pastover's Replies

as long as the piggies continue paying to eat at the trough, i'd suggest they do! ..exactly why they have trigger warnings for the Fallout vault dwellers: <blockquote>strong sci-fi violence, action, bloody images and strong language</blockquote> luckily curse-friendly JLO is catholic -the better, more modern christian- because the necessary goddamns add to the plot or rather perhaps... maybe the Garfield boss phenomenon reached its twilight? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ incorrect. the entire box office for the year has been down. streaming is up. like others this will thrive on streaming. and yet even with down theater numbers all around, this one is still on par with previous titles of the genre: female led action. you need to be able to see larger picture beyond your 3 button calculator to understand it. that's why the studios get paid to make things happen, while your kind just get not-paid to keyboard cry about it on the internet the "disney is going to be brankrupt any minute, trust me" and "go woke go broke if i screech it loud enough" hasn't come to fruition and it's becoming clearer that it never will. there is only hopium left furiosa isn't blood in the water that's just your own female-presenting menstrual fluid distances aren't the point. in the movie you see ships disappearing into and appearing from nothing. the purported technology doesn't at all appear to be related to direct linear spatial travel..distance is irrelevant. incidentally about star systems: i personally currently believe humanity will become extinct before ever successfully discovering a way to leave the solar system or AI -with max time to extinction a few billions years: death by dying sun. but only guess..not certain belief #9 is a religious belief masquerading as a scientific one. what makes it funny is it's stated seemingly as fact. that you now acknowledge it's neither provable nor unprovable is good, but yet again you are religiously presumptuous about both AI and consciousness. neither of those have ever yet been remotely even partially discovered -much less understood- by mankind. there's no reason to be "sure" about either, without wanting to have blind religious faith in such certainty. how about instead: come back in 100 million years, and if there is any truly meaningful advancement in discoveries for either, then the future humans can possibly <i>start</i> to have that debate -assuming theyre still around if observable atomic matter is the only thing that a sentient human consists of throughout its lifetime, one can reason that hypothetically fully atomically reconstructing a AI artificially at some stage of human/life development would likewise create the same observable consciousness from "nothing", as if no different from a human woman birthing an infant child that then grew into observable consciousness "from nothing". as impossible as that process could even seem today..ok..check back in 100million years. if you want to hypothesize something "special" about "natural" consciousness -such as a yet observable consciousness/soul fundamental property of the universe- well come back in 100million years when its 'found'. till then: certainty of unknown = religion Atlas: 8/10 JLO booty ๐Ÿ‘ this was also done with "latino": you know that before Blue Beetle was the first latino superhero movie of all time, there was El Chicano (2018) that was the first latino superhero movie of all time? you know this because the press at the time wrote the same "first" stories for El Chicano when it was released that they wrote later for Blue Beetle as <i>it</i> was released. doing a quick search i see that you can find the articles even sometimes by the same website (i found an example from Collider by two different authors making the same "first" claim for each -excluding the many times they were careful to qualify it as "first DC" or first "major" studio) i'm not entirely sure but fairly sure i even remember at the time george lopez giving interviews for el chicano (because he was in that movie too and i watched the movie at the time) saying "first latino superhero", only to turn around years later and say the same thing about blue beetle it's a current meaningless trend to claim first this first that on all this..not to be taken seriously.. not as unfair as Eden Lake ๐Ÿ˜ but yeah definitely needs sequels ๐Ÿ‘ i laughed so hard at your #9 you just inadvertently lost so much credibility there.. ๐Ÿ˜ anyway 1, 2. the movie is not a documentary sent back to us from the future. try not to be so confused. also most is at 2071 not 2043 3. only <i>you</i> claim those are moving stars. research: optical illusion caused by relativistic aberration phenomenon, then solve this 'atlas' starlight problem mathematically, then come back and present your findings. the rest of us will check it for errors. if you pass, we'll continue to the next stage 4, 11. if you say so.. ๐Ÿ˜‘ 5, 6, 7, 8, 12. opinions, at least.. easy way to ensure you can't be proven wrong, i guess ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ 9. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ believe whatever you like 10. next you'll admit to be confused by fundamental similarities between modern footwear and footwear built at least 10,000 years ago well if you could only come up with 12 very short so called problems... it's kind of disappointing. i'd at least expect a couple dozen pages of this stuff ๐Ÿค“ maybe sci fi is not your specialty <i>two</i> movies and your insecure fragile belief system is <i>already</i> threatened? bruh..... nope i just play games and have done game development before as a hobby i can appreciate the unique connection with this movie (hardcore henry is still my top gamey movie but atlas had some really great elements) i'm just one of the netflix 28.2 million+ rando viewers that pushed it to #1 worldwide and top 10 in 93 countries in its debut week that's all ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ interesting.. i've never played warhammer other games people have been mentioning: mech commander mechwarrior armored core lost planet detroit become human i'm gonna check these out some time also a movie-fied game element i originally overlooked: make-shift mech weapons upgrades! and a QTE for the scene where atlas shoots the turret to domino-effect destroy the entire enemy army ๐Ÿ‘ just finished it.. yep no kidding the road trip is so painfully boring. like what are you supposed to do with this.. sitting through this in a theater?? when the action finally starts it's actually interesting.. the only time it gets interesting.. doesn't make up for sitting through over an hour of nothing. at least it offers an interesting action ending. i liked that. but geeze.. if it wasnt a hyped civil war movie i wouldnt have forced myself to finish it up to that point. at 30 minutes i wanted out it reminds me of Bushwick (2018) civil war movie that was so so much better judging by commentary about the trailer, this is precisely why i stopped watching most trailers ๐Ÿ™ƒ bruh have some self awareness that twitter user needs some pronouns i can't tell if it's a she/he/it/they.. some disgusting old fuck the more you look into these people the more you understand why they they have so much to cry about in life ๐Ÿคฎ or you could ask your wife's boyfriend to let you speak to her nah i want ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ ๐Ÿ‘ the jew comments probably did him in same way i feel about Snow Babes (2023) and cover artist needs to be in jail worst fucking catfish ever Debut week Global Rank: #2 - 10.8 million views (20.8 million hours viewed) Only available only these regions, and rankings: US - #1 Pakistan - #2 India - #3 Bangladesh - #3 without the boobs requirement i could think of dozens who'd be great actually including for laura cruz but the time for the most 'lore accurate' laura croft may have come and gone ๐Ÿ˜‡ just saw it looks really fucking cool cry more ๐Ÿ˜‚ the netflix subscription has been paying for itself in spades ๐Ÿฅณ good review๐Ÿ‘ you were able to stomach more of it than i could!