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What has caused criticism and judgments of others to become so open in just a short time?

It seems like all the criticism to "woke" and other stuff has suddenly burst and become far more open quite recently, as if everyone is in on it. It didn't seem as chaotic as last year. How did everyone's criticisms become so openly expressed today?


You've got a choice: stop telling lies, or show us a black mermaid.


Show us a white mermaid.


Show us the Gender Unicorn!


It would help if I knew what that was...


Parents became aware of Woke indoctination when teaching shifted to video conferencing during pandemic. Lefty's did that!
It took a while for critics (Rufo, Peterson, Maher) to reach the masses, mostly on youtube. The trans cult's insanity helps the cause.


Give your head a rest Satan2016. All this conspiracy theory BULLSHIT must be giving you migraines.


You are another liberal groomer so I expect you to label truth and facts as a conspiracy theory.


Who have I 'groomed'?

I groomed a cat once (I brushed some dirt from their fur). Does that count?


Are you more concerned about "transgender issues" than you are about taxes?

Trump Says Supporters More Concerned About Transgender Issues Than Taxes


Nice try with that deflection, but I expected no less from you as a supporter of pedos and the trans cult.


Are you saying Trump's a liar?


You poke a sleeping dragon long enough, eventually it's going to wake up and burn you alive.


Reign Of Fire


Not exactly like that, but you're on the right track.


Woke became the perfect stand in for everything conservatives don’t like. With a word you can validate your own point of view and invalidate the other. Kind of making themselves look pretty dumb if he asked me though.


They’ve gone through a whole litany of buzz words to arrive at woke, for what it’s worth. SJW, ssssssssocialism, etc. Woke seems to have that extra sumpin sumpin.


It's another boogeyman, just like the trans community, which allows demagogues like Trump and nobodies on social media, who have nothing else of any practical value to offer, to stay 'relevant'. Create this amorphous monster, fabricate enough scare stories about them, and watch the clicks rack up and one's own validation start to rise, as idiots fall over themselves to praise the false prophets of doom.


Fascism became the perfect stand in for everything leftists don’t like. With a word you can validate your own point of view and invalidate the other. Kind of making themselves look pretty dumb if he asked me though.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


They’ve gone through a whole litany of buzz words to arrive at fascism, for what it’s worth. Nazi, raaaaaaaaccisst, etc. Fascism seems to have that extra sumpin sumpin.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Wrong. These words have well-defined meanings and arrive a little too on point for your comfort. “Woke” is a suitably amorphous catchall. That’s the difference you’re pointedly ignoring. We have the sniper rifles that land on target. You have shotguns which send out a spray that hits anything in its path and does lots of residual damage.


I call you a fascist, and it’s a little too close for comfort. You called me woke, and I happily accept the tag. Aware of injustice in the world? Guilty as charged. In favor of the status quo that keeps said injustice institutionalized? That would be your team.


The right is outgunned in the culture war. Your opponents are more intelligent and better educated. You only do yourself a disservice by forwarding an argument which assumes that your opponents are less intelligent and less educated, like woke. You’d be better off arguing the merits of your case. Are there any?


They didn't leave the kids alone.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


the trouble with woke is that it lumps all of whetever the hell it is into one .

people dont like drag shows , therefore woke is a bad thing , therefore black people arnt allowed on TV again
