MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do Democrats/Liberals do this?

Do Democrats/Liberals do this?

There is a long backstory to why I'm asking but in general do politics have anything to do with someone thanking a vet or active military person for their service?

Is this only a Republican thing or do Dems/liberals also thank them? I have a crazy,(for many reasons, not just politics), family member who insists it is something only Republicans do.


I'm a conservative and I can only speak for myself on this.
If I get the opportunity, I do thank vets/active military people for their services. I also thank police for keeping us safer.


I thank teachers and nurses. They are the real boots-on-the-ground folks who are underpaid and trying to help the rest of us and make this a better nation.


The post I wrote below on this thread about 6 hours ago echoed similar things as well so I'm definitely on the same page as you. 🙂


This is entirely false. I have actually worked in a job before where people thanked vets for their service. I've said it (I'm an independent) and I've seen plenty of other independents, republicans and democrats do it. None of them complained.

Whomever told you that is full of shit, no offense to you or your family member.


No offense taken by me - I couldn't agree more about my family member. I'm sure it's just his opinion, but one that is only based on his twisted outlook on life in general. My thoughts are most of us appreciate our vets and military.


That would be true. Me personally--while I think most wars are a waste of time, I have respect for those who would lay down their lives like that--except for war criminals.


I am a US Army veteran and I don't know or care what a person's political affiliation is when they thank me. It doesn't matter.


Understand that - my question was if Dems or Liberals even do it. My screwy family member insists they don't


I'm sure your family member is wrong.


A friend of mine in the Army says people thanking him for his service is a little embarrassing and not something military people care about.


I think it's the older vets, like my husband, who appreciate it the most, but I could be totally off base about that.


You may very well be right.


I’d like to think it’s not political but there is no question the communist Democrat party and their lemmings resent and despise the military to their core. The US military represents our strength and power and along with the constitution provides the American people the unprecedented freedom we enjoy. All things the Democrats despise.

Consider this. Within days of 911 the overwhelming majority of Americans had come together in support of our country. There were flags everywhere. On cars. Houses. Everywhere.

Within 7 days of 911, the Democrat party brass was circulating an internal memo on how they needed to spin 911 because Bush’s approval rating was over 90%. Were talking 1 week after 911. The ruble at the World Trade Center was still burning. Rescuers were still searching for survivors. These people hate our country.

That was almost 20 years ago. Think they’ve gotten better or worse with 8 years of Obama and the election of Trump?

Do not doubt the Democrat party is funded and run by people who want the United States destruction. It started with the Soviet Union communists infiltrating our country’s media, education, and entertainment industries in the 1950s. By the mid 60s they controlled these industries. Things like flag burning and protesting which had never happened were now being celebrated by media and education. They still are. The Colin Kaepernick for example. Their lemming followers cannot think for themselves and will follow instructions as told.

So with that, the left may occasionally stand for the flag, or thank a soldier when it’s the thing to do. But inside they hate the fact they have to do it.


This post is the pure fantasy.


Oh dear - are you my family member posting?



Well just to be clear, I'm a Republican and most of us are sane - just like Democrats who distance themselves from the crazy far left. Either extreme is dangerous, IMHO.



I know for a fact they don't sew patriotic quilts and give them as a gift to veterans. My mom does that as a hobby, as do quite a few older women across the US. (Chances are very high that they are all Republicans).

The best part of the activity, is presenting the quilts (each folded up in their own unique cloth bag) to the veterans at special ceremonies honoring them. My mom says the most emotional recipients are the Vietnam vets, because they never got this kind of love and kindness when they came home. I went to one of these ceremonies, and it was very moving. Plus, some of the quilts are gorgeous to look at :D.


Perhaps liberals just aren't crafty people?

Seriously, it is very nice for your mom to do this.


Awww, thank you :). And she doesn't earn a penny for it either.


I'm independent, with conservative leanings. I thank people for their service if they have done something to deserve that appreciation, but just signing up and putting on a uniform doesn't make you a good person and certainly not hero. I've known plenty of enlisted servicemen who were real pieces of shit.


Those are good points and there are some who've even committed violent crimes. That goes for anyone in any field though. We're all human and a uniform doesn't make anyone immune.

Personally I feel in general they need to know they are appreciated. Same for cops, doctors, etc. but again, like you said, it doesn't mean they're a good person but it would be my guess the good people outweighs the bad.


"Thank you for your service" is another meaningless mantra people feel they should say, kinda like "thoughts and prayers." If you want to genuinely talk to a veteran because you admire them, do so, but don't try to pass yourself off as patriotic by putting a magnetic ribbon made in China on your car and repeating the tired phrase, "thank you for your service."
Have a nice day.
