MovieChat Forums > Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) Discussion > The movie was terrible, the lowest point...

The movie was terrible, the lowest point in Mad Max franchise.

I used to think Thunderdome was the lowest point, but... OMG, Furiosa was freaking terrible and boring. I paused the movie many times because I couldn't take it anymore, it bore me to death. I'd play a few Doom levels to wake me up a little bit to keep watching the movie.


Furiosa is one of the most entertaining films I’ve seen this year, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, Hemsworth is nothing short of sensational as Dementus!

A strong 7 out of 10 imo.


Different strokes. This movie was my favorite of the year.


I agree Sonans: Doom is a great stress releaving game, and Furiosa is also my favourite film of 2024 so far. Went to see it twice in cinema!


Well, it actually is the worst of the franchise. But still an enjoyable flick.


na, it was fine - of course, its no fury road .. but we got cool desert action at interesting locations and minimal dialogue


It was great. 9/10


I rewatched Fury Road immediately after watching this, and it's laughable how bad it is compared to Fury Road.


It's actually within the same breath. I thought it was a masterpiece.


I thought it was a masterpiece.

A masterpiece? lol, You obviously have low standards.


Oh yes I loved it. I have a different view than you. Respect it or piss off.


Yes, you love shit.💩


Your opinion. Rich coming from someone who likes Trump lol.


It's a good thing that he's not the pantshitter that Joe is since you chose him by not voting for Trump.

Respond my saying something along the lines that you didn't vote for Joe or didn't vote for anyone or that I don't know who you voted for. The same lame and bullshit excuses.


I don't like either so the jokes on you. Keep shilling dipshit.


Same thing, by not voting for Trump, you indirectly chose Biden. So predictable.


Didn't say who I voted for... I said I didn't like either. You done here? You are boring me.


You didn't have to say it.

You chose Biden even if you didn't vote for him, since according to you, you didn't vote for Trump.

What is it about cowards that are too afraid and spineless to have convictions?


I never said I did not vote for Trump. I said I did not like either. So looks like you made yourself look like the dipshit here lol.


More backpedaling and deflecting with excuses, as predicted.


You are boring me. Kindly fuck off please.


If I'm boring you, than why do you continue to respond? No one is forcing you. lol


You are right. You are now on ignore!


I agree with you moviefanatic, Furiosa is a damn fine film with plenty of heart and soul and a great deal of competency poured into it.


Yes sir. I can't fathom how anyone would call a film with this much passion put into it garbage. I mean I get it not being everyone's cup of tea but to call it garbage is just baffling.


Exactly, those were the words I was going to post, or along the lines of, “not being everyone’s cup of tea….” but seriously, I’m not a Celine Dion fan but I can still respect her music as well as the impact she’s made in the industry.
To say that her music is garbage or shit or trash (see below) is ridiculous.
I was on the edge of my seat for the entirety of Furiosa btw and all the characters were uncanny in the best kind of way.


Beautifully stated. I agree about Celine Dion. I'm not a huge fan but I'm not going to say she doesn't have talent. Furiosa is awesome and I hate how people write it off. It's such a shame.

You know that I find weird I swear Mad Max franchise succeeds where the star wars franchise fails in every way. Fury road was a sequel set years later and it maintained the heart of the original by relying very much on practical stunts and effects. It was considered an amazing film on par or even arguably better than the original. Then you have Furiosa which is a prequel that is also amazing and really pays attention to detail. Also a great performance from a child actor! George Miller is like everything Lucas wishes he could be. The prequels failed due to poor acting, too much reliance on CGI and plot inconsistency. The sequels attempt to clone the original trilogy and feel like fan fiction.

In short the mad max franchise is awesome and I'm glad Miller has maintained creative control of it.


Its trash and will be forgotten within a year or two if not less just like Fury Road who nobody cared about until this was released and tried to piggy back off that parody of Mad Max.

Thunderdome is still underrated. The original Mad Max trilogy are all completely different films and none of them are comparable. The one common thread is that of Mel Gibson's performance as Max and his journey. Thunderdome was never meant to be Road Warrior and Road Warrior was never ment to be Mad Max. All three films build a a character arch and and do it perfectly. The end of Road Warrior is basically Max's redemption and escape from the hell he has been trapped in since the loss of his family. This can be seen as Max Smiles at the end of Thunderdome after seeing Tina Turner for the last time. Max has found peace again. Alone but peaceful after becoming selfless in order to save children and basically strangers.

People really need to analyze those first three films as one film to get what Miller did with the story. These other more recent non Mel Gibson and essentially Non Mad Max films are just cash grabs and cannon fodder. They are pointless. The only way to revisit this IP would have been with Original characters and a somewhat "Gladiator" approach to the film. "Mad Max" is no longer "Mad" at the end of Thunderdome by design. Its actually a brilliant wrap up to the character but people wanted basically Road Warrior again even though that part of the story had concluded.

Try watching the OT more like Lord of The Rings instead of just random sequels and its more clear. Its really just one long film divided into three acts. I would say one of the best examples ever done considering it was basically done on the fly, non funded, and was never meant to become that. George Miller was kind of a genius for making those three films work in unison as well as he did and Mel basically nailed the character throughout.


Mad Max fury road is considered one of the best blockbusters ever made. In fact in terms of reception it edges out any mad max movie ever made. And no Mel Gibson is old and The character of Max is Miller's creation not Mel Gibson's. So to refer to them as cash grab canon fodder is false. Furiosa was excellent and didn't clone Fury Road which is awesome. It was great in it's own way itself. Just because something is done on a lower budget doesn't mean it is better or done with more passion. Miller kept creative rights and has blessed us with two amazing films to the franchise.

I will continue to watch these films in utter amazement as the entire series to mad max is incredible.


OK so thats just nonsensical fanboy jiberish. You didnt mention one thing about what I said Miller, Gibson, and the Original storyline was about or attempting to pull off.

Next time you are just going to vomit out a studio narratives or talking points please do it to someone else. This kind of idiotic posting is a waste of my time. I can read that kind of spin from a studio produced article whenever I want.

"Miller blessed us" ... gimme a break. Miller cant even make one of these films unless he deep sixes his previous IP. Any idiot can see that. These films have zero to do with Mad Max to the point where it might as well be a different character entirely. Stop being brainwashed by this modern abomination of what was once cinema and learn critical thinking. Sheesh.

Next Avatar will probably come soon. Knock yourself out. Same goes for Superman for that matter. I hope some of you people at least get paid for this parroting nonsense of bastardized film online.

If you actually want to see the real George Miller at work with the character of Mad Max you will have to go back and reanalyze the originals. Until you do that you are just watching content with the character depth of cartoons.

Be Well and Have a Nice Day.


Nope it's facts you don't want to hear. A movie doesn't need your approval for others to think it's great. I grew up on the originals and watched them religiously growing up. I adore those movies and always will. Unlike other franchises it still maintained the consistent quality which made the others awesome. Much like Aliens or terminator 2 it expands the world while honoring it. The story was good to the originals so why comment on it? You discredited the new ones simply because you like the story to the old.

It's the world he created. Nothing wrong with him wanting to revisit it and build on it. He produced something great the only thing you have produced is shit in a toilet.

Avatar sucks because the characters aren't memorable at all. Fury road has plenty of memorable characters to choose from. Whether it be their quotes or their stellar designs. Furiosa and Immortan Joe have stellar designs and lines. Develop logic? You mean agree with you and your opinion? No I'm good I have my own opinion thanks.

I watched the originals, I disagree with you.

Be gone and go fuck off.


The original character is the IP dummy. Thats why its called MAD MAX.

Sheesh you are a sucker. Stick to cartoons. You will understand more.

Again you dont address anything I said just insult and attempt to change the subject. It just makes you look more and more like a studio fanboy idiot more ever time you reply. Grow up. Cussing doesnt make you look any smarter or tougher either cupcake. Sorry if all this "thinking" made your brain hurt. Try actually watching films more instead of playing with your phone and doing the video game thing. Things like STORY matter. Im going to suggest you stick to short films.. 15-20 minutes that are very simplified and dumbed down in terms of plot and character arc. I take it back.. dont go back and watch the originals because you will just get confused. Maybe try music videos and fan edits on youtube. You will likely enjoy that.


But who owns the IP? You? Oh no that's right it's George Miller. Which means what? He can do whatever he damn well pleases with his IP. I thought even an idiot like you would comprehend that. Never underestimate stupidity.

Comical irony alert. So animation or cartoons can't have good writing, depth or complex stories? Did you seriously just try to use watching cartoons as an insult?

I mentioned how Miller created the franchise not you. I mentioned how the story to the old ones was good but it could be expended on and he did it beautifully. Lol comical irony alert again. I grew up on the original mad max movies before smart phones were even a thought. Learn to realize not everyone has to share your view on films. Someone can be intelligent while disagreeing with you. You are a joke and have shown you are not a nice individual. Learn respect and open your mind moron.


you are the one lashing out all the insults and cussing. Tell you what tough guy. You can go on ignore. Ive wasted enough time responding to your childish nonsense and immature fanboyism. Go have fun with you ridiculous IP fodder that just tries to piggyback off of previous IPs. Its all a joke and everyone knows it which is why all these reboots and spin offs BOMB. They are a joke and always will be regardless of shills on the internet playing this game of promoting them as some sort of superior product. Yes Miller has cannibalized himself for a payday because he doesnt care anymore and is cashing in. They are all doing it.. Cameron, Carpenter, Spielberg, Lucas etc. The list is long and will only continue to grow. Go off now and tell everyone how great it all is while nobody watches or cares.

BYE BYE CHILD. A New He-Man is coming. Enjoy yourself LOL.


Good I don't need you in my notifications. Blade runner also bombed smart guy. The money a movie makes isn't a testament to it's quality. Anyways be gone I won't miss you.


L-E-A-V-E - M-E - A-L-O-N-E - F-R-E-A-K

I am an adult and a lover of good Cinema not a dopey teenager or middle aged adolescents that hypes up the next fad film. You have less maturity and worse manners than my 12 and 14 year old children. If you cant handle other peoples critiques and not turn into an emotional nutcase you have no business talking to me. I understand that people are struggling but I cant be an online therapist to random headcases on the internet.



Then quit responding. Person to person. I think it's dumb people like you scoff at anyone who enjoys something you don't. Why be like that? Instead of being a reasonable person that says you know what I disagree but that's cool. You hold this arrogant attitude and act like your view is gospel truth and the only one an intelligent person can have. Isn't that kind of lame? Also using money to boost up your point? Money equates to quality now?


Sheesh you never stop. Your like an online chiwawa. Dont you have someone in real life to talk to or did you chase all them off as well.

Nobody goes to see these new films. Thats why they keep pulling these little games of trying to piggy back off films that are almost 50 years old. Its not that hard to figure out whats going on. its called BAD FILMS with BAD STORIES and CRAP DIRECTORS or Directors that are PAST THEIR DUE DATE and just want to cash in and make ... anything. If the Studio tells Miller to make a woke Mad Max film HE WILL. How many times is it going to take before people like yourself figure this out? Its EVERY franchise now.

Yeah I figured you still watched cartoons. Im sure you think video games have depth as well.

Lord when is this period of Idiocracy going to end in film. Virtual reality going to turn all these fanboys into drooling vegetables.


I just enjoy engaging in debates.

Avatar 2 made over 2 billion dollars, Jurassic World Dominion made over a billion, Top Gun Maverick made over a billion. I thought you said Avatar was bad? Guess not by going off of it's box office results huh? Jurassic World Dominion got scathing reviews but it still made gobs of money at the box office. See you only want to boast when films you dislike tank at the box office. Anyone with a brain can see that plenty of great films have tanked at the box office. Films such as Blade Runner, It is a wonderful life, Shawshank Redemption and many others. The opposite is also true plenty of bad movies have made tons of money at the box office. Cough cough the transformers movies. What was woke about Mad Max Fury Road? Go ahead and list to me what was woke about it?

Lol and as expected. Cartoons or animation can have just as much depth as a live action film. Only a closed minded fool would think otherwise. You denying an animated story can have depth?


If I tell tell you that you are right and I am wrong will you stop talking to me so I dont get these alerts anymore? I will do it. Ive been married almost 25 years and know how.

I have no interest in debating the depth of things like cartoons. Im sure there are places like that online where you can find people to agree with you.

This isnt a debate it started with me explaining the story arc of the original Mad Max trilogy and you turning it into a session on "feelings" along with getting triggered when someone thinks a Mad Max Counterfeit schlock film is not an actual Mad Max film because it has nothing to do with the original character other than the director cashing in on an old IP so he had something to do.

I understand you are obsessed and take personal offense when people dont like what you obsess over. Thats obvious by the level of emotion and language you use. This is boring for me. I only replied to the OP because they mentioned Thunderdome and many people dont understand that film in conjunction with the original trilogy because it was so different than both the 1st and second films. I tried to explain my point in that it was the third act of a long running arc about the character of Max. It was clearly over your head which is why you went WAAAAY of topic. Theres nothing to debate. You basically cannot grasp what I am talking about and I didnt think it was complicated or confusing ... AT ALL.

My apologies if you misunderstood but my reply was to the OP not you. Glad you liked the latest NON Mad Max film. Maybe they will make another Wonder Woman as well. If Miller next develops sequel to "Babe" and cannibalizes that IP as well for a payday Im crossing him off my Christmas Card List.

There.. are we done now?


You are just doing that because you do not like the points I have made. If you are that hell bent on stopping I am more than fine with it.

So then your point about cartoons having no depth was nonsense. Good to know.

It was not over my head. I actually enjoy thunderdome quite a bit. Your analysis of it I actually liked. I just thought it was dumb you had to take pot shots at people who enjoy the new films. I mean I get not liking them but calling them garbage? Go ahead write up a logical review explaining in detail how Fury Road is garbage. You will not get very far. Critics and the mass majority of people overrule whatever you have to say. I place more stock in them than I do a person like you. Had I listened to you I would not have seen that film.

I do not like Wonder Woman. I thought it was painfully mediocre. I love this you assume that oh because he liked the new Mad Max films that means he will just swallow up anything. That shows a lack of maturity on your end. I despise Avatar, the new Jurassic World series and most MCU products. I like superhero movies with care and passion put into them. Wonder Woman is not one of them.

We can be done, your call. I just find it silly you can't bid me farewell without taking a subtle jab.


OK great take care. No hard feelings and have a nice night.
