MovieChat Forums > Politics > It's 4/20. Weed is linked to violence/ps...

Psychopath people are pretty much the only people who smoke marijuana and many psychpaths have a tendency to violence some have psychosis and bipolar is very common amongst psychopaths.

People who can feel real emotions including embarrassment, who are sane are not the people who do drugs.




Here's a very special song just for you! (with apologies to Barbra...)

Psychopath people
Psychopath people who need psychopath people
Are the luckiest psychopath people in the world
We're children, needing other children
And yet letting a grown-up pride
Hide all the need inside
Acting more like children than children
Lovers, very special psychopath people
They're the luckiest psychopath people in the world
With one person
One very special person
A feeling deep in your soul
Says you were half now you're whole
No more hunger and thirst
But first be a person who needs psychopath people
Psychopath people who need psychopath people
Are the luckiest psychopath people in the world
With one person, one very special person
A feeling deep in your soul
Says you were half now you're whole
No more hunger and thirst
But first be a person who needs psychopath people
Psychopath people who need psychopath people
Are the luckiest psychopath people in the world


FACT: All those links are 100% pseudoscience totally devoid of the scientific method. Prove me wrong.


Wow! beancrisp posts a 'FACT' that actually is one...That's gotta be a first!


My original post contained SEVEN studies conducted by real scientists with PHD's.


Yearly annual deaths contributed to alcohol use in America: 150,000.
Yearly annual deaths contributed to tobacco use in America: 450,000.
Yearly annual deaths contributed to cannabis use in America: 0.

Good luck with your scare tactics.


It's true that it doesn't kill, but it's also true that it ruins lives.


I suggest someone who must advocate for their views on a trash comment board 24/7 is in not an ideal source for life guidance.


You know nothing, John Snow.


I helped fight prohibition for decades and won… 🤷🏻‍♂️ Why do you love Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, and the private prison industrial complex so much?!


The war on drugs is over, and we won!

Signed, million man.


You may have won, but you still lose.


You're harshing my buzz, go away.

Signed, million man.


Weed dude.


Ive never be a fan nor will I ever try it. Weed is not a safe alternative to cigarettes.


Cannabis doesn't need to be smoked. Edibles are safe and no smoke is involved. Safer than tobacco.


Now do alcohol...
