MovieChat Forums > Politics > Kamala Harris does not deserve this

Kamala Harris does not deserve this

It seems likely eventually Biden will step down. And despite Fox News and right wing outlets acting like Kamala is a left wing champion and socialist. actual progressives know her recent votes have only been to prep her for running to look good on paper. And that she's a horrible corporate shill with a disgusting record.

She doesnt deserve the post in any way and is a classic case of selling yourself out to betray middle and poor American people to get to the top


A woman after Trump's own heart?

I don't think so.


Not sure what your comment meant? I dont like trump either


If you want to get to the heart of the matter, no politician deserves to get nominated to any post. They're in it to win it, so let them keep playing their games. Would you rather be a politician and get involved in their messes? I don't think so...


No id rather politicians who actually represent the people and aren't fully beholden to the rich and corporations.

Imagine how much better america would be if it had an actual multi party systems with dems, republicans, greens, libertarians and maybe a centrist economically conservative socially liberal party all competing competitively.

there'd be less violence and insanity. the current two party us vs them, winner takes all or 100% loss creates an environment for extremism as nobody really feels represented by their own party since they have to be so big tent to win (not to mention the fact like I said they are corporate and rich peoples shills)


"No id rather politicians who actually represent the people and aren't fully beholden to the rich and corporations."

So AOC then? Works for me.


I agree 100%! I hope now one thinks im a right winger crying about how "da dems stole da election!!!!"

im not believe me


LOL a shit for brains bartender president. LOL


yes everyone had other jobs.. but ya the current corporate and rich shills many who were lawyers or career politicians are doing so good right?

chinas overtaking the USA and you are celebrating it.

your country is getting overtaken by a piece of crap totalitarian dictatorship because "hahah da bartender dont know anything!"


She's popular as hell! If you think you feel bad now because that orange moron lost, imagine eight years from now when she wins!


Ha! That will never happen. LOL


What the hell sort of jobs did W ever have that weren't handed to him? And rump? Are rich babies your future leaders? God, we need people with real life experience in positions of power, not these sheltered rich guys that care more about their frat brothers (Kavanaugh) than justice in America.


What planet are you from? I think you have this mistaken for some other world.


so americas a stable politically and socially and the two party system has been great.

canada and the UK and others with multiple competitive and substantial parties aren't stable.


A world where America is as you described...

Haha! you're still the stupid one.


yes im describing how I "wish" it'd be. which would lead to a far more stable and better america where democratic principles flourish.. How stupid of me...


And naive


saying how I want things isnt "how things are" or "how I think things will be"

Reading comprehensions your friend! or a basic education. you clearly have neither


No I got it... What you wish for is naive and stupid.


You're the one who can't comprehend English.


you seem to have a learning disability. its oaky I forgive you


How so? I acknowledged everything you said. What part am I not getting?


You want things to he nice and fair.

I think that is "faggy". Where is the misunderstanding?


such amazing insight. wow truly astounding. let me guess. no education past high school (if that)


So no misunderstanding then. Got it.


I predict the liberal media will quickly turn against senile Joe and try to run him out of office so the crazy bitch can take office.


succinct analysis as usual from zaq


Analysis? How is that analysis? Pretentious kid.


im making fun of your useless posts. but you were too dumb to get it


As opposed to all the valuable post on this site. Stupid.


No I got it. You were being an asshole. As usual.


more amazing analysis! thank you!



She will let us have more things free.


umm yes cause you aren't typing this on a government collaborated invention, the internet. you didn't drive on a publicly funded road. you and your kids didn't go to a publicly funded school.

Your food and drugs isnt regulated and made self by public funding.

contras only hate "da big gubernment" when its basic social goods that ensure the poor and middle class have a chance at social mobility. They love it when its huge bailouts and subsidies for the rich, corporations or farmers.

so when you are republicans paying back that 24 billion dollar soy bailout by trump?


Very soon. All your taxes are about to go through the roof.


roads aren't free bro.


Are for me... I don't have a job. Thats why I said your taxes, not my taxes.


Yes, yes, and Hillary Clinton is on the verge of death.




Kamala is just another example of the establishment assuming they had it in the bag and can just pick another DNC bootlicker who will never rock the boat. Same as Joe.

But because the GOP doesn't know how to handle covid, the DNC is right... they had it in the bag no matter who they picked.
