MovieChat Forums > Politics > Checking out a woman is creepy

Checking out a woman is creepy

"Adding some depth to Barry Allen isn't the problem. Snyder spends most of his movie making Flash more likable, but in this scene, he comes off as toxic, and it really doesn't paint the speedster in the most altruistic light."

"As Iris' car flips and she's tossed out, Barry speeds through the glass, but rather than grab her mid-air immediately, he grabs a hot dog from a cart that was thrown in the air and uses the Speed Force for some stalking. He fawns over Iris for a long moment, even brushing her hair out her face. This goes on for way too long, and in the end, is a total invasion of privacy. Snyder tries to lighten the mood by setting it to Rose Betts' piano cover of "Song to the Siren," but even that can't mask the toxicity."

I can't with these people anymore. I just can't. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


It's only creepy if you're ugly.




Yes. This according to woke princess Tina Fey.

I agree with her.


Is the article writer a virgin by chance? Might explain all the toxicity coming from these types of incels. Must be another word for it since incels shoot violence while these types type hate. I do agree that it was a bit prolonged but hey, opposites attract? Is she likes him, who cares? She digs him and he her so all is well with the world. Also, should be on the other thread. :/


Damn! So we’ve come to the point in today’s time it’s deemed stalking when a guy checks out a gal!
Gee, I would give anything to be the age again where I was “checked out”! I’m from the era of mini-skirts and hot pants and believe me I got the “check outs” and the pleasant comments. I enjoyed the hell out of it!

I have empathy for the guys of today. They don’t know how to act around a female or how to engage in conversation with one out of fear of being labeled a stalker or worse. These young gals dress with nothing left to the imagination, but scream “stalker” if a guy looks too long! Who does she think she’s dressing for because it damn sure isn’t for other females!

So, to keep the “Me Too” movement off the backs of movie producers a film has to be hacked to death in order to avoid any scenes where “guy looks at gal” too long! 🙇‍♀️


I got divorced just about a year ago. I have no idea what to do anymore. So far I haven't had anything even remotely bad happen to me, but the amount of "I was raped", "you're harassing me" is just off the fucking charts.


I have empathy for you. After being married then back into the dating scene can’t be easy. I swear these woke (is that the correct word?) women are what we used to call p***k teasers, then scream about an attempted assault. They wear the skin tight tube dresses with their boobs flashing then get insulted when a guy may say “Damn, you’re sexy!” It was said to me many times in years past when I was working. I would shrug my shoulders and thank the guy. My husband was still working when all the pc crap started. He was not a ladies man, quiet, reserved (polar opposite of me!), but he would compliment a co-worker every now and then. It got to the point when the pc started he was fearful to look at the woman if she approached him about something regarding work! Not fun, not fun at all! He’s gone now so all I have are the memories of how I drove him crazy during my Red Solo Cup days. 😉


I was written up at work for sexual harassment because a female co-worker complained that I told her that she looked nice in her new dress. Absolutely ridiculous!


I have words which aren’t printable. I don’t use them anyway...let’s just say I became irate when my husband came home from work one day upset. He also said a woman “looked pretty today.” He didn’t get written up, they just called a conference on how to behave. I could not understand it. When I was working, I was a lab assistant for 30 engineers all male, if one said you look nice, you look pretty in that dress, I thanked whoever and went on about my work. Geez!


If someone EVER accuses me of something like that, I am coming for them. I have absolutely tolerance for it. NONE. You will NOT ruin my reputation.

I've had two people at two separate jobs accuse me of something - being a bad employee, not anything sexual - and they did NOT get away with it. I received severance pay and benefits for both for months after leaving; and for half a year in one instance. I won both instances, one of which was up against a Director and Executive Director and the other a VP.


Oh snap...story time?


She wasn't offended, it was an opportunity to "get one" on an oppressor. They are literally taught this in college.


I can sympathize with you. I got divorced two years ago from what I thought was a happy relationship, and was completely lost, still am to be honest, and trying to date again has been an epic nightmare. I was SO happy to be done with the dating world and happily married, and life must have known that, and decided to turn my life upside down and send me right back out there into the misery. Lol.

I wish you the best of luck out there with this new breed of overly political, “me too” ready single women prepared to drain your soul if you blink at then the wrong way, haha, and I’m truly very sorry to hear about your divorce. My divorce was one of the worst things that’s ever happened to me...still makes me sick to my stomach.



The only sane thing to do is oppress all urges. I’ve had women approach me at bars and I basically blow them off like they are crazy.


Apparently he thinks he's black despite looking whiter than cotton
