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Judge rules that Ron DeSantis's anti-riot law is unconstitutional & criminalizes free speech.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Florida’s new “anti-riot” law championed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis as a way to quell violent protests is unconstitutional and cannot be enforced, a federal judge ruled Thursday.

The 90-page decision by U.S. District Judge Mark Walker in Tallahassee found the recently-enacted law “vague and overbroad” and amounted to an assault on First Amendment rights of free speech and assembly as well as the Constitution’s due process protections.

People engaged in peaceful protest or innocently in the same area when a demonstration turned violent could face criminal charges and stiff penalties under the law, the judge said.

“If this court does not enjoin the statute’s enforcement, the lawless actions of a few rogue individuals could effectively criminalize the protected speech of hundreds, if not thousands, of law-abiding Floridians,” Walker wrote.

“It unfortunately takes only a handful of bad actors to transform a peaceful protest into a violent public disturbance,” the judge added.

The lawsuit was filed against DeSantis and other state officials by the NAACP Florida conference, Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter Alliance Broward and other groups who argue the law appears specifically aimed to halt protests by Black people and other minorities.

The measure was passed earlier this year by the GOP-led Legislature and signed into law in April by the governor. It was a reaction to demonstrations around the country following last year’s killing by Minneapolis police of George Floyd, a Black man, that stirred passions nationwide under the banner of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The governor’s lawyers have argued that the law continues to allow peaceful protest but is an effort to draw a sharp distinction between that and a violent riot. Walker found that argument unpersuasive.

“Because it is unclear whether a person must share an intent to do violence and because it is unclear what it means to participate, the statute can plausibly be read to criminalize continuing to protest after violence occurs, even if the protestors are not involved in, and do not support, the violence,” Walker wrote. “The statute can also be read to criminalize other expressive activity, like remaining at the scene of a protest turned violent to film the police reaction.”

DeSantis can appeal the ruling to the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. A spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday on the ruling.

The law, also known as HB1, stiffens penalties for crimes committed during a riot or violent protest. It allows authorities to detain arrested protesters until a first court appearance and establishes new felonies for organizing or participating in a violent demonstration.

It also makes it a second-degree felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, to destroy or demolish a memorial, plaque, flag, painting, structure or other object that commemorates historical people or events.

In addition, the measure requires that local governments justify any reductions in law enforcement budgets.


You people love riots as long as it’s BLM and Antifa. Funny how the one time when the right riots it’s the worst thing since the Civil War and anyone associated with anyone who was in the crowd needs to be investigated. Not to mention an unarmed woman in the crowd who was shot with no warning apparently deserved to die by your standards, but if she were a BLM thug who was shot in the process of killing a cop she would have been a innocent victim of “systemic racism” or whatever.


"Funny how the one time when the right riots"

At least we're getting past the denial stage.


At least you agree to everything I said in my post. That's progress at least. Anything the right has done at their very worst pales in comparison to typical BLM/Antifa behavior.


What's funny AF is these BLM people are always braying about "white privilege" and they run when the cops show up, but the jansix white trash actually BELIEVED in white privilege.

Don't eat the cockmeat sandwich.


Wtf are you babbling about? The people on Jan 6 probably just figured rioting was OK considering for years the left was actively encouraging it and inciting insurrections


We're reaching resolution!

1. Yes the right riots.
2. Yes the right is no better than the enz.


1. The right rioted (once) and I never once tried to condone it like you people do whenever BLM and Antifa riot and kill people. Edit: and the riot by the right I spoke of was mostly peaceful even though an unarmed woman was shot in the neck by capitol police with no warning and ironically there was little protest from the left unlike whenever a cop shoots a violent criminal in self defense.

2. The right at their worst pales in comparison to your typical BLM/Antifa/Libtard behavior.


The right protests as much as the left, but actual rioting is a common left thing, and rare right thing. There's no denial here.

If you're just referring to Jan6, then yes a not-so-fiery, but mostly peaceful protest happened, but there was no insurrection.


You are right, the Jan 6 incident while I don't condone it was largely peaceful, very few were actually rioting. It was not an insurrection and the FBI has ruled it wasn't an insurrection. The left however does insurrections all the time which their cult leaders actively sanction and encourage.


Kavanaugh confirmation. Trump was escorted to the bunker.


"You people"?

That term is so racist.


What race did I discriminate against? Also that's comically ironic coming from the party that is literally racist, I mean throwing eggs at Larry Elder and calling him the "black face of white supremacy". At this point it doesn't even matter if he wins or not, you people have shown your true colors.


Instead of whining, you should thank me for letting you know it's a racist term. You must live in a segregated cave not to know this.

"As if black people needed any more reminders that white privilege rules American society, the phrase “you people” makes the balance of power abundantly clear, in any given interaction.

Take, for instance, a 2012 interview where Good Morning America‘s Robin Roberts asked Ann Romney about her husband’s apparent reluctance to publicly disclose his tax returns.

What started out as an impassioned defense against her husband’s alleged lack of transparency became yet another moment when Republican leaders stepped into racialized territory.

“We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life,” she told Roberts, drawing widespread ire on social media, as reported by Mashable.

Rarely, if ever, do whites address their peers using the same phrasing, even during moments of frustration or confusion."

Funny "you people" videos:


I see you can’t answer the question nor can you defend your cult throwing eggs at an African American gubernatorial candidate. You people are sick and twisted

FYI: I clearly meant libtards, you aren’t very smart are you? a libtard isn’t a race, it’s a defective mental condition.


Your lack of learning only proves your retardation.


Don't use the word "retardation" as a put down, you shouldn't insult your own kind, it's disrespectful.


If anyone knows what's racist it would be you.


I bet KKKeelai was the woman in the gorilla mask attempting to pelt Larry elder with eggs


Nobody cares if you peacefully protest but peaceful protest isn't riots or blocking highways. DeSantis is right and BLM are criminal shitbags


Exactly, the left is being intentionally disingenuous. They are claiming that by being against the rioting and burning that we are somehow against the very small minority of actual peaceful protestors' right to protest. It's dishonest and it's a logical fallacy.


That's how they operate and unfortunately they've got the media and elite behind them


Their problem is that aside from the fact that they are a bunch of immoral scumbags, they see themselves as victims and think the world owes them something. It's quite sick and disturbing and I think it comes from Mommy and Daddy coddling them their entire lives.


That or in the case of BLM they are taught at a young age all white people are evil and owe them for slavery. I saw plenty of it growing up in a poor mostly black neighborhood


And that goes right into my premise that the left sees themselves as victims and anyone who disagrees with them as the oppressor, id laugh at how pathetic it is if the situation weren’t so serious.


We use to laugh at them in the 90s but this new generation has latched on to the idea and become embolden because of social media

And they don't see themselves as the true racist they are LOL

Fucking clown world


Your PDA bonding with moviechat457 is embarrassing. I suggest you two private message each other.


Didn't ask, your opinion


And don’t ever ask it’s opinion. The opinion of KKKeelai isn’t worthy of consideration


I disagree! I think they are shitbag criminals.


LOL I think they are shitnals crimbags!


Thing is, only takes a few to cost billion dollars in damages. 4-7% violent protest of the whole BLM/ANTIFA protest already shows that. Maybe they should have vetted protests before issuing permits? If the person has some history of anarchy, they aren't allowed in? Police would surround the perimeter of the group so they're allowed to protest? I mean I guess the same could be applied to Proud Boys or whatnot if that's the case. I'm just glad there is a good sort of balance on each side to stop the other sides extremes.


The Democrats condone these riots and even bailout those arrested

These riots are a disaser. They loot stores, the assault people, the burn down buikdings, block streets. The sit back and watch approach is weird.

Protesting is one thing , the minute things turn violent, send in the riot police.


Of course, it is!

First, they categorized ALL marches against racism and injustice as "rioting". Then, they created a law to prevent anyone from marching with the threat of arrests and a felony charge which would end voting. Racist and authoritarian. What else is new with the GQP which is about to honor the Jan. 6th scum who tried to overthrow democracy.


More riots. More murders. More Looting.

More International Communist Party bullshit.


And the judge is a very biased Obama appointed judge at that. He needs to be disbarred.
