MovieChat Forums > Politics > What is Biden's best accomplishment thus...

What is Biden's best accomplishment thus far?

Building the Taliban Back better.

Highest inflation in modern era.

Highest volume of illegal aliens in 2 generations.

Record incarceration of minorities with his signature crime bill.

Presided over Russian expansion just like Obama.

Higher rates of poverty and government dependence.

Worst fake president ever.

Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco.

Multiple selections are ok.


And also why do democrat voters want him to be president again whenever he ain't gonna make universal healthcare happen in the USA and will do anything to make universal healthcare not happen?


Hmm, no mention of psychopath people...What have you done with the real dirkstaller1?


Here you go.


1. Lowering Healthcare and Drug Costs
Cost tax payers $1.7t

2. Fighting Climate Change and Saving Families Money on Energy
Approved drilling in Alaska. Climate change has not stopped yet.

3. The Most Consequential Federal Gun Safety Bill in Decades
Bill was Bipartisan and only affects law abiding citizens.

4. The Largest-Ever National Investment in Mental Health
Bill was Bipartisan

5. Canceling Up to $20,000 in Federal Student Loans for Tens of Millions of Americans
Unlawful and will cost tax payers around $500b

6. A Generational Investment in American Industry and Manufacturing
$39 billion in incentives.
$13.2 billion for workforce development.
$170 billion in the Department of Energy.
All paid by our taxes.

7. Billions of Dollars in Investments in Workers, Families, and Communities
$36 billion in funding to protect workers’ pensions.
Provided $40 billion in funds
$185 billion in funding
$3 billion in funds
$9 billion to improve America’s water
$3 billion in funding
$2.3 billion to help states
Where is all this money coming from?

8. Reducing the Cost of Gas by Releasing Oil from the National Strategic Reserve
Single dumbest thing a fake president can do. Gas prices are back up and the reserve is empty.

9. Improving Healthcare for Veterans Affected by Burn Pits
I approve of this.

10. Reforming the US Postal Service to Ensure Long-Term Stability
A $107 billion bipartisan law

I would give a grade of F.

Standoff: Trump Wants $5 Billion For Wall, Democrats Offer $1.3B For Border Security
January 3, 2019 5:15 AM ET


Ouch, when you add the reality to the spin, it just looks really really bad. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Great minds discuss ideas.
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Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Robo went dark when the facts are exposed. This always happens. 😁😂🤣😃


"8. Reducing the Cost of Gas by Releasing Oil from the National Strategic Reserve
Single dumbest thing a fake president can do. Gas prices are back up and the reserve is empty."

It's exactly what the reserves are for. The reserves are nowhere close to empty. The reserves are SOLD into the market and have been sold at signifying higher prices than it was purchased for.

But please, go ahead and complain about the price at the pump.


Well I just paid $3.29 a few days ago. Which cost me 80 bucks.

US Crude Oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Stocks is at a current level of 364.94M, down from 366.94M last week and down from 553.07M one year ago. This is a change of -0.55% from last week and -34.02% from one year ago.

Rep. Morgan Luttrell: "Biden drained America's Strategic Petroleum Reserves to the lowest level since 1984."

PolitiFact's ruling: True

Here's why: U.S. Rep. Morgan Luttrell, R-Texas, has flagged different energy indicators in a post online to power up his notice that energy costs are high and petroleum reserves are low.

America turned into a net oil exporter last week, breaking almost 75 years of continued dependence on foreign oil and marking a pivotal — even if likely brief — moment toward what U.S. President Donald Trump has branded as “energy independence.”

The shift to net exports is the dramatic result of an unprecedented boom in American oil production, with thousands of wells pumping from the Permian region of Texas and New Mexico to the Bakken in North Dakota to the Marcellus in Pennsylvania.

To date, the reserves have not been replenished.

Biden cancelled oil and gas leases on Day 1 which caused gas prices to spike.

As you can see by this chart, gas prices started going up in Jan 2021. Putin invaded Ukraine in March, 2022.


"US Crude Oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Stocks is at a current level of 364.94M"

Thank you for admitting that you lied when you said (copied and pasted) it was empty.


What was it before?

Yeah. Just stop.

Great minds discuss ideas.
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Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Bubba said it was now empty, which is a lie. It's far from empty.


Thats your take away? lol When there is a real crisis and there is no oil, we are all going to be walking and riding bikes to work. The fact remains your fake president is the worst and should be impeached for treason against America.


There was a real crisis. There was a major disruption in the world oil supply.
Besides the US is near our peak all-time crude oil production and we are energy independent.
What is this crisis that is going to make you have to ride a bike to walmart?


So the crisis is over? Why is there still inflation and high gas prices? We are not energy independent. When there is a real crisis and there is no oil, we are all going to be walking and riding bikes to work.


First you said there wasn't a real crisis and now you imply the crisis is still ongoing and responsible for high gas prices and inflation. Which is it?

What crisis is going to lead us with no oil?

Do you remember the crisis that led Trump to release oil from the strategic reserves?


You said it was over but now you say its a crisis again? Joe is or isn't responsible for the gas crisis? You need to stick to the script given to you by your Overlords.

That was a blip and not a big deal.

Trump never emptied the strategic reserves.

According to this chart. The strategic reserves was always full when Trump was President. Biden went to the Saudi's and begged them to release more oil. That was embarrassing to say the least.


You have odd definitions of "full" and "empty".

Fact, the strategic reserves had more oil the day that Trump was inaugurated than when he left office, so he didn't "fill" out. I know he claims it was empty for decades before he was elected but that's not true, even if you believe it is.

He sold off oil several times, to make up for some deficit spending. Nothing wrong with that but he had lied about it and it's hypocritical for his fans to say they should only be tapped in emergencies only when Democrats are in office.

Biden has ordered releases in response to a major disruption in world oil supply because of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Those releases seem to have helped lower gas prices, although I don't claim to know all the factors involved.


So do you. The reserves were at capacity the entire time Trump was President. He sold very little but then the reserves were restocked.

See graph below:

Biden has sold over half of the reserves and has NOT restocked it yet.

As you can see by the facts, the numbers continue to go down. Also, most of the oil that is sold is going to China and then they resell it to Russia.

November 18, 2022 390.52M
May 05, 2023 362.01M

You are forgetting that Biden said that minor incursions are ok. If what Russia is doing is wrong, then Ukraine needs to be let into NATO. That would solve all their and our problems right?

During his long, rambling Jan. 19 press conference, President Joe Biden made yet another major policy misstep. Russia, he suggested would face but minor consequences if it restrained itself to but a “minor incursion” into Ukraine.

Unsurprisingly, the suggestion that an invasion—if properly sized—would draw only a wrist slap left officials in Kyiv gobsmacked. So, too, were officials across Europe, as well as many in the U.S. political, foreign policy, and defense establishments.

Your fake president is a total failure and needs to retire and check in to a dementia care facility.


Your reference shows the reserves are not empty. Nice self-own.


Biden has sold over half of the reserves and has NOT restocked it yet.

As you can see by the facts, the numbers continue to go down. Also, most of the oil that is sold is going to China and then they resell it to Russia.

November 18, 2022 390.52M
May 05, 2023 362.01M

You are forgetting that Biden said that minor incursions are ok. If what Russia is doing is wrong, then Ukraine needs to be let into NATO. That would solve all their and our problems right?

During his long, rambling Jan. 19 press conference, President Joe Biden made yet another major policy misstep. Russia, he suggested would face but minor consequences if it restrained itself to but a “minor incursion” into Ukraine.

Unsurprisingly, the suggestion that an invasion—if properly sized—would draw only a wrist slap left officials in Kyiv gobsmacked. So, too, were officials across Europe, as well as many in the U.S. political, foreign policy, and defense establishments.

Thanks to Biden, gas prices went up 40 cents today. Thanks goober.


Don't worry, democrap voters won't see this. They instantly go blind and deaf the moment you point out the truth and how stupid/arrogant they are.


They never do and I never get a response. Apparently everything I post is fake even if its from a legitimate site. Democraps don't care about anything except for Trump.


I'm still cracking up over the sites that are now failing because they can't hate on President Trump anymore. Evidently they were only started during his presidency and got traffic because of the hating. Now that there's no Trump, traffic stopped and they are being forced to shut their sites down.


That they do. Little greasy fingers jammed into the ears, yelling out absurd nonsense on how much "better" off we are now.


You know someone's nuts when they are forced to pay a fortune in food, gas, and bills, and yet claim things are better now than when their least favorite orange man was in the White House.


Afghanistan withdrawal was an unmitigated, historic disaster. I never thought I would see anything that bad by the American government and U.S. military. Not to mention the Aug. 29 2021 missile attack that punctuated the debacle by killing 10 innocent people — including seven children — in an intentional targeting decision. To my knowledge not a single person was court-martialed or even lost their job in the fiasco.


the whole thing was swept under the rug and media stopped talking about it within 2 days. its like it never happened.


Not being indicted, or under multiple criminal investigations, or being the subject of a civil rape trial...


the Deep State never investigates their own. the last high ranking dem got shivved in prison. there is a price to pay to keep cared when Bill banged a 19 yr old intern. hillary didnt seem to care as well. it was prob a ménage à trois....🍆💦🤢🤮


Bill banged a 19 yr old intern. hillary didnt seem to care as well. it was prob a ménage à trois....

Yikes😱😱😱 The mental image I just had picturing THAT......🤑


How about Hillary's Thunder Thighs?

Great minds discuss ideas.
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Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


No I will NOT click that link!!!!

Nope, nope, nope ain't gonna do it!!

EDIT: AUUUUUGH! I accidentally clicked it!!!!

Where's my fucking eye bleach???


Big white booty!


What do you mean, no one cared? He was impeached...Oh, that's right, according to your logic since he wasn't convicted he was never actually impeached!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He was impeached for lying not for committing adultery while POTUS.


No, he wasn't convicted therefore he wasn't impeached!


He is still guilty of adultery and taking advantage of 19 yr old girl while POTUS. I heard they had to steam clean the Oral Office.


Stringing a sentence together without slurring. Managed to pull it off twice now.


The persecution of his political enemies that will need to be pardoned the moment he's out of office. I question anyone here who doesn't see that this alone has turned America into being run by an authoritarian dictatorship.


Fake electors


For me, it's bringing the world close to World War III, if we're not already in it.

And what's with the sniffing of children's hair? I just saw another recent video of it and it's creepy as fuck.
