MovieChat Forums > Politics > Liberal climate activists deface Van Gog...

Liberal climate activists deface Van Gogh’s

sunflower painting.


More like climate terrorists. Thankfully the painting is hermetically sealed in glass so no damage was done.


So these were Trump voters!?


Since these morons live in England I'm guessing no.


Reminds me of the people who sit in traffic during rush hour. It's not helping their cause.

And whats with the superglue? That's going to hurt being ripped off lol.

Also, the kid on the right looks like a young Nick Cave haha.


I agree with the cause, but the method was idiotic.


What is the cause? The action overshadowed it.


Them's not Lib'rals, them's goofballs.
Would you like your political affiliations to be attached to Jan. 6th rioters?


You guys do it all the time.

Environmental terrorists are overwhelmingly liberals.


No that is some twisted thinking.

First, these guy are not terrorists, they are misguided idiots guilty of a crime, but they did not harm, and not could they have harmed the actual painting, so no - not terrorists.

But, you're right, there are some who would qualify as terrorists in the environmental movement. Still, they are not of a level where people's lives are in danger, except accidentally, as in the "spiking" of old-growth trees due to be cut down.

But, there are virtually ZERO Right-wingers who care about the environment except as something to exploit and steal for money. So, you are not saying much, but what you are saying is, as usual, dishonest and stupid.

The terrorists on the Right though, as demonstrated by the videos of leaders of the Trump attempts to bring down the government through violence, came right out and admitted they were going to use violence, and brought guns to the Capitol to kill people. That is an entirely different universe, and that difference right there is the difference between the criminal extreme Right and the people on the Left who demonstrate their dislike and intention to not accept violent intimidation by Right-wing thugs and criminals.


Twisted thinking? Democrat have been feverishly working the Jan 6 angle ever since it happened. First by falsely characterizing it as an insurrection and then by trying to pin the label on all conservatives.

Zero right wingers who care about the environment? We invented conservation. Sorry but this narrative that we don't care about the environment is purely propaganda. My family has bought about 400acres of hardwood forest to preserve it. What have you done besides whine on the internet?

The only person shot at the capitol was an unarmed protester by capitol police.


> Democrat have been feverishly working the Jan 6 angle ever since it happened.

Democrat(S) dip ... there are quite a few of us.

And I assume you've had time to analyze why Democrats have been "working the Jan. 6th angle" as you call it. Because your leader and you are criminal traitors - what else would a patriot American do?

I don't care about your claims or lies about your family, or yourself.

Your every comment is a cold calculate lie ... like restricting your attention to those shot at the Capitol and not those Capitol Police who were injured or killed. There is no discussion or conversation with you people - any by you people, I mean you hired loser trolls who just start trouble and don't care or know anything.

Blindly following your leader Trump like you can make up the law yourselves. There are a bunch of you here, and I'd bet there are only one or two real people, controllers, behind you.



I don't lie. I never lie. I wouldn't waste my time here to lie. My memory is not good enough to lie. The truth is easy. You only think I'm lying because my truth does not match the lies you believe. One of these days you fools will realize that you've been lied to all along.

ONE PERSON died at the capitol, during the riot. All the rest that you idiots try to attribute to the riot, died well after.

I'm not a hired troll either and I wouldn't be here if I didn't care. That's the problem, I do care and for some stupid reason, I think I can argue some sense into some of you idiots but thus far, it has been entirely in vain.

No, I'm one person, one voter and not a sock or a bot. Of course, I could easily prove all of that by providing personal information but I'm not going to do that. So this exchange is no more productive than any other. Suffice to say, if people can't get beyond this communication barrier, there are very dangerous consequences in our future.


One of them has pink hair. She's liberal.



They were liberals...


Typical dumb lesbo stunt. The soup can be cleaned off.I'm not sure why using glue removal to free them. Just pull. It isn't any different than taking a bandaid off. And I'm sure with them being lesbo they have had whips and stuff used before in sex.



What was those girls ethnicity? The one girl who gave the speech sounded like she was Australian.

Does anyone know what they actually wanted?


This also happened over the weekend. They are from the same group - Stop Oil.
