continuous repeat mode of: “Alex is not a scientist”.

The climate/global warming has been refuted and debunked for the past decade since that falsified paper about the 97% consensus was released.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


Do you accept that Alex Epstein and Lord Monckton are not experts and they don't have any credentials as climate scientists?


Why are you stuck on those two and Gore?

Thanks for confirming my point that you didn’t read the other 11 links.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


They are 2 individuals in the links you provided. I assume you agree the answer is no. Then how about the scientific credentials of the other sources you provided?


The links are not about those two individuals, you are clearly stuck in a “ad hominem” argument.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


So you agree that they don't have scientific credentials?


Are you saying they are wrong?

If so, prove it.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


How about you answer my question first?


Your answer depends weather you can prove if/how they are wrong.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


I'm happy to answer your question if I think they are wrong if you first of all answer my question if you agree that they don't have any scientific credentials.


So you have no proof…….got it.


So you don't deny that Alex Epstein, Lord Monckton, and the other people you quoted have no scientific credentials... got it.


I provided 12 links of proof and evidence, you have provided nothing.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


I asked you about the scientific credentials of the authors of your links as "proof and evidence". You didn't answer and so far, can't account for their scientific credentials.


Cook lied and falsified information.

Once again, provide unequivocal and irrefutable proof that the 12 sources are wrong.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


"Cook has credentials, yet, he lied and falsified information."
Who said that? Was their analysis peer reviewed?

Once again, provide evidence that your sources are peer reviewed research. (I've already pointed out that Lord Monckton and Alex Epstein don't have any peer reviewed publications to their names.)


You imbecilic moron, look at the data where it clearly shows that he lied and falsified the information.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


You still haven't answered my question. Are the links you provided for peer reviewed research? Yes or no?


Did you read where Cook lied and falsified the results? Yes or No?


Can you tell me who accused Cook of lying and what are their qualifications? Yes or no?


Did you read where Cook lied and falsified the results? Yes or No?


I asked you the question first.


Did you read where Cook lied and falsified the results? Yes or No?


You haven't responded to my last point. I asked you the question first.


Did you read where Cook lied and falsified the results? Yes or No?


Copying and pasting your last post doesn't address the point I made.


Did you read where Cook lied and falsified the results? Yes or No?


I pointed out that copying and pasting your second last post doesn't address the point I already made. But you did that again in your last post.


Did you read where Cook lied and falsified the results? Yes or No?


You've copied and pasted your message again a fourth time despite my last post.


Did you read where Cook lied and falsified the results? Yes or No?


Can you copy and paste your message again just to prove the paucity of your argument?


Did you read where Cook lied and falsified the results? Yes or No?


The irony speaks for itself.


Did you read where Cook lied and falsified the results? Yes or No?


Do you even understand you didn't answer my question first?


Did you read where Cook lied and falsified the results? Yes or No?


Regarding my previous reluctance to answer your question first, I am disappointed that you didn't at least try to answer my question beforehand so that you may have been able to figure out whether you were citing sources from qualified climate scientists in peer reviewed publications, or from non-experts who are no more qualified to comment as authorities on climate change than Paris Hilton. I honestly hoped you could learn something about reading and referencing reliable authors from peer-reviewed publications. Regrettably it appears from the tone your previous posts, you do not seem open to doing so.

Now firstly, I should correct the wording of my previous posts. I should not have said "97 percent of climate scientists" but should have said "an estimated 97 percent of climate scientists." You can find John Cook's peer reviewed journal article here: The abstract clearly states, "We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW, 32.6% endorsed AGW, 0.7% rejected AGW and 0.3% were uncertain about the cause of global warming. Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming." He covered 11,944 abstracts from peer-reviewed publications from 1991 to 2011. I repeat that this is a peer reviewed journal article providing a mathematically reliable estimate here. Where is there evidence of John Cook distorting or omitting data?

Before I continue, I think there is a good reason why 66.4% of abstracts would express no position on anthropogenic climate change. The natural sciences are different from social sciences such as politics and economics where researches accept there is room for debate. in the natural sciences, researchers do not agree to disagree. Either you accept the established theory or you publish groundbreaking research convincing all or the overwhelming majority of fellow scientists otherwise. If you are a physicist, an evolutionary biologist or climate scientist, you either 1) accept quantum physics, evolution or climate change as the established theory respectively, or 2) you propound your own theory (which to date hasn't happened). It's a given that many climate scientists would not express a position on climate change in their abstracts as to call themselves climate scientists, readers would assume that they accept the established theory.

I don't know who this David Friedman is as there is no information about him, his qualifications or publications on his blog, but all he is trying to do is cast doubt from John Cook's findings that 66.4 percent didn't express a position on climate change in their article abstracts. Furthermore, why hasn't he provided his own estimate about the scientific consensus on climate change? Moreover, why is he uploading his claims on BlogSpot instead of submitting articles to peer reviewed journals? See my above paragraph as to why it is highly unlikely that the real figure is as low as 1.6 percent. It is also important to remember that while estimates are not counts, they can corroborate each other through approximate findings. Let's look at some other recent peer reviewed publications which found that consensus among climate scientists is 98.7 percent (, more than 99 percent ( and 100 percent (

Further to my first paragraph, climate change denial is void of academic merit. Imagine if an historian researched diaries that had been kept by German Jews in the 1930s and stated in an abstract of an article, "We find that 66.4% of diaries did not comment on the Nazi regime, 32.6% expressed fear and/or aversion, 0.7% expressed feeling safe and/or positive about the regime and 0.3% expressed feeling uncertain about the regime. Among diaries expressing an opinion on the Nazi regime, 97.1% expressed fear and/or aversion." One can only imagine that David Irving would try to cast doubt on whether Jews felt unsafe in Nazi Germany based upon that 66.4 percent. Climate change denial is to climate science what Holocaust denial is to history.

Nonetheless if you can provide peer reviewed research, please do so.


why are every single one of your links from non scientific institutions, people with no science degree, think tanks who aren't scientists

if its all a "media lie" show me one scientific institution who agrees with you


“Consensus” isn't science, it’s politics. It’s the number one cited evidence provided by those pushing this political cause.

“ To be accepted, new ideas must survive the most rigorous standards of evidence and scrutiny.” - Carl Sagan

The man made Climate change theory has failed this test for half and century.


Consensus is science. We call it a "theory". Theories do get discreditied by new peer reviewed research but until that happens, the theory stands. Climate change is a current theory like evolution and quantum physics.

Carl Sagan accepted climate change as a theory.


Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant.

lol, climate change has been occurring for billions of years.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


yes and all the reproducible results and data show one thing. man is massively affecting the climate. the level of C02 has literally doubles in the last 150 years. cause and effect. hence why there is such an overwhelming consensus in the scientific community. because the evidence is so overwhelming.

its why i can point you to actual scientists in the field and actual studies.

and you got an group made up of economists, sociologists, mathematicians and economists

lol, climate change has been occurring for billions of years.

and how do you know this? oh yes the very same scientists who discovered this also believe in man made climate change. but they are only right when they agree with my puppies emotions?


New research has found that a strong electric field at the surface between airborne water droplets and the surrounding air can create hydroxide (OH) through a previously unknown mechanism. This discovery is expected to reshape the scientific understanding of how the atmosphere clears itself of pollutants and greenhouse gases. Previously, researchers believed that sunlight was the main driver of OH formation. The findings could significantly change air pollution models, as OH plays an important role in oxidizing hydrocarbons and removing harmful chemicals from the atmosphere. The next step will be conducting experiments in the real atmosphere in different parts of the world.

In summary, the earth can clean itself.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


i love how you are squirming and dodging. its a truly beautiful thing to watch. you jumping around to avoid my arguments after i have humiliated you ;*

OH is a key player in the story of atmospheric chemistry. It initiates the reactions that break down airborne pollutants and helps to remove noxious chemicals such as sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide, which are poisonous gases, from the atmosphere.”

The entire article is about OH and our incomplete understanding on how it is formulated. not about a lack of understanding or counter evidence to man made climate change

Nothing in this article changes
-CO2 emissions
-C02 levels doubling in 100 years
-the effects of C02
-the scientific research on C02
-the monitoring of C02 or temperatures
-the increase of global average temperatures

you really cant read can you? you gave an article that doesnt help you at all.


None of your rants prove nor disprove anything….keep trying.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


my puppy knows i won. ill ask again

give me the specific sentence in them that says scientists are wrong about climate change, the research is flawed and wrong or that man actually isnt having an effect?

you posted an article that had nothing to do with this subject. thinking i wouldnt go find it. but i actually do my research. im not dishonest like you


None of your rants prove nor disprove anything….try again.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


me reading your article since you were too afraid to post it isnt ranting puppy! why were you so scared to post it?

so ill ask again give me the specific sentence in them that says scientists are wrong about climate change, the research is flawed and wrong or that man actually isnt having an effect?


here your article wittle puppy ;*

give me the specific sentence in them that says scientists are wrong about climate change, the research is flawed and wrong or that man actually isnt having an effect?


The article proves that the earth can clean itself, there is no need for brainwashed climate cult followers to panic.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


hahahah is that why we dont restrict popllution and jsut dump nuclear waste in water? "the earth cleans itself!"

weird how during the industrial revolution cities were covered in deadly smog. why? "the earth cleans itself"you have completely ran away fromy our previous arguments :)

so ill ask again

"give me the specific sentence in them that says scientists are wrong about climate change, the research is flawed and wrong or that man actually isnt having an effect?"


look at this puppy dog :)

one of thetwo scientists who did that study you referenced in that article about "earth cleaning itself"

Atmospheric chemist Christian George of the National Center for Scientific Research at the University of Lyon, France

Estimating agriculture’s contribution to air pollution and global warming is needed to understand and limit its impacts on the environment and climate. It is equally important to estimate the capacity of agricultural practices to mitigate these emissions and to characterize atmospheric deposition and the impacts of air pollutants on agroecosystems

being an author of a study about agriculture and man made global warming

this has to be the ultimate humiliation for you


Apparently, you still don’t understand what a “scientist” is:

“A scientist is someone who systematically gathers and uses research and evidence, to make hypotheses and test them, to gain and share understanding and knowledge.”

Try again.


yes i found the scientist in your own article about "the earth cleaning itself"

one of them is Atmospheric chemist Christian George of the National Center for Scientific Research at the University of Lyon, France

He believes in man made global warming and has done research into it.

little puppy youve fallen and cant get up this is so amazing! your oww sources scientists support me! you cant win. you keep helping me with every post


That doesn't prove any man-made global warming...Try again.


It proves your own article didnt say what you said it did. and your own articles authors support an made climate change

its why you have to reference mathematicians and economists to support you.

my little puppy has been humiliated and is limping away injured

post on another topic i posted on i want to show you up there as well puppy!


I never said anything about specifics, that was your asinine assumption.
I simply provided a blockquote about new "scientific findings" in regards to the earth been able to clean itself.

You went on a rant about: "give me the specific sentence?"....blah, blah blah.

Once again: A consensus is based on politics not scientific validity.


Now you are trying to act like you didnt try and use it as proof that man made climate change doesnt exist!

you cant even own up to your own comments. my little puppy isnt a puppy! you are a chicken and scared.

what a yellow bellied move.


I din't try anything, you are making those presumptions.

So far, you have not been able to debunk, refute, nor disprove the 31K scientists, the 1400+ scientists, or my 12 sources.

There is no list of scientists that have signed specific statements to contradict or refute the 31K scientists; and finally, none of the climate predictions have come true.

I'm still waiting.


weve been talking about climate change and the proof for or against it the entire time. So yes you should bring up a link related to it. if you didnt puppy thats on you not me and yo are admitting your tried to veer the topic. thank you for admitting you lost focus and lost.

you dont have 31k scientists. you have 31k engineers and mathematicians and sociologists and economists. ill keep drilling that into your head every time you talk to me for now on. every single comment so you finally get educated and admit you are wrong.

puppy i can do this all day. humiliating you is my favourite pass time ;*


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102

LOOK at puppys list. 39 climatologists

i dont need to debunk anything. you do. you have the burden of proof puppy


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


my little puppy is just repeating himself after i humiliated him :) i liked training you. so how many climatologists signed it?

Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


10k engineers!

Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


welcome to ignore puppy :)


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


"i have 31k scientists who signed it and agree climate change isnt man made"

No you dont

Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


this is beautiful. Look at your list. 39 climatologists

Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


How many climatologists signed it?

Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


you hav to debunk the scientists now me. how crazy is that all they could get was 39

Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102

i got 31K people to sign a petition saying the earth is flat. its mechanics and physicians so you know it is real!


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


i dont need to debunk anything puppy. you ahve to show why all the climatologists are wrong. look at this list. little puppy

Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


how many climatologists signed it saying all the other climatologists are wrong?

Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


10k engineers. i had a great chuckle at that

Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805 (Climatology: 39)

Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935

Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812

Chemistry: 4,822

Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965

Medicine: 3,046

Engineering and General Science: 10,102


So you still don't know what a scientist is and you have not been able to debunk or prove it.


i found the articles since you were too scared to post the link because you knew i would go through them and humiliate you!

give me the specific sentence in them that says scientists are wrong about climate change, the research is flawed and wrong or that man actually isnt having an effect?


Hi there


One would think after 50 years of failed hysterical predictions, people would wise up.

Man made climate change is a hoax, a fraud, designed to make elites rich, by transference of wealth from the middle class, and subjugate people.


I know you guys like to drag out the big boogeyman with their madcap theories
big pharma

how does a climate change hoax facilitate "elites rich, by transference of wealth from the middle class" ?


great lets see your studies and evidence


The problem I see is that the issue has been far too politicized, like most other things. Just like the pandemic. When you politicize an issue to the point that everybody thinks everybody else is lying, because some people are lying for political gain, how is any progress ever made? The problem is twofold. Politicians who lie and dumbasses who believe them. I swear, liberals fall for everything thrown at them. 99% of the reasons they hate conservatives are made-up.


I would never have guessed that you were a hand-wringing climate-change-fretting snowflake bitch.;


We adapt to whatever change happens - like the cockroaches we are.

Maybe we could stop living in a disposable world but hey, that's crazy talk.


this comment means nothing.


Plant more trees.

Stop immigrating masses of the third world to first world countries in which they'll leave a larger footprint.


Nothing we can do about it now. MAGA is causing climate change. lol


Reeeeeeeeee this is MagaChange!


We've lived on the Taiga.

We've survived the Tundra.

But now, in 2023...

Get ready for... THE MAGADRA. The days are SO HOT, the Sun needs sunblock. The nights are SO COLD, ice cubes put on a jacket.


Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
