MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > After much thought, I think that Biden s...

After much thought, I think that Biden should step down

Fuck this country. For Biden to have to stand there while that fat orange lying asshole Trump insult him, lie to the American public and then the flash poll side with Trump is just not worth it.

The Democratic Party needs to back another candidate.


You're not going to make it are you..


LOL šŸ¤£


That bot is pissed!

It's okay Tina, it's going to be okay.


True, they should bring in Donald Trump Jr.


What good would that do?


Two Trumps are better than one.


Donald Trump's mental abilities are in rapid decline. Other than helping his brother Eric piss away his father's declining empire, Don Jr. has not demonstrated any skill at all in politics or business.

Anyone in the Trump family would most likely be just a weak figurehead puppet on the strings of others who were not elected.


True, we need more than two, bring in Eric and Baron as well.


All the dems have to do is put up somebody half credible and under 90
how hard can it be ?

Losing to to proven lying infant brained narcissist ,again!, would be an embarrassment to dems and politics in general that would never go away


Yet Brandon lied through his teeth multiple times throughout the debate such as saying:
- The border patrol endorsed him
- No American Soldiers died on his watch
- Inflation was high when he took office
- Trump put immigrant children in cages (Obama actually did that and Trump put an end to it)
- That Trump called White Supremacists ā€œfine peopleā€ (he didnā€™t, he said there were people in the crowd who were ā€œfine peopleā€, he didnā€™t say the whole crowd was ā€œfine peopleā€.)


[- Trump put immigrant children in cages (Obama actually did that and Trump put an end to it)
- That Trump called White Supremacists ā€œfine peopleā€ (he didnā€™t, he said there were people in the crowd who were ā€œfine peopleā€, he didnā€™t say the whole crowd was ā€œfine peopleā€.)[/quote]

Trump did. I remember specifically when Trump did those things. A photo of Trump refusinf to hold the hand of an immigrant child was on magazine covers for one. Melania wearing the army jacket with the words "I DON'T CARE" written in her hand writing no doubt were on the back of that jacket.

Trumo went on a talk show during his campaign and said that some of the protestors that stormed the Capitol were fine people. Some? Really? What an asshole.


Thatā€™s a lie, and yeah what you remember is the far left lies that were told about him. HA, so Trump not holding the hand of someone is all you got? In the meantime Obama and Biden both put children in cages but fortunately Trump released them.

Most of the people who were smeared by the left over J6 were allowed into the building by Capitol Police and were even given a free tour by the Capitol Police. Itā€™s slander to not say they were ā€œfine peopleā€. Trump also denounced the few bad apples on J6 who were breaking windows. And while weā€™re on the subject neither Brandon, nor Harris, nor Obama nor Pelosi have ever denounced the 2020 BLM/Antifa insurrectionists who put thousands of cops in the hospital, murdered dozens of people, stormed courthouses, police stations and burned them to the ground. They even took over a sector of Seatle and made terroristic threats such as they would burn the country to the ground unless the Police were defunded. Iā€™ve also never heard anyone on the left denounce the insurrectionists who tried to overthrow the 2016 election by sending death threats to Trump electors.


You're just now figuring this out? And you think you're the smart one???

Lying? According to whom???


Biden was the one lying, he lied about Charlottesville, he lied when he said border patrol and the military endorsed him over Trump, he lied about what Trump said, he lied about inflation, etc. Youā€™re delusional. Biden completely embarrassed our country, heā€™s a disgrace.


No, no, no! It was just a matter of Trump lying to him. If it truly were just a matter of the other candidate lying, then zero probs, and Biden would just go on and you'd never think of replacing him.

It's got to be something wrong with Biden for you to want to replace him. You can't admit it, but it doesn't make sense, otherwise.

And who would they get instead of Biden? Someone who didn't mumble, look confused, sound older than his age, and could actually think on his feet? A friend of mine said the foreign papers she saw had Biden's horrible performance as their lead story. They assume we need a new, younger, competent candidate. So it's not just this country. But who do the Dems get instead?


I guess there's always the Independent party candidates. I'll vote for one of them.


Pretty late in the game Tina. I just cant see a sitting president being ousted by his own party. Dont get to worked up. Debates are basically just to get people worked up and let the talking heads have something to spin. After the next debate nobody will remember the first. I know you are stuck in this left vs right stuff but it doesnt really matter and not worth getting yourself upset over.

If it makes you feel better I dont ever hear anyone say they actually like Trump anymore they just think he is the lesser of two evils. You pretty much know where I stand on all this by now. Im not even sure my wife will vote at this point. Sometimes shes as done with all this "political show" garbage as I am. I watched the debates in full. They both looked lousy. I had a laugh when a presidential candidate announced he never slept with a porn star LOL. Thats breaking new ground. This modern Idiocracy culture is just too much. Cant even watch a political debate without porn being mentioned. Nation of pervs with porn brain. Next debate maybe they start dropping F bombs and lighting farts. The Golf talk was pretty ridiculous. No self awareness whatsoever. People are hurting out there and e get clown show debates.

Dont worry this country is already fooked. The entire planet is. Dont give up. Its all alot of BS and noise. Make sure you are getting out and taking care of yourself. Dont rule out turning off all this garbage. Both sides are trying to whip their own up into a frenzy as well as the opposing side (Optically anyways of course).


Exactly, you can still just turn it off and check the hilites (or lowlites) in the morning. It doesn't matter who wins the country is still gonna keep on rollin' and it takes a hellova lot more than one polititian to bring us down.



OK lightbright812 Im a nice person (When people stay polite) but if you have been reading my posts around here you probably can understand how deep I have been in all this for quite a few years now. All their bases are cover. Their is no way out of this. We are meant to endure and even die if we dont make it that far without sidestepping all that will come before us. This is clear and layed out in Matthew24 and also lines up with Baileys "Externalization of the Hierarchy" and "Reappearance of the Christ" among others.

People seem to be under the impression still that I play these partisan games and that has never been the case. This is not a game and choosing a team to cheer on is ridiculous. Trump is not anointed by God That is New Apostolic Reformation garbage pushed by the MAGA cult and its just as ridiculous is what the Left side cult pushes if not more. You want to promote this notion of "Rapture" then just cut to the chase and say it for what it is.. A PURGE. Yes they believe they are doing us a favor by killing us. Thats your rapture. MAGA has openly pushed bloodlust under the guise of Pseudo Christianity and "Love". THAT IS BAILEY Speaking not that of Jesus Christ. If you are not seeing that you are not paying attention because its all over the place. Jesus never said the Solution was to go out and murder people. This has become a sickness both on the left cult and on the right cult.

You do not speak for God and neither does Trump. A man of God would never push those vaccines or promote some of the things that Trump has done. Biden either for that matter. Also please drop the New Ager stuff Ive been around the block and know that New Age Luciferianism is nothing more than a soft sell of Occultism. Trump has been groomed for this but it is not by God. 5-10 minutes spent on Luciferian Doctrine should make it obvious where Trump stands but people are addicted to the false Idol worship... Which we are also warned about in Matthew24.



Continued to Lightbright.

Short room in these posts is aggravating when having discussions. Anyways... Do not take offense lightbright because you seem to be cordial. Its a little insulting though when people push this notion that Trump is working for God. If thats true God is just using him as a demon for his bidding and that "god" would be Lucifer just as people like Flynn, McKay and all sorts of other MAGA are promoting. This is the greatest deception of mankind and people are lapping it up like gullible fools. I question if any of these people have ever actually read the Bible because it warns of this very thing. THIS is not following the teachings of Jesus Christ this is the works of Alice Bailey and a whole group of Luciferian Occult "Deities" that have laid out this agenda through channeling Demonic entities for well over 100 years. Throw David Spangler, Mabel Collins, and Elizabeth Prophet in there as well as well as all these wolves in sheeps clothing in MAGA pretending to be "Christians" when all they promote is Luciferianism and talk heresy.

This is an Agenda. Good Cop on the right.. Bad Cop on the Left. People need to break free from this. It cannot be stopped but people on the individual level can avoid going off this cliff "IF" they can get to the truth of the matter and find their inner peace. The situation is DIRE and I pray for all those deceived every day to wake up from this worldwide deception. Its extremely depressing and always has been to see my fellow peasants so blind as to whats going on right before them. My biggest regret is that I cant get people to do the work to wake up. That is my failure.

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." - David Spangler's - "Reimagination of the world"

Learn these people and the Agenda. Its not a joke and 2025 is MAJOR.



...that's the problem, you need to come up higher - you see things too much from the enemies camp, and not enough from God's, but I don't think you want any perspective other than your own.

Some people are blackpilled and without convictions.


No Worries. I dont get offended as long as things stay cordial. I look at things from both sides as its really the only way to get an understanding. I just dont beat people over the head with scripture because a nonbeliever will just shut it all out and take the stance of denial. Theres also not a whole lot of room in these replies to go deep on both perspectives. I will bring up some Matthew24 though and maybe it will help to understand the amount of deception thats being perpetuated no matter what side people choose to fall on in this. Im not trying to offend or convert here just show the parallels.

"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."

"For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many".

"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."

"Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall KILL you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake."

"And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."

"But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."

Its important to go to the SOURCE and not be deceived by politicians and pundits about what GOD said. This notion that Trump or any other politician is somehow working for God is a fallacy and heresy. Anyone thats not seeing that isnt looking at EITHER perspective because its very easy to see. They are looking through the lense of "The Show" and what these false idols are trying to sell to the masses for deception/manipulation. Read Matthew24... Also Read Alice Bailey and their plan because its a counterfeit of biblical prophecy for them to usher in their False Messiah as the "World Leader". This is not theory its Strategy and its all easily found. The "Bringers of the Light" is both false light and false doctrine. Great Awakening = Great Deception.

Out of room



I understand what you are getting at. The question becomes.. Why does God allow these people to counterfeit and mock him without intervening. So the running theory/view on that is that God is using the Occult to do his work. These are the theories me and others in this research talk about when exchanging notes. Is it true? I hope so. Its not called fith for nothing. However it doesnt change what is forewarned of in Matthews24. We are to endure this. Be wise as serpents and peaceful as doves is also advised. To do that takes work and analysis both "above" and "below". If you think thats limited all I can say is you are only seeing half and dont know thy enemy. Im fully aware how clever these "people" are and how deep their system goes which is why I know about Trump and others do not. Tribe of Dan, Merovingian, Luciferian... people may not want to believe that but its the truth. Hes a supporter of Noahide Laws which leads to the end of true Christianity. Hes also a supporter of Dominionism which leads to a one world religion.

Theres a heck of a lot more on this out there but people need to stop being so gullible with politician telling them what they want to here. Bible warns of these false prophets and its foolish to ignore that. I will also say that Biden is a Satanist not a Luciferian. This is called a double bind. They control the light/ dark. Its the masonic chess board and the occult OWN the game. Luciferians bring in the NWO not Satanists. It does all lead to Satanism though.

NOT so deep that Im the Occult. Im a follower of Jesus Christ. If you mean "Higher" by joining the Luciferian Cult pretending to be Christians and mocking God and counterfeiting Christ.. That wont happen.

Your false New Age assumptions are concerning. I can just as easily say you are pushing heresy because you are. This notion that supporting Trump is supporting God is straight blasphemy unless people are a Luciferians or Satanists. We are not to support this.



OK enough of your passive aggressive nonsense. look.. you can make all the false assumptions and accusations you want. I have no doubt your not following what Im even talking about and instead of trying to understand you are spinning this into political nonsense. I dont do politics. Trump is not working for God. this is New Apostolic Reformation Garbage that you are trying to pass off as that of the teaching of Jesus Christ.

Depression LOL. You are brainwashed or worse and Operative posing as some sort of preacher for your "god" of deception which is Lucifer. You need to read the Bible and find Jesus Christ. Rebuke Lucifer/Satan and get yourself right.

Your little jabs are cute but I can see right through them and your not as clever as you think. Its obvious you are a New Ager and along with that a Luciferian so I dont know who you think you are kidding. Iver been tracking the Occult for over 30 years while still following the teachings of Jesus Christ. You "god" is not that and you have been deceived. You need to break your own programming or you will forever be lost. Read the Bible LITERALLY and Find Jesus Christ if you are truly a believer. Theres only one chance you have to stay out of hell and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Now enough of your New Age Luciferian double speak. If heard nonsense like this for over 30 years and its not new. Your not fooling anyone that can still think for themselves and understands Occult manipulation tactics.

So many Serpent worshipers online these days. Sheesh. They dont kill him because hes part of it. You would know that if you didnt have tunnel vision. Knock off this operative occult nonsense either real or LARPing and learn how to have an actual conversation.

Basically cut the nonsense if you plan to converse with me in the future. Im not playing your little inversion games. Trying to be pretentious will people that know your doctrine doesnt work silly. We see right through it.


Well put.



This modern Idiocracy culture is just too much.

I agree. I honestly just want to keep my great healthcare coverage that I've had under Joe Biden. I never had decent healthcare coverage when Trump was president.


I wouldnt worry to much about that. Depending on your demographic you may be on the chopping block anyways for their depopulation goals. The elderly basically all are. I dont know you health conditions and dont need to because its private and I dont like seeing people get harassed by trolls. I try to keep things holistic and luckily we have not any major health issues other than trying to avoid all the garbage they are putting in our food.

I would look into things like fasting and cleanses.. especially parasite cleanses. Im convinced Cancer is their main path for depopulation along with stopping reproduction. They have to keep everything hidden in plain site and cancer is easy to hide on a case to case basis. I definitely suggest you avoid shots as they are all based on weaponized plasmid technology. These shots also set the body up for their end game weaponization of the neuroscience tech which are things like Optogenetics and Chemogenetics. First things first though we need to survive a lot of other things coming our way before we get to that point in mass.

This can go one of two ways after Trump is put back in. Either the seduction of Fascism and the growth of the Pseudo Christian "Mob" under the guise of "Nationalism" (Argentina Dirty Wars scenario included) OR... Trump placate the cult of the right for another 4 years and we get show scandals for distraction while Accelerationism is continued for another 4 years. Dont forget Accelerationism is a strategy of both the left and right working together to push through the agenda.

Shucks.. not enough room. To be continued below


"Accelerationism is a range of revolutionary and reactionary ideas in LEFT AND RIGHT right-wing ideologies that call for the drastic intensification of capitalist growth, technological change, infrastructure sabotage and other processes of social change to destabilize existing systems and create radical social transformations, otherwise referred to as "acceleration". It has been regarded as an ideological spectrum divided into mutually contradictory left-wing and right-wing variants, both of which support the indefinite intensification of capitalism and its structures as well as the conditions for a technological singularity, a hypothetical point in time where technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible."

This is a short video on Accelerationism at about 20 minutes but there are other solid breakdowns on youtube if its not familiar. Some shorter and some longer. You will here the right push this notion now that everything must be torn down to fix the system. This is Accelerationist movement deception and its Satanic. Order of 9 Angles is just one of the extremists Satanic Militant accelerationist groups and they are embedded in our Militaries throughout the world. Its an important concept to understand though as is Dominionism.

This is kind of why I explained to you not to let this stuff get you worked up because its basically a global movement and out of our hands. Both of these sides work to gether for "Balance" which is a major belief of the Occult.. the Yin/ Yang.. Dark to light etc. They control both sides. The fact that people on a site like this tease each other when both have fallen into this deception is just an example of how far gone we have become as the peasantry. People laugh at others in duress and cheer for their team that worships a false idol. Its a sickness and NOT the way. Yet these same people will claim to be followers of Jesus Christs teachings. They are deceived.
