Civil Bore

Why did the trailers make this out to be a visceral action packed war film when in in reality it’s a road trip movie with maybe 20 minutes total action.

Unfortunate as I was really excited about it.


just finished it.. yep no kidding

the road trip is so painfully boring. like what are you supposed to do with this.. sitting through this in a theater??

when the action finally starts it's actually interesting.. the only time it gets interesting.. doesn't make up for sitting through over an hour of nothing. at least it offers an interesting action ending. i liked that. but geeze.. if it wasnt a hyped civil war movie i wouldnt have forced myself to finish it up to that point. at 30 minutes i wanted out

it reminds me of Bushwick (2018) civil war movie that was so so much better

judging by commentary about the trailer, this is precisely why i stopped watching most trailers 🙃


I agree. Was more interested in why this all happens. How it happened. All we got was a Vietnam type camera crew going around shooting the hells of war. This could of taken place in any war ever.
