MovieChat Forums > Politics > Haha, I'm watching CNN and they have rep...

Haha, I'm watching CNN and they have reporters in Ukraine.

Some guy was just standing around in a parking lot with a jacket that says "PRESS" on it. Then he panicked because he heard some jets flying overhead.

Do these people think anyone will actually care if Russians kill a CNN dork? Their audience plummeted 90% over the last year and no-one can name ANY of them other than a couple of the ones who stay behind their desks in NY all the time (Stelter, Cooper etc)

Hahahaha... losers.


You’re watching CNN again!?


says the person that posts links to cnn and yahoo, haha self pwned!


Hey Yahooo911 or whatever.

How come you didnt have a reply for this thread? Couldnt make anything up, and didnt want to tell the truth? LOL


How do you manage to take a war and make it about CNN's ratings? Are you completely tone deaf to how this makes you look?


You're the one who's "tone deaf", basement-dwelling Biden lover.

You can't even tell I'm actively rooting for one of them to get blown up live on air, you puny-brained fucking putz.

Jeez, oh no I'm "tone deaf" according to some random guy, that totally means I won't get invited to his basement to jack off over the next episode of AEW wrestling... MY SOCIAL LIFE IS SOOOO OVER now...


Third or fourth grade?


Third or fourth grade?

Please don't offer me anything from your porn collection.


Yes, you being in the third or fourth grade are clearly too young.


Third…., gotcha


Do you hear yourself?


No...? because I don't talk to myself?

How many stupid questions are you going to bombard me with. Jesus wept, woman.

We'll be here all century until you finally realise I don't respect or care about your tardpinion.


Seriously though with Trump praising Putin you're the tone deaf basement dweller.

BTW I own my house outright, I own my cars and everything else outright. I've traveled half the world and seen a thing or two. And I am a proud Biden supporter.

Biden released the strategic petroleum reserve so we wouldn't be feeling as much pain at the pump as we did under Bush during the Republican recession of 2008 when oil prices last rose above $100 a barrel.


I think the OP might actually be mentally handicapped.


War correspondents used to be embedded with soldiers and we'd get better war coverage on the frontlines.


CNN probably colluded with Putin to get ratings. Save Bryant Stelter!

Will Anderson Pooper Scooper report from the province formerly known as Ukraine?


I hate thinking this way but with the CDC supposedly giving new lenient mask guidance Friday and all the other stuff suddenly forgotten about due to this invasion, it's hard to deny how convenient it is for many wanting their business out of public view. I really do hate thinking this way. And I feel so sorry for the people over there who are in the middle of these games.


Let's get this straight. The networks of Putin are Russia Today and Fox news.

Fox news is Trump's Darling. Trump is Putin's darling.

Here's Trump praising Putin his puppeteer.


I saw this bullshit on GayBC the other night. All the reporters aren't even where the action is. They're way off in the safe areas, and just let us hear the boom-booms while their anchors ham it up for the camera.


So you're calling BBC gayBC because their reporters aren't on location but you're praising CNN for being on location. Got it. You idiots are ridiculous.


Media is just ridiculous. I had on Fox Business on this morning and their 'on location' reporters were wearing what looked like WWII army helmets and jackets...It was the most ridiculous thing I had ever saw. I don't even believe they were in the war zone. so dramatic and fake. I don't even thing people dressed like that when reporting on the Middle East.


I learned something today that war correspondence or freelancers if you will get the same pay as one that just sits at home to report the news, talk about crazy. I thought they would get paid more but nope.


LMAO HAHAHHAHAHA OMG that's so funny CNN has reporters in Ukraine. HAHAHA you idiot.

CNN Covered the Iraq war 1 too and were so reliable the US military used them to gauge their accuracy. Loser
