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Teach Christian Bible in Oklahoma Public Schools Order

"Oklahoma’s top education official ordered public schools to incorporate the Bible into lessons for grades 5 through 12, the latest effort by conservatives to incorporate religion into classrooms.

The directive drew immediate condemnation from civil rights groups and supporters of the separation of church and state, with some calling it an abuse of power and a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

The order sent to districts across the state by Republican State Superintendent Ryan Walters says adherence to the mandate is compulsory and “immediate and strict compliance is expected.”

“The Bible is an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone,” Walters said in a statement. “Without basic knowledge of it, Oklahoma students are unable to properly contextualize the foundation of our nation which is why Oklahoma educational standards provide for its instruction.”

Oklahoma law already explicitly allows Bibles in the classroom and lets teachers use them in instruction, said Phil Bacharach, a spokesman for state Attorney General Gentner Drummond.

But it’s not clear if Walters has the authority to mandate that schools teach it. State law says individual school districts have the exclusive authority to decide on instruction, curriculum, reading lists, instructional materials and textbooks.

The directive is the latest salvo in an effort by conservative-led states to target public schools: Louisiana has required them to post the Ten Commandments in classrooms, while others are under pressure to teach the Bible and ban books and lessons about race, sexual orientation and gender identity. Earlier this week the Oklahoma Supreme Court blocked an attempt by the state to have the first publicly funded religious charter school in the country. "


Better than the pride shit or the black history month shit.


Or BLM shit


Learning about Jesus is black history since he was Middle Eastern aka: West Asian aka: Palestinian, man with brown skin and eyes and short dark curly hair.

According to rabbinical teachings, Biblical Jews were "midway between black and white" and "the color of the boxwood tree". That's brown!

By the way, Jesus real name was Isho. Jesus is a Greek variant. Isho is the original Aramaic which was his mother tongue.

See... I gave you black history and religious instruction at the same time.
You're welcome!


Oh dear god now its promoting Black Israelites and We Waz Kangs lmao.



Christianity is an Asian religion as are all the major religions like Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc..


Oh dear god now its promoting Black Israelites and We Waz Kangs lmao.



Judea isn't in Europe.


Do you think every other race is black?


Do you think every other race is white?

After all, it's European MO to whitewash historical persons of color like Jesus, cowboys (the original were Indigenous and mestizo) and ancient Egyptians.


No, I don't think every other race is white. But you're suggesting they're all black.


Then stop painting blond haired, blue eyed, white Jesus portraits.


I've never done that ever


You're defending the lie by not criticizing it. That is your sin.


There are lots of things I don't go out of my way to criticise all the time. Are of you the impression that unless I publicly object to something all the time, that I'm somehow "defending" it?


That's the second time that I have seen you post that nonsense. Now you're citing fake Judaism.


You don't know anything about Judaism nor Christianity. You would hate Isho because of his brown skin.


Keelai, you people made the schools a political front.

Did you really not consider the consequences of that? Are you really such retarded children that you are unable to consider cause and effect?


The Christian right has been trying for many years to implement biblical instruction in schools across many states. This is nothing new.


The atheist left, for decades HAS been teaching lefty ideology and propaganda in schools across the whole nation.

We, normal Americans, have been slow and weak in our reaction. I hope that Trump wins and we go after the lefty partisans that have infiltrated our education system like the wrath of god.

ANd purge the mother fucking shit out of them.


>The atheist left, for decades HAS been teaching lefty ideology and propaganda in schools across the whole nation.

Not sure what this (to the extent that it is true) has to do with right-wing evangelicals desperately trying to legislate christian instruction and praise back into education.

>ANd purge the mother fucking shit out of them.

Meaning what in practice?


Your side made the schools a front for political conflict.

That was your choice.

Your surprise, that there is a pushback, if true, shows that you are insane and unable to undestand the concept of cause and effect.

If it is a lie, then you are just being whiny.... bitches.


Again: The Christian right has been trying for many years to implement biblical instruction in schools across many states. This is nothing new.

I see no reason to think this would not be happening if pride or critical race stuff wasn't being taught in some places. Remember the Creationism shit?

>ANd purge the mother fucking shit out of them.

Meaning what in practice?


The pride and crit shit is just the most recent wave.

YOu know that right? Stop playing dumb.


What are some of the "older waves"? Is this even relevant to Oklahoma schools?

And again:

Again: The Christian right has been trying for many years to implement biblical instruction in schools across many states. This is nothing new.

I see no reason to think this would not be happening if pride or critical race stuff wasn't being taught in some places. Remember the Creationism shit?

>ANd purge the mother fucking shit out of them.

Meaning what in practice?


Sorry, not really interested in wasting time with your fledging game.

You want to actually discuss the issue seriously, let me know.


It's not even clear what it is you're demanding I discuss. You're bringing up LGBT education/information in schools or critical race theory stuff and I just don't think it's relevant here. The Christian right has always tried to push Christianity in schools either through prayer, biblical instruction or creationism.

I'm not bound by your control freak attitude in discussions.


Buddy, I'm happy to talk to you. Just saying something real.


It's not even clear what it is you're demanding I discuss. You're bringing up LGBT education/information in schools or critical race theory stuff and I just don't think it's relevant here. The Christian right has always tried to push Christianity in schools either through prayer, biblical instruction or creationism.

I'm not bound by your control freak attitude in discussions.


Also, don't call me buddy fuckwit.

I'm not your "buddy". I'm not a "buddy" with someone who has justified people calling me a pedophile. I continue to think you're a piece of shit and will treat you like that forever on here until I get an apology.



From what I've gleaned from you in this thread so far, you want to have your lefty teachers and administrators allowed to indoctrinate children without resistance.

Well, you are getting some pushback.

Now, be honest about your beliefs and explain why you think your side should be allowed to have uncontested access and control of our children.

And by purge I mean fire them all. Arrest them if they break the law, as we have seen. Put in new standards and teachers that want to teach real history without the anti-American, leftard spin.



Continuing to get the vibes from you that you think it's acceptable to dehumanise and treat people you dislike politically however you like. Because you are such a repellant, nasty person.

>From what I've gleaned from you in this thread so far, you want to have your lefty teachers and administrators allowed to indoctrinate children without resistance.

When did I say any such thing here?

>Well, you are getting some pushback.

You're bringing up LGBT education/information in schools or critical race theory stuff and I just don't think it's relevant here. The Christian right has always tried to push Christianity in schools either through prayer, biblical instruction or creationism.

>Now, be honest about your beliefs and explain why you think your side should be allowed to have uncontested access and control of our children.

I'm not bound by your presuppositions. I never said any such thing.

>And by purge I mean fire them all. Arrest them if they break the law, as we have seen. Put in new standards and teachers that want to teach real history without the anti-American, leftard spin.

What laws could they be breaking exactly?


Are you in favor of indoctrinating children with CRT? Yes or No?


No, I don't really support critical race theory.


Nonsense! Skavau is correct when he writes that Christian religious fanatics have attempted to have Christianity taught in public schools before any left-wing agenda was introduced.

The 1925 Scopes Trial is one example in which religious fanatics wanted to teach the Bible in public school science classes instead of actual science.

Also, the repeated attempt to make students say Christian prayers in public schools.

If you want prayer, then send your brats to a private religious school.

"ANd purge the mother fucking shit out of them."
You support Fascism.


Well put.


"Jesus real name was Isho."

So, does the inscription on the cross "I N R I" (Jesus of Nazareth King (Regal) of the Jews)" still work?

Does Latin have an "I" sound like "eye" or "in"?

How do they say "Jupiter?"


Crucifying Jews was a common form of punishment by the Romans. Thousands were killed in this manner. I'm not sure if they had time to inscribe anything.

The languages in Judea would have been Aramaic spoken by Jews and Greek spoken by the elite and throughout Palestine-Syria.

I believe the Roman soldiers stationed in that province would speak Greek in order to communicate with the locals.

The tragedy is that the descendants of Jews who followed Isho and converted to Christianity and then Islam are being slaughtered now in Gaza. God must weep.


This is a trap and will backfire on the populace in the long term. Has to do with Dominionism and the separation of church and state which will be abolished under this agenda. The trap comes when it is the Government that is allowed to give the final say on what is proper for religion. After that it all goes downhill. Combine that same dominion theology with Noahide Laws (Which is already happening) and what you have is genocide/purge under the guise of psuedo Christianity and Fascism which has be managed many times throughout history. One of the latest and largest being Argentina's Dirty Wars. This was a Nationwide Purge with the help of the US Military, CIA, and The Reagan administration. This is not a left vs right debate. Noahide Laws has been supported by every president since George Bush Senior including Clinton, Obama, and Biden. Trump is also in that mix and is the biggest supporter of Noahide in presidential history. Biden just supported it not long ago as well.

This is just one example why getting sucked into this left vs right nonsense is ridiculous nonsense that needs to stop before while people still have free will.

If they can teach Christianity in public school they can openly teach ANY religion.. this include Luciferianism. Careful what you wish for because the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Again.. Its a trap and a whole lot of ignorant people are falling for it.


Trump is also in that mix and is the biggest supporter of Noahide

No, he is not. Don’t conflate formalities with optics.

Regardless of what the anti-Trump crowds are saying, he never signed their laws.

BTW, Nemos is a DS shill.


You need to stop spreading disinfo and pay attention more. Im not anti Trump Im anti Occult. You dont have the first clue about what Trumps role in this is or you are a straight up operative pretending to be a fan on a film website. All you political cult followers both left and right are brainwashed. Trumps stance on Noahide is all over the net. Im growing tired of you clowns pretending reality doesnt exhist. Trump has been supporting Noahide since before he was president. Sheesh.

You also didnt address one single thing I mentioned about this movement in schools being a trap for both conservatives and everyone else. You are either a complete shill or dont know what Im talking about. Go read about Dominionism and see what MAGA is pushing. Trump is doing it as well. This right vs left cult garbage needs to stop. I will call you out right now for being disingenuous. The solution is not Dominionism, Pseudo Christian Fascism and a larger authoritarian government. I already explained thats been done before. You are no conservative in any way, shape, or form.

Im not some dumb kid on the net that is easily fooled. I can see what you are doing here even if you cant. If you are just ignorant my apologies. Ive had my fill of idiotic worshipping of false idols because people get their information from disinfo agents both agents of influence and spoon feeders in MSM and Alternative media. It gets old/ People were not paying attention in 2009-2017. They were not paying attention in 2016-2019. And they have not been paying attention from 2020-Present. They watch "Shows" and dont actual see whats been going on in the background.

You can sell Trump to someone else. Or Biden for that matter. Look into their actual historical connections and bloodlines for goodness sake. Its all out there now. Stupid opinionated morons online have never researched a dang thing and think "this time its different" because some talking said so. WAKE UP


Trumps stance on Noahide is all over the net.

Wrong, and once again, don't conflate optics and formalities, you obviously didn't research properly.
That bullshit was started by Deep State shill Nemos and spread everywhere online, old news.

And yes, I know that you don't support either as you claimed many times all over this forum, but what matters is that we had three good years under Trump and no amount of "this vs that" will change the facts.

This entire script that you are posting all over this forum shows that you are "a newbie" at being somewhat awakened, but you are still blackpilled without any convictions.


LOL.. Ive been researching since the early 90s dummy. Some of these names I mention of other researchers I know personally. You dont know what the heck you are talking about. Go back to Q or whatever other idiotic crap you have been duped into. You need to learn to VET things before just blindly believing in them. You sound like a Q cult member with all your BS. Let me guess its all 5"G" chess and theres a secret plan by the same people that are doing all this.

Look I have heard it all from you nonsense pushers online. I know the game. Give out 80% truth and then mic in 10-20% of your BS in order to manipulate people. I get it. You come here to push an agenda. Its not rare Its common and Ive seen it thousands of times before through the years. Infowarriors, MAGA, Sunrise Movement, Order of 9 Angles and their Nazi propaganda, Accelerationist Movement types, Various other Liberal and conservative front groups, Anonymous, 4 chan.... Ive come across all of it. You are dishonest.

Why dont you tell everyone about Trump and Soros? How About Aladdin? How About Academi? Optogenetics? You wont because you are either lazy and dont know or you are a shill.

So Go back to Infowars, Dave Packman, The Farm... or wherever it is you come from. Im not buying what you are selling because Ive done the research for well over 30 years likely before you were even born. This is a waste of my time.

You can talk films with me and thats all. I dont interact with people that are either in denial, brainwashed, or potential farmboys/girls. I chose to talk to people that are genuine and actually care about the future of humanity for others. Go sell political programming to someone else because its not going to be effective on someone like me.

And no Dummy Im not "Blackpilled". Thats a cheapshot to attack the messanger and anyone with a brain can spot that. If I was blackpilled I wouldnt be here trying to warn people. Youre no truther.


Most people don't care about your 5th dimensional rants regardless if they are partially or mostly true.

Their main concerns are the economy, safer borders, peace, etc.
The important things to common people that don't know politics and don't choose sides.

As I said, you seem like a newbie or a novice based on your preaching.
The truly awakened or "initiated" have nothing to prove.

And yes, you are obviously blackpilled without any "true convictions."


LOL.. get out of here and go back to the farm you clown. Get some better material. You just admitted you are a shill without even realizing it. Who s teaching you jokers these days.

Sorry.. you can justify your manipulation tactics all you want any way you want but it doesnt change the fact that your are just using lies and deceptions to manipulate people. Im about facts and truth not politics and treating people like idiots to be used for the purposes of power for others. Your a serpent. and anyone with a brain who reads your last post can see that now.

You think what I post is not honest.. try to debunk it then serpent.

Aladdin Beast Computer been running the US Economy since 2009

History of MAGA

Trump Prep for Presidency Instal

Trump / Soros meeting 2009 on Sol Invictus

Trump pushes 5G except on Maro Lago of course

Look clown I can do this ALL DAY. Either put some time into figuring out whats really going on in the world or go tell the farm to send someone who knows what they are actually talking about and doesnt play games trying to play cat and mouse when in a conversation. You already admitted what I said is true yet play these stupid games like nobody cares so they dont deserve to know (Which is OCCULT). Ive gone back and forth with enough Luciferians through the last 30 years to pick up on things from you idiots. Stop wasting my time.

You are the blackpilled one here. Thats why you dont try to help and just advocate keeping this charade going of keeping people in the dark.. for their own good. Nice try though. Now slither off.


Once again, none of that matters to ordinary and common people.

Everything you posted is the same bullshit regurgitated by Nemos and other shills like him, you are parodying them, nothing more, you don't have your own convictions about anything.

Trump's four years as president has already debunked all your BlueAnon nonsense, lol.


Sure you admit the information is true. Say none of it matters. Then say its not true. Then push lies about Trump and your false idol worship.

Again.. Slither a way and send someone that knows what the heck they are talking about. You cant even keep your own lies straight. I dont bash Trump hes just a low level player in a much bigger operation. So Is Biden. So Is Obama etc. etc.

Look.. Youre an idiot. Youre also not an honest person and think you make up the minds of what other people think and care about. Basically you are arrogant, self serving, and dont respect your fellow man. I try to inform people with truth and I dont play political favorites. You are in a cult and cant think for yourself thats why every post you sound like a moron. My advice would be to get out while you can because you have obviously been infected with Luciferian Ideology. If you cant see that then you are in denial because I can spot it pretty easily.

I dont wish harm on people even in the Occult because I know its not their fault. They are deceived. I do however rebuke their attempts to bait me with these little games like you are playing. You cant debunk anything I have posted and YOU KNOW IT. Want some more?

No 5G for Trump and Gates (Rockefeller)

Mind Control through Optogenetics

Controlling your sense of reality through Chemogenetics

Argentina Dirty Wars and the Purge

Michael Flynn Preaching Luciferianism to MAGA

"Trust the Plan" is Freemason Luciferian New Age Nonsense. This will be over your head if you have never taken the time to read Baileys work

OK enough time with you. Either start learning on your own. Send someone better at trying to dissuade me that has some skill....Or LMA.


LOL, Flynn and his Network of Podcasters, Truthers/Q impostors, Gatekeepers and Pay-Triots are part of the same Deep State and so is their "Trust the Plan" nonsense that you have fallen for and are regurgitating.

Nice try, but that's old news, only the gullible with hopium wants to believe in all that nonsense. Newb


OK now you have moved on to just agreeing with what I just gave links for. You dont actually read posts do you? Look.. AGAIN... Slither off. Im not stupid and I can see what you are attempting. Your not going to able to follow what Im talking about and its just going to keep confusing you and causing you to look ignorant and confused as this goes on. You can try to do that insult stuff all you want but you and I both know what that attack the messenger stuff is about as well. Especially when you dont even address the information Im talking about.

Its cute that you keep trying so hard but its become boring. Go dig up some information and try to get others informed. That is if you think they "deserve" to be informed which you have already made clear you dont and you seem to the the decider in your mind of what people care about and what they do not.

I will now respectfully ask you to stop replying to me so I dont have to block you. These alerts from you vomiting out inconsistent bipolar nonsense in replies to me are annoying.

Apologies for being a little harsh. Ive been doing this too long and I dont put up with goofiness like this for very long before cutting it off because its a waste of my time. More than enough leads in those links to get you started. Good luck debunking it LOL. Like I said that "trust The Plan in Accordance with Alice Bailey would be over your head. Its obvious you dont know who she is or have ever even read her books before. Go to the Lucis Trust website. Some of it you can read their for free but you better know how to read "Occult" because their vocabulary has different meaning. Its not that hard to figure out but you have to actually read. Being that you seem to have trouble reading these short posts you may need a warm up. Try a crackerjack Box. Sometimes theres a toy in there.

Good Luck and Good Bye


People are capable of informing themselves and doing their own research.

Most people are not concerned or care about doctrinal rants; they care about things that are actually important and affect them on a daily basis (as I already mentioned in an earlier reply of this thread).

Once again, only novices and newbies have something to prove.


As I said in another reply this is a trap. Satanic Church is already waiting for it. Ill put a couple links in.

Satanism in Schools

Careful what you wish for

This was always a set up. Any fool can see that.

I encourage people to check out those links before celebrating this as some sort of "Win". The Occult is not stupid. By playing this little game they have managed to get a lot of good people to cheer for the promotion of the very thing they claim to be against. Religious Freedom is a double edged sword. Its not just Satanism you have to be are of its also Luciferianism.

13 principles of Luciferianism. This is a quick and easy read. Most people already live by these principles and dont even know it. If you truely want to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ I suggest you take a look because Christianity has been twisted by these serpents since the very beginning.

Even if you are not a follower of Jesus Christ it is good to know as you will be less of a sucker when these "People" try to dupe you both online and in the real world. You want to become WISE AS THE SERPENT but NOT Become a Serpent. Know Thy Enemy.

Luciferians and Satanists are not the same but they do collaborate for the final goal of the Agenda.


Luciferians and Satanists are not the same but they do collaborate for the final goal of the Agenda.

Both are under the same disguise covering both or all corners/audiences.

Overt satanism vs covert luciferianism, get woke movement vs great awakening movement, black hats vs white hats, dark satanic freemasonry vs false light freemasonry, etc. It’s all bullshit.


More silliness from you. Read the statement you actually quoted. All you did was repeat what I just said. Look I can tell you have never read a shred of Doctrine from any of these sects. I suggest you go to that site and start reading. Its very easy and basic. Basically 3rd or 4th grade level but its easy to understand. They cover many religions. Its not going to go deep into theology but it will get you in the ballpark somewhat and lay out some of the major points of their system and ways of thinking. Right now you just sound like a moron or are high/drunk/Both/All of the Above etc.

Im going to put you in time out for a little while until you stop with all this nonsense you are doing that I am well aware of now. I dont need YOU to reply to ME repeating what I already know after explaining it. This is ridiculous.

If I catch you spreading disinformation again I will likely step in so fair warning. These little silly snake games you like to play dont impress me and you are not very good at it enough to keep me interested. As I said before send someone who knows what they are doing and also what they are talking about. I feel like Im talking to a late teenager or 20 something year old.

Im more laid back when talking about films because thats largely based around people preferences. This type of info is fact based and Im much more straight forward and serious so I tend to not screw around or put up with this kind of idiocracy.

Have a nice night and take care.


Another unmedicated or overmedicated poster. Shocker


OK your 3 chances ran out a long time ago. Seek therapy as its pretty evident you are bipolar if not worse. I dont do crazy and childish so you will be placed on ignore. I gave you every chance in the world to straighten up but you obviously want to be ignored as you just continue with the insults even after I politely asked you to stop and leave me alone with your incoherent gibberish and lack of any factual content to back up your silliness. It takes more than just your "Opinion" and hiding your ignorance with passive aggressive insults while repeating what I say as if its your thoughts is not going to work. In short you are just a dumb clown looking for attention by mimicking others. Not interested.. I have my own friends and they are mentally balanced enough to stay on point without being so up/down and emotionally unstable. There are professional therapists out there if you need someone to talk to so I suggest you go that route. You keep stalking me and refuse to take a hint so Im forced to put you on ignore and swat you a fly to get away from you.

Good luck to You. I hope you find some way out of this psychological pit you have put yourself in and learn to be your own person instead of just parroting others like a malfunctioning robot. Its a horrible way for you to go through life.


Wow, so much projecting. No one is forcing you to reply.


Christian Nationalists and followers of Dominionism are not going to allow any other religion to be practiced.


Correct its Luciferian Christianity. You will be beheaded for worshipping a false idol. Jesus Christ under Noahide is a false idol. You will take the pledge to Lucifer or you will choose death. Christianity is not a nationalist "thing". That very term violates the separation of church and state. Why is that separation so critical? Because it allows the Government (who is controlled byour world rulers) to decide WHO is "Christian" and WHO is Not. Again their Christ is Lucifer not Jesus/Yahshua.

It helps to understand Freemasonry which is what the USA basically is. This is Freemason Country. Freemasonry is Luciferian. Our entire system of Government is based around that doctrine although they hide it behind "Christianity". This goes back before George Washington who also knew about the Illuminati if you read the letters. Actually lets talk about Washington.

George Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789. What is April 30th (Walpurgis Night)? Biggest night of the year for the Illuminati April 30/May 1st. Hexennacht and Beltane rituals. I guess people just shrug it off as coincidence.

What is Beltane? It happens every year. Biggest event for the Occult. Here is a snippet.


better than teaching kids that they need to get their wang lopped off.


No one teaches that.

Why for you hate the U.S. Constitution and American values of pluralism and freedom?


LOL.. Theres no doubt what they are teaching in schools is wacked out. They are not teaching children they NEED to get themselves chopped but they ARE teaching them that its OK if they want to. This is that weaponization of Free Will that Luciferians do.

Basically both sides are right to a point and both sides are wrong. Its not black and white like the right always is programmed to believe. Separation of Church and State is critical. #1 is Freedom of Religion and #2 you certainly dont want Government to be the deciders of what is Christian and what is not. Fascism has a nasty habit of tending to hide behind Christianity and Virtue. Again see Argentina's Dirty Wars for an example.

Bottom line is bringing religion into school is just not going to work unless people are willing to go full blown fascism and THAT is craziness whether you are a Christian or Not. Real or Somewhat real Christians found the answer for this a Long time ago. Its called Homeschooling. If parents want to blame someone for having the schools screw up their children then they need to go look in the mirror. Those same parents put them in that situation. This falls under Luciferian Doctrine and the principle of "Personal Responsibility".

Sucks but thats the way it is. Theres no fixing our educational system. Its a den of serpents just like our political system. This agenda will not be stopped. All people can do is separate themselves from it as much as possible. Again.. Homeschooling is seperationatism.


More backpedaling as usual.

You've made it clear in the past that you're a supporter of child grooming, mutilation and castration.
