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Trump's legal team press conference

Rudy rambled but Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis killed it.

It's an hour and 40 minutes long but if you skip over the first 45 minutes, you'll get to thr part where Sidney starts talking, then Jenna.

Sidney said Trump won by a landslide, which we already knew.
Jenna handed the media their @$$e$.

P.S. You can save your comments about Rudy's hair dye running down his face.


Did they reveal some hard evidence?


Enough to make your head spin like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.


The only evidence I saw was hair dye running down Ghoulies sweaty bloated face


The evidence must be overwhelming for them to risk their reputations and their lives to go forward with this. They’re messing with deep state globalist forces, CIA, who’s been using these machines for almost 20 years to rig elections.

We’re not just talking about this election either. A lot of career politicians benefited from these. Including the rock star himself.


Yes. I've been praying for God's protection around all of them. They are truly brave patriots.

I agree and highly doubt Obama won a second term. 😆


Notice how Obama has suddenly popped up everywhere in the last week.

60 minutes. Apple Music playlist for his new memoirs. New sit down with Oprah. 2 of the most privileged people in the world tell us how much America, the country that made them, sucks. Michele desperately trying to inject herself into the spotlight by screaming racism over Trump.

2 worthless stains on the presidency.


I only knew about the 60 minutes interview although I've yet to watch it.

The Obama's are a complete embarrassment to our country. A "stain" is a good description.


"I've been praying for God's protection around all of them."

If you're willing to believe that prayer does anything involving a being you've never seen before, you will believe in anything a confidence trickster tells you.

That is how Trump convinced you the election was stolen from him. You are easy pickings who either does not or cannot rely on logic or deductive reasoning to reach a conclusion.

Trump doesn't believe in any of the stuff you do. But he knows you believe it, and he switched from democrat to republican to pull your strings.

How does that make you feel?


Trump is a known athiest but he pretended to be a Christian during his 2016 presidential campaign so religious suckers would vote for him. Apparently it worked.


Yup. Religious suckers are the same people who fell for the con that the election was stolen from him.

People assume Trumpism is a new thing where Trump is causing a higher percentage of the population to fall for fake news. But that portion of the population was always like this. They were just too busy buying into evangelicals before Trump arrived.


they are happy to be manipulated gullible tools. republicans seem to need a cult like leader to follow.


It does seem that way.


"How does that make you feel?"

That you are even more stupid than I thought. And that's really saying something.


Explain how any of that makes me more stupid than you thought.

I'm open for a full discussion here.


"If you're willing to believe that prayer does anything involving a being you've never seen before, you will believe in anything a confidence trickster tells you."

Do you really think God wouldn't or couldn't answer such prayers? And who's "the trickster?" Trump, according to you? Trump does not have control of what I pray about. But explaining deep things like this to you is like trying to make a newborn understand Algebra.

"Trump doesn't believe in any of the stuff you do."

That does not matter to me. It was never the point and let me just tell you something. You have NO IDEA what I believe.
And what is it exactly that Trump believes since you seem to think you know? That's not a smart thing to do. Only God knows the heart.

"But he knows you believe it,"

Oh he does? He does not know me.
You're so off your rocker with these grandiose assumptions.

"and he switched from democrat to republican to pull your strings."

Oooo, he planned that just to trick lil ole me? Wow.

You're a fool, UV. A complete fool.


"Do you really think God wouldn't or couldn't answer such prayers?"

Do you really think unicorns wouldn't or couldn't fly?

You have to prove it exists first.

If you're willing to believe that your prayers will reach a being you believe exists based on a feeling, you will buy into evangelicals speaking in tongues saying god is talking through them. If they tell you leftists put chemicals in the water to turn frogs gay, you will believe that too. If they tell you Hollywood contains pedophiles engaging in a child sex ring, you will believe that too.

It all stems from your gullibility to believe in something based on feelings.

Trump has used your gullibility to get you to believe something that he doesn't even believe, that the dems stole the election.

How does that make you feel?


Makes me feel pity for you.


In what way do you pity me?


Maybe because you're the kind of idiot that falls victim to identity theft. The kind of idiot that is in his car alone but still wearing a mask with the windows rolled up. The kind of idiot that falls for the narrative of CNN and mainstream media. The kind of idiot that backs up the phrase, "peaceful but firey protest."

Need I go on?

EDIT: I forgot this 1. The kind of idiot that lets the government tell him how he should celebrate Thanksgiving in his own home behind closed doors on private property. Only the dumbest (and weakest) of the sheep would be so willing to give up their freedoms.


the conspiracy tardation doesnt stop. praying, obama didn't really win a second term and loves a known atheist and conspiracies about trump winning by a landslide. sooo sad


I said I highly doubt he won a second term. That was an opinion. And I don't recall praying about it back then because either way we were stuck with a horrible candidate.

"Loves a known atheist?" What are you rambling about now?


Can you imagine the looks on those idiots on the left's faces when the Krakken is truly unleashed? They can laugh all they want now, just like they did when Trump made his announcement on the escalator, but they weren't laughing a year after that, and they aren't gonna be laughing in the next few months either. NEVER underestimate President Trump. Ever.


I'm waiting for it to be unleashed!! 😁

I just heard a phone call interview with Sidney Powell and she said that they used Dominion to steal the election from Bernie in 2016 and gave it to Hillary. She said Bernie is aware of this. Why is he so quiet?

Just a year ago Warren and Klobuchar wrote letters complaining about Dominion because it can be easily hacked. NBC even did a story on Dominion about how it can easily be hacked. Where are Warren and Klobuchar today with their concerns? Someone needs to interview them.

Get some popcorn.


Trump Dicksucking Syndrome is definately real ITT.


Bernie didn't care because Sidney Powell made it up.

The Dominion fiasco in Michigan wasn't even a software one. It was human error.

Yeah, get some popcorn all right. Powell has been fired 😁


How could Powell be fired when it was recently revealed she was never a part of the team?


Semantics. She was on the team when they announced Trump's "Elite Strike Force" and then after she made the rounds on Lou Dobbs and Newsmax, they distanced themselves from her.


Correction. More information is coming out.
She was part of the team but it was a mutual decision for her to work independently without limitations the Trump team would impose upon her. She now has more leeway than before. Her main focus is Dominion.
Win win.


Sounds like you're trying to say I was correct.


Where’s the Krakken?


Ray Harryhausen is dead... so I don't think the Kraken will be released any time soon. But we can watch it on YouTube!


Poor Sidney. Reality came riding along on a Pegasus and smacked her with a Medusa.


Poseidon needs to send Kraky McKraken back to her watery lair.


From today’s dismissal in Pa:

U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Brann wrote in his order that Trump had asked the court to disenfranchise almost 7 million voters.

“One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption,” Brann wrote, so much that the court would have no option but to stop the certification even though it would impact so many people. “That has not happened.”


The establishment cheated


*upheld the law.


Ask Rudy for the evidence...,


theres so much evidence they cant show us any lol


All the people I know that voted for Biden were so happy to get the orange clown out of there.


"P.S. You can save your comments about Rudy's hair dye running down his face."

LOL someone supporting a politician known for the worst most disgusting personal attacks now trying to tell us what we can and cannot say? republican are the worst hypocrites


That's not at all what I meant.
People want to talk about his hair coloring pouring down his face instead of what was being said.

It's like the Pence/fly thing. He killed Harris in that debate but "the fly, the fly!"


Damn it you take the fun out of the everything!

Can we talk about him fondling his junk in Borat then? I suppose not 😞

Suppose we just have to keep it to him destroying any sense of dignity he had with his useless support of Trump’s corruption of the democratic process then. As you have it then, killjoy 😉😘


You are Asian.


Never trust a man whose hair coloring doesn't even trust his head.


Damn, it was worse than watching a monkey try to fuck a football. At least the monkey can accept his hair color.
