MovieChat Forums > Politics > Woke is now Dog Whistle for Black

Woke is now Dog Whistle for Black

"There’s “urban” of course. And urban’s cousin “inner-city.”

And then there’s “at-risk,” “underserved” and “fatherless” if talking about black children. “Marginalized,” “low-income” and “welfare-dependent” if talking about the parents of those children.

Blacks live in “Democratic strongholds” like “Chicago,” but are also “socialists” and “low-information voters” taught “critical race theory” by “Marxists” to be “anti-American.”Black neighborhoods are “sketchy” and “depressed” “ghettos” filled with “thugs” and “transient” “Section 8” “renters” employable only through “affirmative action” “diversity” “quotas.” If blacks choose to play a sport, they are “naturally gifted,” “ungrateful,” “intimidating” and somehow both “aggressive” and “lazy.”

The newest addition to this glossary is CRT. You have Black teachers, Black administrators or Black school board members? That’s CRT. Black authors in your curriculum? CRT. You happen to teach a version of American history that doesn’t capitulate to the concept of American exceptionalism? CRT. Soon, CRT will be given sentience. It’ll be blamed for sham robberies, phantom murders and the NCAA’s transfer portal. Cops will stop and frisk CRT, and will plant guns on it when the search is clean. Parents will take their children out of schools, fearing that CRT will ask their daughters to the prom.

Absurd as this might seem, there’s an insidious intentionality behind it. The White anxiety about this obscure legal terminology was mostly invented and exacerbated by Christopher Rufo, a conservative activist who (rightly) thought that creating a CRT boogeyman was an effective way to galvanize White parents by putting a name to their fear of the decentering of Whiteness in America. Continents have formed in less time than it would take for that decentering to happen, but things like “time” and “reality” don’t seem to matter to the White parents distraught about Nikole Hannah-Jones.

Today, “woke” is mostly used by the right to signify the presence of Black people (or women) where they didn’t expect them to be. The NFL is 60 percent Black? Not woke. An NFL team hires a Black coach? Wokeness gone wild. A Black Little Mermaid? They took all the water out of the sea and replaced it with liquid, um, woke-ter. Fantasy franchise spin-offs “House of Dragon” and “Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” are now “woke,” because apparently elves, hobbits and fire-breathing dragons are more believable than Black people in Middle-earth.

The dog whistle glossary updates every five years or so. Words are retired — when was the last time you heard “ghetto”? — to make room for others. New contenders emerge each year. Anti-Blackness is limitless, so the pool of candidates to indicate the presence of Black people is bottomless.

Usually not a fan of franchise reboots, but maybe go back to the source material, where racists don’t have to twist themselves into bigoted little knots. Just say n----r with your chest."


should have picked our own cotton. Oh well.


"our own cotton"

That was in Europe. The superior fluffier American cotton belonged to the Indigenous people.


Who? Who do you think planted the cotton in the first place???


Indigenous Americans.

American cotton was better quality than European cotton. Wool was the material of choice for clothes in Europe until Europeans traveled to the Americas and saw the higher cotton quality. Eventually, American cotton became popular.


I know all about American cotton, I live in cotton country. How do you figure it belonged to native Americans??? They didn't plant it. Idiot.

I'm 105% sure that you live on land that used to belong to someone else. Everyone does.


They got lazy and fat and this was the result of their laziness. Proof hard work pays off in the long run even if it takes generations. Behold the molasses.




Lmao, no its not....fuck WaPo and all that follow them.

If anyone want to read this trash rag "article", click this link and don't give these WOKE FUCKS any money.


Umm, I think I'll trust WaPo over your probably very iffy link.


Web search what is lmao. I have no desire to post links to malware or viruses...what is this? 1999?


Sometimes they even double down on the racism and suggest characters like Blade or Black Panther could be played by white actors. WTF. You don't have to be black to relate to those characters and stories. They won't tolerate changing Tolkien's stories so they want to take these characters from the persons of color communities as revenge I guess.


Omg, you can't be serious with this post?

If race doesnt matter, it doesn't matter period.

Or, how about....and hear me out here...








You support maintaining the extreme racism which existed when those characters were created. You've verified the article's premise that "Woke is now Dog Whistle for Black".


Meaningless words, brought to you by Keelai.


But it's okay to recast any and every white character imaginable with a "person of color"? Hypocrite much???


Is there a tl;dr version of the OP?

In any case, no, Woke is NOT dog whistle for black. Woke is reaction to racism (or sexism and homophobia). But more often than woke people are willing to admit, it's OVERreaction. I.E. fighting racism where there is probably none.

But another popular use of "woke" is overcompensation, whether or not there is any racism for it to resolve.

I don't know if they think having an all-white cast in Lord Of The Rings is racist, but trying to get the wrong races in there is widely considered an unnecessary charity to appease woke people.


"trying to get the wrong races aka: nonwhites in there is widely considered an unnecessary charity to appease black people."

Article's author is correct.


How racist of you to say this about black people.


You have verified the author's premise that "Woke is now Dog Whistle for Black " with your racist reply.


You have verified your retardation with this whole thread.


And you have verified your own racism against black people. First by insisting they hate white people, and that nonwhite races would appease them. And then by insisting that all black people are woke, and that to criticize woke people is to criticize all black people.


"MAGA is Now A Dog Whistle for Black"

^We can play this game, too, Washington Post!


MAGA = neo-Nazi like the MAGA mob on Jan. 6th.


Wrong, MAGA identifies as black now. Every time Biden says he is against MAGA republicans, he really means black republicans, bigot.






Quite the defensive laugh there, as I heard it. In your heart you know Keelai is right.


You heard text?


LMFAO! is a classic defensive pose.


LMFAO! is a classic defensive pose.

I remember LeoDicaprio.

Moment of silence...


You're the Nazi's. You act just like them, use their tactics, blindly follow the propaganda.


Fact, only democrats benefit from racial strife.

You people do a lot of mental gymnastics in order to project your racism onto others. In fact, it's people like YOU who perpetuate racial strife because liberals have used minorities as political pawns for 160yrs. You 'need' them to be downtrodden because you think it guarantees votes. I'll gladly eat a shit sandwich if liberal democrats actually cared about minorities, women or the LGBT community. You don't. You use them. And you project YOUR own bullshit onto conservatives. It's all part of the democrat political game. It hurts people, it ruins lives, it maintains the status quo and people like Keeliar are too friggin' stupid to even realize it.

If people have to speak in code, it's because people like you vilify anyone who speaks the truth about racial issues. "Woke" is just a new, more potent and less intelligent version of political correctness.

CRT exists and it is evil. You're not going to convince me it doesn't exist or that it's not evil.


"You people"

Enough said. You're a bigot!


You peoples is retards!


That's exactly the kind of intellectually vacant response we've come to expect from Keeliar.


More lies and racist propaganda from MC's proven liar in chief: Keelai.


I've only read this board a short time, but long enough to know you are one of the worst lying cranks on here.


Keeliar lies with every post. You drink the same Kool Aid.


Really? Example?


Well, as usual, the leftist is the actual liar. I'll be waiting for you to show some examples of my lies.


I agree 100 percents with everything that artickle says. that man certainly know he has no victims complexes.

may i also add black people hate white peeoples too? we know white americans racists. they always bee rasists. but I see yous never talks about this blacks hate of whites in americas. is it uncomfortabel to admit this? that million of black on twitters spend there hole day obsess with white peeples? cant be very healthy with race relationships, no?

also can anybodys please tell me what the fucks does "dog whistle" and "gaslight" mean? i hear it on the internet spoken by retarts constant and it makes he think theyre retart just by hear them saying such.
