MovieChat Forums > Politics > For the safety of everyone else, is it t...

For the safety of everyone else, is it time to put the unvaxxed into camps?

Don Lemon of CNN recently stated that the unvaxxed are so dangerous to the public health, that they should not be allowed in supermarkets, or to work their jobs. Is CNN calling for concentration camps? I think it's pretty clear.

How many of you agree with Lemon that it is time for camps?


sounds great!


Home = concentration camps?

You are beyond stupid.


How is someone supposed to keep their home if they aren't allowed to work? You are beyond stupid. You sound like someone who has no responsibilities yet, like you still live in your parent's house.


The ky jelly has gotten to his brain.

Every single Democrat policy is put in place to undermine and hurt Americans and the USA.

Democrats are at war with Americans and working to completely change the country to fit their radical agenda.


Yes, the communists in charge, this is how they think. Now, all the gullible simps who believe their shit, alot of this forced vaccination stuff is all about having a guilty conscience. The vaxxed are unsure of their decision, for them to feel a little better about taking an unproven gene therapy drug (not a vaccine), is to make everyone else share in their terrible life choice. This isn't about making the world safe from COVID, it's about alleviating their own bad decisions. It's about jumping off a bridge because your friends did it too.


They hate you and want you dead!

They = Communists


Fine with me Onliviod. They've become nothing buy a burden to society and nobody would miss them if they were gone.
They....along with anti-maskers and Trump supporters were a huge asset in allowing the US to have the worst number of cases and deaths. It didn't have to be this way. They're the reasons why many of our beloved essential workers and loved ones were seriously ill or killed.


Looks like the CDC already had been working on gulags before I made my joke post. 'shielding approach'. These people and their Orwellian wordplay are prepping to kill 100 million.


This is a year old, and now seems insane knowing what we know now.


Go for it, hopefully I bring 2 or 3 with me as I bleed out...


Those morons are responsible for mask orders coming back and another possible lockdown. Herd immunity can only be achieved if everyone is vaccinated, but the now these inbreds have allowed it to mutate and pass along the Delta variant.


Per science variants are created by ineffective “vaccines”. Well considering no one was immunized by the so-called vaccine and now the vaxed are all getting reinfected with covid it’s safe to say it’s ineffective.

Of course it’s hard to say for sure because we’ve never had a test that could determine variants. Or even covid from the flu. The entire 18 months of “new cases” has been a lie.

Makes one wonder, whats in the injection they’re doing desperate to give everyone? It’s not a vaccine.


Hi biology major for the time being. It totally is the antivaxers fault. The viral strain wouldnt have tried to mutate this drastically, this quickly if ppl took the vaccine and stopped the spreading in a surefire way (quaranting, masking, etc.). But since not everyone did preventative measures, the strain could slip inbetween the cracks and mutate to make the vaccine not as effective. The antivaxers didnt cause it! I also didnt specify americans, so chill out there! Low vaccination rates, mainly the fact that the billionaires made the decision to not allow the vaccines to be widely accessible through patents is what caused the variants to emerge, in deltas case, in India. The continued spread is because of nobody using preventative measures and allowing it to spread. Cause and Effect are two separate things, don't forget that friend!


I don’t appreciate being referred to as an inbred. I’m super allergic to drugs which don’t affect others. There are people who are prone to suffer from blood clots. Others have a shot auto-immune system so who knows what the jab could do to them?

Even if none of the above was applicable to me I wouldn’t take the damn stuff coming out of that syringe. None of us know the long term effects. People are dying from the vax. People who have been fully vaxxed are suffering from breakthroughs. 70% of those vaxxed have the virus in their noses.

Did you ever stop to think maybe those who have been vaxxed are the ones spreading it? This virus could be behaving like a wounded animal. It goes wild. When the host is jabbed it starts mutating.

You want to continue with the jab…go for it! I wouldn’t call you an inbred. More like being a fool.
