MovieChat Forums > The Parallax View (1974) Discussion > This Masterpiece always had my Vote for ...

This Masterpiece always had my Vote for greatest political thriller of all time.

Pakula's best film IMO and outdoes All the Presidents Men on every level. Pakula is no joke either. Most people dont know his filmography and this film is VERY OFTEN overlooked. The amount of truth in this film is off the charts and borders somewhat on being dangerous. I think Warren Beatty might steer people away from this film but he is perfectly cast.

What it is is one of if not the greatest political paranoia thrillers ever made. Its about a corporation that recruits and develops assassins for the real puppetmasters that control levels of power far above that of "show" politics.

If you want relevance to today you need look no farther than Academi also known as Constellis. This Occult sect falls under Larry Fink and Blackrock. Bigger than politics and you wont see anyone talk about it in the news obviously. Around 50 elite assassins thats are flown around the globe to do whatever is required. Political hits.. banksters hits etc. The "Parallax" film corporation is more real than people can imagine.

Its a very heady film so dont expect it to be Marvel. Pakula was at the top of his game when making this film as were all involved. Academi and Constellis both have home pages for people interested in learning more. I can only fit so much in this post.


I swear I'm not stalking you, I just love this movie, too, and think it has been overshadowed by Three Days of the Condor (1975) over time, which I also love, of course.

Not only is it an excellent political/conspiracy thriller, it just happens to have some of my favorite bar fight *and* car chase scenes, that are *also* overlooked by bigger films.

And to add to your other mentions, though I've never heard of "Constellis," who may be part of the Davos, Switzerland yearly get-together, people should be more familiar with the M.K. Ultra project, and the WEF's Agenda 2030. These are not theories at all; the latter is on their web site. They are plain as the nose on one's face, but never get any legacy media exposure, which reminds me to mention Project Mockingbird, still going on today. All on the public record.

That said, I like to stick to movies here, as it's a bit OT, and there is a reason I avoid the politics forum. It's just constant ad hominems and BS. This isn't the place for that stuff, for me, anyway.


LOL Stalking. No worries. I dont care. I only get irritated with rude and ignorant people throwing insults because they want to pretend things are not happening or extend there little operations of disinfo on the internet. Yes those people do exist and are everywhere online. Intel agencies government contractors admit it now.

Condor a great film as is Marathon Man. Parallax is much more serious and intense. All 3 are perfect films for what they are but Parallax just takes it to another level. So much psychology and subtleness in it. The entire film is a lesson in keeping audience uneasy and you see everything from Warren Beatty's perspective both curious/confused. Im not even a fan of his really but he is a fine actor in this. Theres not a flaw in this film for what Pakula was getting at. He did his homework as well because fronts like Parallax are real.

I dont really talk politics because it basically fantasy. This stuff goes beyond politics. Its the Hidden hand of puppet masters and front groups that control the world. Our Occult "Masters", Illuminati.. The Brotherhood.. Whatever people chose to call them. I typically refer to them as the Illuminati because thats what they call themselves as a whole. These people and there family lineages go back to ancient times. Ive studied them since I was very young in the early 90s its just always been amazing to me so many adults dont know this stuff. Blackrock is where the Occult hold all their funds. Aladdin beast computer that runs our financial system since 2009 also falls under blackrock. Academi is just relevant to this because its basically Academi in many ways but the Illuminati have all kinds of programs .. Assassin, Breeders, Sex Operatives, Influencers, Journalism, Traffickers, Cutters etc. Academi is that particular sect. Yes MK Ultra is part of this programming. Most of that stems from Mengeles work.

Ill bring up "Brotherhood of the Bell" soon as well. Thats another major one.


Total left-field rec., but one of my other favorite Beatty movies is Heaven Can Wait. Even like it much more that the original Here Comes Mr. Comes Mr.Jordan.

Rothschilds? Gettys? etc...

Huh, saw BotB within the last year or so. Good lesser-known film of its kind.


Yes Heaven Can Wait is a classic film its just not my typical type of movie to watch. Its well done though. Good is Good.

Yes Rothchilds are considered Deities. Top Three Bloodlines are Rothchild, Rockefeller and Van Duyn. Above Rothchild you basically have to go to Lucifer himself. Him actually being in the flesh I am skeptical of course because as of now it cant be confirmed. Defectors from the Occult have reported/leaked that but they also explain it could have been a slick con job because everything within the Occult is a magicians TRICK and they manipulate their own within the hive as much as they manipulate us... or even more. Satan's throne is reported to be beneath the Vatican from a top level programmer turned defector. I do believe that because Ive researched the Vatican for quite a while. Basically everyone within the Occult answers to the Vatican. 2014 the Vatican declared Lucifer as God and there is still footage of it out there but this stuff goes over peoples heads fast or they get scared.

Brotherhood of the Bell is a total classic. Possibly the second best paranoia political thriller of all time. For years it was very difficult to find but people upload it to youtube now. Brotherhood of the Bell was basically my first introduction as a child to all this secret society occult type content. I was just a kid maybe 7-8 that liked Glenn Ford. Its very much a Skull and Bones themed film in many peoples eyes but I would equate it more to Rice University which is a pretty big Occult recruiting ground. Steve Jackson came out of Rice. If you go through their catalogue of curriculum it becomes apparent pretty quickly what Rice University is. History of Freemasonry and symbolism all over the campus is also right in peoples faces. The film is fantastic though and outside on Manchurian Candidate one of the earliest films that exposes occult/illuminati fronts or operations. The timing of release is interesting because around 1970 the highest level to ever defect from the Occult was running around the country trying to warn people exactly what the Illuminati were planning. That information is still oppressed and he is slandered still today 50 years later. Probably the most important figure in the last 200 years and the bulk of the populace has never heard of him. He was top of the Collins bloodline which is more powerful than Rothchild in some ways back then.

BOTB is one of the all time classics though for sure.. a made for TV movie at that!


Yeah, romantic comedies are not my first choice either, but the things we do for love... There are several others I really enjoyed, as well, "but that's not important right now."

While I have had periods of my life where I was a deist and hope to get there again, if not find a religion that fits, or vice-versa. As while there are several layers of conflicts brewing, mostly the fault of the Frankfurt School/Bernays-taught legacy media (though propaganda has been used for thousands of years, they basically perfected it), but then they have their masters (three-letter agencies) who have their masters, and so on. While I can't say for certain this is a spiritual war at heart, at least Yuri Bezmenov said one of our best defenses is to rediscover our connections through church/religion, rather than whatever version of quasi-religious Bolshevik-ism that has taken root in our major institutions over the last century+.

Anyway, have loved The Manchurian Candidate forever. What a stinker of a remake, though I usually love Denzel Washington. And while you may have seen it, another TV movie, A Cold Night's Death (1973), would likely appeal to fans of Carpenter's The Thing.
