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US unemployment is the lowest in 50 years.

The unemployment rate stands at 3.5%, the lowest in a half-century, according to the latest figures released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The last time it reached that level was December 1969.

Conventional economic thinking maintains that low unemployment signals the economy is robust and prospering on all fronts.

Top Democrats are fuming over this and are currently trying to get people to quit their jobs and get on welfare. One Democrat was overheard saying "We must get the unemployment rate over 15%."


Top Democrats are fuming over this and are currently trying to get people to quit their jobs and get on welfare. One Democrat was overheard saying "We must get the unemployment rate over 15%."

You expect people to actually believe this? Trump supporters are getting more desperate each day. You are a perfect example of this. It must be upsetting for you watching Trump self destruct right before your eyes.


Thats just what someone over heard someone else saying. They are still trying to figure out who said it. I would assume its true though.


Just like we're supposed to believe the "witnesses" who witnessed nothing. πŸ˜…πŸ™„


The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn't measure unemployment the same way it did in 1969. In 1994, they stopped counting anyone who has been unemployed for over a year (the long-term unemployed). as well as anyone who skipped a month recently (short-term discouraged workers).

The true unemployment rate is closer to 7.7%. If you count the underemployed too than it's much higher.

There are still about 40 million poor people in the U.S. That's a lot of people you're ignoring.


Not to mention people who are working at wages they can't get ahead with. Sure, a lot of people may be working at low wage service jobs, but what about an actual robust economy where all prosper?
Nope, that's not in the game plan. Make a lot of people work for peanuts and call it a good thing. Works in third world countries, why not here? No thanks, republicraps.
Bring back Unions, being back Education, bring back power to the Working Class. But not in the repub game plan. More power to the powerful, back scratching status quo.


Fake news. All a hoax.

See how easy this is?


Unemployment at the beginning of Bush's presidency: 4.5%
Unemployment at the end of Bush's presidency: 8%

Unemployment at the beginning of Obama's presidency: 8%
Unemployment at the end of Obama's presidency: 4.5%

You're welcome, repubs.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn't measure unemployment the same way it did in 1969. In 1994, they stopped counting anyone who has been unemployed for over a year (the long-term unemployed). as well as anyone who skipped a month recently (short-term discouraged workers).

The numbers are much higher than one would imagine, Obama's numbers would actually be 15.3%. When you factor in cost of living and inflation of course.

There are still about 50 million poor people in the U.S. That's a lot of people you're ignoring.


I didn't mention 1969 or 1994 though. The OP did.

If Obama's numbers go up 10% then so do Bush and Trump's since they all use the same labor statistics.


Not to mention people who are working at wages they can't get ahead with. Sure, a lot of people may be working at low wage service jobs, but what about an actual robust economy where all prosper?
Nope, that's not in the game plan. Make a lot of people work for peanuts and call it a good thing. Works in third world countries, why not here? No thanks, democraps.
Bring back Unions, being back Education, bring back power to the Working Class. But not in the demoncrap game plan. More power to the powerful, back scratching status quo.


The job participation is also the lowest it’s been in decades. The great reset is moving along as planned.


Meanwhile, there's no workers to be found, and businesses are underwater in labor.
