MovieChat Forums > Politics > FDA approves Pfizer vaccine ... now what...

FDA approves Pfizer vaccine ... now what will Republican's problems be?

Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine wins full FDA approval, potentially persuading the hesitant to get a shot

Federal regulators Monday granted full approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine — a milestone that could help increase inoculation rates and spark a wave of vaccine mandates by employers and universities amid a surge of new cases and hospitalizations fueled by the ferocious delta variant.
The vaccine has been approved for two doses, three weeks apart, in people 16 and older. It remains available under emergency use authorization for adolescents ages 12 to 15.

Well, now what what will be your excuses Republicans?

At one of his rallies, yesterday Trump suggested that people get the vaccine and they even booed him.


"umm but but but I read anecdotal reports of family members dying so I know more than all the medical experts"

"ummm but but but a virus with 10X the death of influenza and thats with massive precautions that have never been done to the regular flue such as implementing shutdowns and mask and distance mandates really isnt that dangerous cause ummm I read on this conservative site that it isnt"


That's a pretty good start. I am sure they will come up with many excuses not to take the vaccine ... especially after they hear from Tucker Carlson and the rest of the Right-wing noise machine telling them what to do and how free they are.


the best part is Fox News has a vaccine passport


Hmmm, didn't know that. Funny.


10X the death of influenza

He claims, without evidence...


wait what......

from 2010 to 2020 deaths range from 12k- 60k. so you are right. its more like 50X to 10X.

thanks for backing me up bro. as usual you are wrong :)

in canada it ranges from 4500 -7000. the current covid deaths in canada is at 27k.


CDC? That's strange...CDC also said that only 5% of covid deaths died due to only the virus. Soooo.


"CDC? That's strange...CDC also said that only 5% of covid deaths died due to only the virus. Soooo."

He claims, without evidence...

He claims, without evidence...

He claims, without evidence...

yes man. you know AIDS has never killed anyone by itself in history right??? so its not dangerous I guess? thats how a lot of illnesses, diseases and viruses work. often it in of itself does not kill the person. the bodies reaction to it does, or it increases the chance of getting something else (pneumonia) or it weakens the body so much that another disease or health issue gets you.

welcome to human biology and medicine 101... you are just one big walking faceplant/pants shitter


Everything recalled by the FDA was first approved by the FDA

But here's my real answer

I'm just never going to get it



You're funny.


I would tell my friends not to use that excuse because I knew once the FDA approved the vaccine, all the DEMS would be salivating to this argument. My freedom is not for sale. For me, 'No' is a complete sentence.


Its creepy how obsessed they are with this. Like all the Kool aid drinkers with Jim Jones creepy.


Yep. I had to sit and watch Biden's speech about the approval today and couldn't stand listening to him actually use that argument. 'For the people waiting for the approval, it's here! Get your Vaccine!' It made me sick. And it aggravates me that people have no problem with forcing this on people. Again, it was never a stipulation for me and I will fight it as long as I can until people, hopefully, come to their senses.


"I'm just never going to get it"

Is that vaccines in general or just this one?


This administration cannot be trusted. They've screwed up everything. The government doesn't care about people. They just care about the economy.

Biden wants to get on camera to announce X% of the population has been vaccinated. Meanwhile, unvaccinated/unvetted migrants are coming here from south of the border and Afghanistan.


Thanks for all of the same nonsensical thinking and conspiracy crap we've been getting from anti-vaxxers all along. It is only the Republican part of government that deliberately screws things up, so if that is all you care about it is odd that you support Republicans and Trump. And even Trump says now to get the vaccine.


I'm an independent but I had to reply. I don't really trust either party. The US is stuck in a two-party system and each party is under the control of big donors. Biden and Trump are both crooked liars.


Maybe all politicians are crooked liars but rump is a special sort of crooked liar. The man has no moral compass and no good intentions. He started his career like a snake and has never changed. At least the Democrats make a show of trying to enact positive change. rump and his acolytes, I have no idea what they are trying to accomplish other than to make life really shitty for the rest of us.


Democrats make a show of trying to enact positive change

So you'd rather have someone pretend to give a shit about you and put on a show over someone who tweets mean things but actually wanted to save this county and its people

You dems are retarded


"actually wanted to save this country and its (sic) people"

What the hell are you talking about?


Low gas prices, energy independence, strong borders, Mission Act for veterans, no inflation, record breaking strong economy pre virus

That's what the hell I'm talking about now show me what Biden has done in 7 months that hasn't been completely retarded




Thanks Kowalski o7


Your arguments are retarded. You judge a politician positively by how much they show they don't care about you, just to be retarded. You've succeeded many times.


Actually snepts said he does that, nice job proving how illiterate you are


> So you'd rather have someone pretend to give a shit about you and put on a show over someone who tweets mean things but actually wanted to save this county and its people

No, because that is what you seem to think is going on. Politicians pretending to give a shit about the people, and you as a people are so hysterically oversensitive about it that you dropped thinking altogether and went full reverse psychology into complete unreason.

Just because that is how you want to mischaracterize what Septs says does not make it what he actually said or meant. Those are your words.


Those are exactly his words and exactly what you shitlibs believe. What's gotten better in this Nation with you idiots in charge? Nothing


Again, this has nothing to do with politicians or party. They and the media and the non-optimal carriers of information to a public, a lot of whom are too uneducated or mentally jangled to make the best decisions for themselves and others. Sad to say, but that is why they have to use the stick and carrot. Trump ... Biden ... of the two at least Biden is trying to be a normal educated informed citizen and President. This is not about personalities, teams, colors, or even political beliefs, this is public health, plain and simple.


Biden? Normal President? LOL

What makes you think normal and Biden belong in the same sentence? Biden has been in politics for how many years? What has he done except help pass mandatory minimum drug sentences?

Right now the Dixie fire is burning over 700,000 acres just south of me. Biden hasn't even declared a disaster yet to help out. When the Carr and Camp fires happened Trump was on top of that shit


Apparently "normal Presidents" constantly forget the people working directly under them.


They all had time to go to Pelsoi's party though while all of the North has been on fire for almost 2 months


I'm not a republican and I an not getting that shot. I despise, and do not trust all of the people who are trying to coerce me into getting it. It's my body and my choice (why is that saying only applicable when it comes to killing an unborn baby?). Why should it be someone else's choice what gets injected into my body? It's illegal and a violation of the Nuremberg code. If you sheep want to get something that was blasted through in a few months, and approved in record time by a corrupt drug pushing FDA that's fine. By all means do it. I don't trust any politician regardless of party. All they want to do is take away as many of my rights, freedoms and my money as they possibly can while they live like kings and queens whit their own private security forces, but they don't want me to be able to defend myself. You sheep are truly a marvel of stupidity.


Yeah, the exact same people protesting big pharma 2 years ago, are now shills....cant make this shit up!


Sounds like you are simply mentally disturbed. My condolences.

All those whys have answers, you just refuse to hear them or care. That's on you.

This is not even about politicians anyway ... it is about science and medical experts. You don't even seem to get anything you are talking about you are so bent out of shape with your own trauma.


You shouldn't be on the Internet because we live in Society, we have to have agreed norms. We pay Taxes to receive services, we have Speed Limits and Traffic Signals, we cover our coughs and sneezes, we don't poop in the street.
If you distrust Civilization so much that you can't stomach trying to fight a contagion, you shouldn't be part of Society.


we don't poop in the street.

Wrong and liberals support people being able to do just that.


Lots of bad shit gets approved. That was never a thing for me...

I'm pro-choice, and I'd like to have my choice to take it or not.


Yeah, I bet a lot of anti-vaxxers will start to say that now. Arnie had it right, you choice and freedom are secondary if you are threat to public health. And I get that this reasoning can possibly be misused in the future, but I think we should worry about that when or if it happens. This is a real country killer and we need to get it under control ... and we also need to get this straight for the next time it happens with something that might be far worse.


Show me where it says my Civil Liberties or the Bill of Rights is void in the event of Flu Virus that has a 99.98% survival rate

LOL you think blindly following is "getting things right"


All you are is a belligerent professional crank. Anytime we try to make progress, we have people like you to argue against it. My god, you people are like the Taliban. Tell everyone what's right no matter how irrational, and enforce it by any means available. Thank goodness there are enough decent and rational people around to counteract this duplicity.


Progress isn't suspending civil liberties, lockdowns or forcing medical experiments on people Mengle. My, god you people are Nazis and think this is Krakow. You think you're right so you brow beat everyone into believing your bullshit whether its BLM, Covid or whatever else you dream up to control people well you don't control me, you don't make medical decisions for me and you can kiss my ass


"Tell everyone what's right no matter how irrational, and enforce it by any means available."



You have no right to call anyone else blind and more than I have the right to call you blind. It just happens to be that I know you can see, you just choose to do evil because it suits you for some reason that we cannot see over the Internet. You are kind of childish to base your existence on that childish of a game.

There is a spectrum of levels of government and political sense. You just always seem to come down on the side of the fraudsters that make money off of other people's misfortune - making you and everything you say immoral.



You side with the evil ones who want lockdowns. Who shot helpless animals at shelters. Who created this disease and who push the vaxx. So take your virtue signaling and fuck off


How's the weed tonight, Randallllll?


Not bad


Arnie is the son of a literal Nazi....his statement was a really bad look.

This is a real country killer

LMAO, this is a fatty and geriatric (not-so)killer that does a horrible job at being 'deadly'... And its here to stay, forever. Time to shift gears and learn to deal with it.

When it's a real killer virus, we wont be here talking about it online.


> When it's a real killer virus, we wont be here talking about it online.

Well, thank goodness there exists something that might get you to shut up. ;-) But I would not be so sure. The issue is that there is such a thing, already, lots of good and valid precedent for making people get vaccinated. Measles in school for example. It's just hard to conceive that you folks want to to carry this anti-vax thing on and on.


Oh oh, I got one too:

"I was going to get the vaccine because I trusted Biden very much. He told me the vaccines were safe just like how the Taliban won't take control of Afghanistan. Now look what happened. I can't trust him no more."


OK trust who you want ... if you want to make stupid life decisions about Afghanistan or not trust President Biden, OK, that is one thing, but when you are a possible fatal threat to other people that is quite another.


Then you stay home, triple masked and triple vaxxed

Not everyone buys into this fear/shame campaign like you cowardly demonrats


> Then you stay home, triple masked and triple vexed

What makes you say I am doing that?
I am vaccinated for months now.
I am out shopping, socializing, hiking at least 5 miles a day.
What is the deal with you people always painting these fake
negative or insulting portraits of people you know nothing


What makes you say I am doing that?
I am vaccinated for months now.
I am out shopping, socializing, hiking at least 5 miles a day.

Then STFU about everyone else. Your vaxx will protect you right? Stop worrying about our vaxx status and live your life


You are no one to tell anyone else what to do - so you STFU.


Meh, why bother? Still have to mask, still get sick, still pass it to others.

I think there’s even less of a reason to get it now.

I’ve had Covid and I’ve had one shot. I only did it to avoid all the useless masking. Now I see no reason to get the second shot.


Did you read the approval letter dumbass? The study for side effects for myocarditis and pericarditis due to the vaccine isnt due until 2025.

FDA approved Pfizer and at the same time said the study of side effects of myocarditis isn't due til 2025. Basically everyone's a guinea pig for 4 years with no legal recourse.

Enjoy your side effects.


If there were issues with myocarditis and pericarditis they would not approve it. And as far as vaccine side-effects if you do not experience them in minutes, or a couple months they are not there.

You call yourself LookMaAFag and you call someone else a dumbass. Haha, you simpering, whining, fearful coward. Enjoy your Covid-19 without vaccine, because you are going to get it, with or without the vaccine.

