MovieChat Forums > Politics > Gone With The Wind banned.

Gone With The Wind banned.

Seriously, I’m almost done with people. When you start banning, censoring, editing, cutting, or trimming historical start to REALLY piss me off!!! I love films from all eras, and this should be so wrong to anyone who loves film!!! We are on a film site after all.

Anybody ready to burn some books yet???

If you’re on the side of banning and censoring things in this country...I am vehemently against you.

And for the record, I don’t give a shit if YOU like this film or not, or if you don’t care if this movie is banned because YOU don’t like it. That is so far from the point it’s ridiculous and self centered (like most people today). I’m not a huge fan of Gone With The Wind myself, but I respect it and admire it as a historical film that is still beloved 81 years after it’s release. The film was set in the era of slavery, during the Civil War. Why can’t these morons wrap their head around that???

It’s the most successful film of all time if adjusted for inflation, but hey, liberals don’t like it, so get rid of it. How about it awarded Hattie McDaniel as the first African American to win an Academy Award, and they decided to ban this film on her birthday no less. Great job curing racism today liberals!

I’m starting to realize how evil the progressive movement really is. They’ve shown this with their response to a horrible tragedy that should have brought people together to fight against racism, but they’ve managed to alienate and anger so many people with this response (murder, assault, looting, destruction, disbanding police forces, censorship of speech and art) we’re right back where we started before George Floyd, and possibly worse. These extremists should realize there are moderate votes at stake this election year, and they’re going to lose a lot of them if they keep this garbage up!!! Go shit on a police car!


GWTW is now a top seller on Amazon and they’ve sold out of every format.

Will another classic- The Outsiders - be pulled due to the characters being fans of the book?

Apparently they are re-releasing with some PC commentary. I’m sure people will appreciate being lectured to..NOT. Just about every movie/tv show/book is ‘problematic’ in some way to the far left. Why stop at GWTW?


It’s set in the Civil War the south. Any logical human being doesn’t need a disclaimer message to tell them slavery is bad and racism is wrong. I don’t think anyone EVER watched Gone With The Wind and said, “Man, those slaves have it so well, and racism is so awesome now. Thanks Gone With The Wind for turning me into a slavery loving racist. Derp, derp, derp.” I’m almost beyond any words for any of this at this point.

Yeah, I’m thinking about buying up original copies of supposedly “insensitive” classic films before they are edited and/or destroyed for 2020. People can’t ruin physical copies that you own!

Isn’t it ironic...ANTIFA and progressive mentality now seems very fascist. Haha.


President Regean warned us.


Hahaha! I love it! Go to hell progressive extremists! You can’t censor any of these copies assholes!


Anybody ready to burn some books yet???

Good question. I really don't see any difference between that and what they're doing. US liberals used to make a big deal out of opposing this type of censorship, maybe just because the Nazis held big public book burnings and the US left turned anti-Nazi after Hitler betrayed his pact with Stalin. They seemed to have gotten over that.
If you’re on the side of banning and censoring things in this country...I am vehemently against you.

Agreed. We're dealing with a totalitarian mind set. I would love for some of the posters here who whine about leftists being labeled "totalitarian" to show up and try to defend these trends, instead of just ignoring threads like this.


Ban The Godfather too. When they’re discussing getting into the drug business...

I don't want it near schools. I don't want it sold to children! That's an infamia. In my city, we'd keep the traffic to the Dark People, the Coloreds - they're animals anyway, so let them lose their souls.

How dare they!


Yeah, ban EVERYTHING that could be considered offensive to someone. See how much we have left. A lot of the world’s great art is controversial. Ban it all...because, you know, progress and stuff. Banning movies apparently cures racism now, much like burning down buildings and shitting on rioted police cars.

This is honestly pretty scary to anyone who loves movies, entertainment, or art in general. These liberal extremists are beyond nuts, and they have been on a rampage for a while now. If people don’t start fighting back against this censorship (which has absolutely NOTHING to do with George Floyd by the way, it just lit the fuse that made progressives think they could do anything to anybody or anything), then we are going to find everything censored, edited, trimmed, etc. Banned in the USA.

Logical people need to start telling them to piss off when they do things like this. They’ll use their go-to argument, saying “you’re a racist”, but to them...anyone who doesn’t accept the insane things they do is a hate filled racist, when in reality they need to look in the mirror!


Why isn't (c)rap music banned? Vulgar language, using the N word, disgusting filthy things they "sing" about.
It's not music! They don't sing! It's talking. They have zero talent and their music STINKS!


Hey, I would love to ban Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus I find their shitty music unbelievably offensive to my ears, haha.

BUT guess what, I’m aware I live in a free country, where we make choices about everything we want to experience every day, and just because I may find something offensive, doesn’t mean I don’t realize other people enjoy it and don’t take offense to it, so get this...I JUST DON’T LISTEN TO OR WATCH IT. I don’t go on a crusade to get it banned because I’m offended by it or I don’t like it.

The selfishness of so many moronic people today is, “I find that offensive, I want it banned so no one is allowed to watch it...and if I don’t like it, then no one should be allowed to like it or watch/listen to it.” I have one symbol for those types of people: 🖕🏻


Well your symbol offends me but in this case, it is justified 😜🤣

My kids liked Bieber when they didn't know any better but some of their music taste now has me wishing Beiber was coming through the speakers! 😂
They would watch Hannah Montana which was horrible 🤢
I know my parents hated how I'd blast my rock music so loud the house would shake!😂 Actually I haven't changed in that regard but instead of my parents telling me to turn my music down it's my husband now instead. 😅

But actually I hope you know I was joking about banning any music and I wholeheartedly agree--just don't listen to it!
This whole cancel culture is a big fat joke!
What amazes me is they get what they want!


This has been ongoing for a while now. As recent as last Christmas they banned "Baby It's Cold Outside" because of the "MeToo" movement.
And remember those idiots John Legend and Kelly Clarkson did a remake of it? It STUNK to say the least.


LOL exactly, and the people who will want to ban the Godfather are going to be too freaking stupid to understand that we aren't supposed to be on the side of the 5 families.


I have to say this really hit conservative Megyn Kelly very hard. It was obviously devastating to her, not to mention highly offensive.

Kelly went on a Twitter rant all morning long, retweeting the conspiracy rag 'Daily Caller' , going after HBOMAX non-stop, telling critics of hers to 'unfollow me', etc. Kelly was outraged over HBO's decision - and she didn't hold back, devoting so much time and energy to this decision. At one point she implored, "Where does this end??”

Did she go on a Twitter rant way back in February when Trump and the republicans decided to call the COVID 19 a hoax? Nope.

Has she been this outraged any day at all on Twitter with the death toll climbing from COVID19 ? Did she beg the question "Where does this end??” as the death toll set new records because of Trump's ignorance and incompetence ? That would be a no.

Did she go on a Tweet rant when Trump openly mulled the idea about Americans injecting Clorox and ingesting Lysol to kill COVID 19? Of course not.

How about the voter suppression which happened in Georgia yesterday - she must've gone on a Tweet rant this morning, ending with "Where does this end??” LOL! Nada.

Then she must've been this outraged (at least, if not more) over George Floyd's killing by a cop a few weeks ago, right ? She did a Twitter rant for days, correct ? LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Nope.

She must've did a Twitter rant about unemployment in double digits under Trump? No way.

No, Megyn Kelly has her priorities in order, with her pulse on what's most important in America: HBOMAX decisions on which movies it will offer.



The fact doggielemming knows this much about Megyn Kelly is telling.



Cancel digital services, and get physical copies of your favorite movies before it's too late!


You beat me to it, B1cKsurN!


This is a dangerous spiral if people accept it.GWTW isn't a political statement or somebody pushing an agenda or idea it's just a movie.A work of art.If we start censoring art where does it end.What book movie or tv show will PC snowflakes decide we shouldn't watch next.Blazing saddles.Im disappointed in HBOmax.I was considering signing up but not now.


Art is censored more often than you think, for a multitude of reasons. Movies are censored and edited for 'running times', always causing friction between the producer and the studios. Movies are censored all the time for financial reasons - many times the producer can't film on the location he envisioned due to 'budgets'. Language is censored, nude scenes are censored (especially frontal male nudity) - just so the movie can get wide release from the studio, and an acceptable 'R' rating from the MPAA. This is nothing.

Music has been censored for decades as well.


Thats different. This is about censoring what people are and are not allowed to see to further a political agenda.It's getting they want to remove the police dog from the children's cartoon Paw patrole.


Censorship is censorship no matter how you try to slice it.


I heard about this today. Considering the film was made in 1939, racism was not a big thing back then as it is today, otherwise the film would not have been made.


Have they banned to kill a mocking bird yet?

Ban 48 Hours. N word and watermelon used.

Ban 70s tv.

Ban comedy. Oops they’ve already done that.


Have they banned to kill a mocking bird yet?

They already did.

Well, not exactly 'kill a mockingbird' but its sequel, 'go set a watchman', by the same author. The second book was written by a more mature Harper Lee and shows a less idealized portrait, a more complex situation, less of 'good guys vs evil guys'. The father was not portrayed as the knight in the shining armor anymore, but as a flawed person with his own demons.

That was politically incorrect, so the sequel was forgotten, silenced. Most people don't even know it exists.


I wouldn't be far its GWTW and as ridiculous as it sounds Paw patrole.If they get away with these what's next on the hit list.I've heard today's pc youth describe certain Seinfeld episodes as taboo or offensive by today's standards. Will they started deciding which episodes were allowed to view.


Think of the most outlandish absurd possible outcome by today’s standards, it’ll be the Democrat party platform in less than 5 years.

When will they try to ban the 4th of July? This year or next?
