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Secret Service Fail to Find Owner of White House Nose Candy

Probably one of the most protected buildings on the planet and nada on who owns that baggie of fun:

You can now see why the Secret Service keeps letting Biden fall down all over the place.


The System can crack down on "right-wing" terrorism before it even happens, but they can't even determine who brought illegal narcotics into the White House.

If that's the case, then how can we expect them to stop the terrorists, illegals and chemical/bioweapons coming across our border?

I guess we can't, because it sure seems like they don't want to. Corrupt POS.


"If that's the case, then how can we expect them to stop the terrorists, illegals and chemical/bioweapons coming across our border?"

You literally just said they cracked down on terrorism before it happened, so clearly they are capable. I am all for a system that is on top of those big issues, rather than inconsequential ones.

That said, it's odd that in a building that has cameras covering every square inch of the building and they don't have visual of the guilty party.


You failed to understand my post. I expect that from Leftist imbeciles.


TDS impairs their judgement. Or they need to sniff some kids to power back up.

After Joe sniffs a bunch of kids he says:



How’s Biden’s ass taste?

There was no collusion. The Democrat lie has been confirmed.


If this occurred under a Republican president, the leftist imbeciles would have called for an impeachment and their fascist Antifa mob would be burning down Washington.


Unlikely. Had this happened 3 years ago, it would have just been the exact same jokes, except with Don Jr instead of Hunter.


lol, if you were not a leftist, I would interpret your statement as sarcastic or satirical.


Lets see. Under the last republican, we had colluding with a foreign govt, trying to sick a different govt on a political opponent, inciting an insurrection, tried damned hard to overturn an election, and the president blatant violating the emoluments clause.

With all that, why the fuck would a random bump of coke even be on the radar?


You managed to regurgitate five lies in a single sentence; Keeliar has made seven lies in one sentence, you are almost there.


Lol he was impeached twice for 2 of those "lies", so maybe there might be a nugget of truth in there.


That’s crazy talk.


lol, yes, it is. I have noticed that pattern about the lefties on this forum.
They say laughable nonsense shit, but then I realize that they are serious about it.


So much for "No one is above the Law", amirte guys?

Wow, this administration is totally fucking incompetent... (We already knew that)

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


At best the SS are moronic imbeciles, at worst they are guilty moronic imbeciles.


How can they not find fingerprints on a baggie? Does Hunter wear gloves? Second time they found cocaine!

Piers Morgan: This is a 'shocking outcome' from the Biden White House


Low energy Joe on cocaine?


Nobody cares about a tiny amount of cocaine found in the White House. It's a non-issue. Biden and his family weren't in the White House when the coke was found. The only people who are pitching a fit are Trump's stupid and gullible supporters. They are hoping this issue will distract from Trump's traitorous behavior.





TDS = Trump's Delusional Supporters. If you think your post is clever then you are obviously a child. But I am flattered that you stalk me here. Today I received seven replies to my posts and you were responsible for five of them. I'm living in your head rent free. With your tiny brain there's plenty of room.


Oh please. This just means they found out it was Hunter and that they made a big fuss in the press over nothing, and are now hoping it will go down the memory hole.


Well this is the ending of the white rule in government. Latino take over soon and all this stuff will be over and wewill have all new scandals.
