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Fact checking Dementia Joes SOTU lies.

Check back later for a list of all the lies. Or predict your own below.


How big will Pinocchio Joe's nose get tonight?

We'll find out!


there should be a deuce counter too..


He is making a campaign speech....he has nothing to talk about.


he basically just attacked republicans the entire time.


With Biden his diaper grows every time he lies. Along with every time he shits himself.


It was full by the end of the night. You can tell he wanted a cleaning.


He’s known as Pistankio among White House staff.


I wonder if they have a special "de-pooping" room for him. Or do they just hose him down on the lawn.


Probably take him out to the side lawn and hose him off like pulp fiction.


Let the lies begin!

Lie #1 Brandon is president - fact check: the 2020 election was never investigated.


Ninjas, mules & pillows


Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.




LMFAO @ "facts"

Too fucking funny.


"Our election was hijacked."

how so?
Russian bots posting on facebok hoping to influence the vote?
or actual ballot boxes being tampered with?
... or harrasmrnt at the piolli9ng stations?
or ... making it hard for the other side to vote by removing postboxes?
or .....

cmon , how ?

I've not heard any actual theories on how this so called steal happened for a while .


I am glad you asked. Nancy said the 2016 was stolen. Was she right?

Nancy Pelosi

Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.
11:44 AM · May 16, 2017

Nancy also said that Trump was going to steal the election again in 2020? Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery? What happened? How come there was no investigation?


Nancy was wrong re 2016, Russia Did put shit on facebook but it was determined it had no effect.
So you didnt have dems going on forever about fraud

Trump however claims to this day his Election was stolen (cos of his narcism)
but how?
he never said.

this is why there has not been an investigation - becuase no credible suspicion of a "how" has surfaced.
which bit do you want investigating ?
where would an investigation start?

putin on facebook or ninjas in the ballot boxes?


Starting your fact check with a lie does not instill confidence.


No it doesn't. But thats what democrats do, they lie, cheat and steal.


I know, right? No Republican lies, cheats or steals.


Only the liberal-democrats pretending and impersonating as a George Santos.


Yep, no Republicans lies, cheats or steals. Your grifter-in-chief said we only need oil for 10 more years. How embarrassing.


The Village Idiot speaks -- and tells a whopper!




WASHINGTON — President Biden praised the economy as well as his legislative accomplishments and record on the world stage in his State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

Mr. Biden’s speech contained many falsehoods, but at times omitted crucial context or exaggerated the facts. Here’s a fact check.


“I stand here tonight, after we’ve created, with the help of many people in this room, 12 million new jobs — more jobs created in two years than any president has created in four years.”

This needs context and is false. The economy added 12.1 million jobs‌ ‌between January 2021, the month‌ when‌ Mr. Biden took office, and this January. By raw numbers, that is indeed a larger increase in new jobs over two years than the number added over other presidents’ full four-year terms since at least 1945. But by percentage, the job growth in Mr. Biden’s first two years still lags behind that of President Trump full term.


“For too many decades, we imported products and exported jobs. Now, thanks to what you’ve all done, we’re exporting American products and creating American jobs.”

This is misleading and needs context. Mr. Biden’s statement gives the impression that a decades-old trend has reversed, but the data tells a different story. American exports reached a new high in 2022, with exports of goods alone topping $2 trillion. But the United States also imported a record high last year, $3.3 trillion in goods — countering the notion that imports have slowed. As a result, the United States also recorded the highest ever trade deficit since 1970 of $950 billion, and a trade deficit in goods of $1.1 trillion.



“Inflation has been a global problem because the pandemic disrupted our supply chains and Putin’s unfair and brutal war in Ukraine disrupted energy supplies as well as food supplies.”

This needs context and is false. It is accurate that inflation has been global, and that supply chain issues tied to the pandemic have been a major driver of price increases. It is also true that food and energy disruptions tied to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine exacerbated it. But those factors did not spur inflation on their own: Supply chains became clogged in the first place partly because American demand for goods was abnormally strong during the pandemic. Also Biden blamed Putin for high gas prices and inflation.


“Food inflation is coming down.”

Partly True. Food inflation is beginning to slow, though it remains very rapid. Compared with a year ago, food prices are 10.4 percent higher. But monthly food price increases have been slowing steadily in recent months, coming down from a very swift rate in May 2022.


“Inflation has fallen every month for the last six months, while take-home pay has gone up.”

This needs context and is false. It is true that inflation has slowed for the past six months: That means that prices are still increasing, but they are doing so more gradually. The Consumer Price Index ticked up by 6.5 percent in the year through December, which is notably slower than the 9 percent peak in June. That pace is still much more rapid than the roughly 2 percent that was typical before the pandemic.



“We’re finally giving Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices.”

This needs context and is false. The Inflation Reduction Act, which Mr. Biden signed into law in August, does fulfill Democrats’ long-held goal of empowering Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs directly with pharmaceutical makers. But the law has limits. The negotiation provisions do not kick in until 2026, when the federal government may begin negotiating the price of up to 10 medicines. The number of drugs subject to negotiation will rise over time.


“In the last two years, my administration has cut the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion — the largest deficit reduction in American history.”

This needs context and is false. The federal deficit did decrease by $1.7 trillion, from $3.1 trillion in the 2020 fiscal year to $1.4 trillion in the 2022 fiscal year, though Mr. Biden’s fiscal policies are the sole factor.

In fact, much of that decline can be attributed to the expiration of pandemic-era spending, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which advocates lower levels of spending. In February 2021, before the Biden administration enacted any fiscal legislation, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the deficit would have reached $1.1 trillion in the 2022 fiscal year, less than what ended up happening.


“Nearly 25 percent of the entire national debt that took over 200 years to accumulate was added by just one administration alone, the last one.”

This needs context and is false. Mr. Biden is partly correct that a quarter of the national debt was accumulated over the four years Mr. Trump was in office. But the former president did not unilaterally add to that amount. In fact, two major factors driving that increase were mandatory spending levels set long before Mr. Trump took office and bipartisan spending bills that were passed to address the pandemic.



“Some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset. I’m not saying it’s a majority.”

This needs context and is false. President Biden implied that the Republicans who wanted to allow Social Security and Medicare to sunset were tying those demands to the fight over raising the nation’s debt limit.

It is true that a couple of Republicans have suggested allowing those entitlement programs to sunset as mandatory spending, instead bringing them up for regular renewal. But Republicans have recently distanced themselves from such efforts. Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California, has said that cuts to Social Security and Medicare are “off the table” in talks over raising the debt ceiling, which Congress must vote to do in the coming month or risk a default on the government’s bills. Likewise, President Donald J. Trump has warned Republicans to leave the programs alone in the negotiations. Mr. Biden, nodding to lawmakers responding to his speech, acknowledged that it seemed that cuts to the programs were “off the books now.”


“While the virus is not gone, thanks to the resilience of the American people and the ingenuity of medicine, we have broken the Covid grip on us. Covid deaths are down by 90 percent.”

This needs context and is false. On average, about 750 people in the United States are dying each day of Covid-19, according to a New York Times database. That number is way down from the roughly 3,200 Americans who were dying each day in early 2021, when the Omicron variant was ripping through the country. But the current daily average of Covid-19 deaths is higher than it was in December 2022, when roughly 250 Americans were losing their lives each day to the virus.



“But in the past two years, democracies have become stronger, not weaker. Autocracy has grown weaker, not stronger.”

This lacks evidence. Experts say that President Biden took office after years of global gains for autocracy and deep problems for democracies. According to the nonprofit group Freedom House, in every region of the world “democracy is under attack by populist leaders and groups that reject pluralism and demand unchecked power.” Biden had also forget to mention his Hitler-like speech where he ostracized anyone that votes or supports another Party.

Overall grade for year 2 is an F. Americans continue to suffer while Democrats in Congress do nothing and give money away to everyone except needy Americans.


“Nearly 25 percent of the entire national debt that took over 200 years to accumulate was added by just one administration alone, the last one.”

I agree that this was pretty chickenshit of Biden to say this. There's plenty of reasons to attack Trump without pointing to the COVID spending in 2020. I'm pretty sure the GOP didn't have 60 Senators when they passed Trump's tax bill in December 2017. Democrats could have filibustered it.


I agree to, it was congress that passed $8t in stimulus and free money. Now they are investigating covid money fraud. Both Repubs and Dems were in on the covid money scheme.


"But by percentage, the job growth in Mr. Biden’s first two years still lags behind that of President Trump full term."

I'm guessing you wanted to say, instead of "Trump full term," January 2017 to January 2020. Unless he still had better numbers in January 2021.


Excellent work. Watching a liar lie gets pretty boring. Especially when he’s incoherent half the time.


Thanks, I felt bad for him honestly. No one listens to anything he says. Its all just gibberish.


Buddy the Elf to Joe:

"You sit on a throne of lies!"


good list of lies.
